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Decreasing Behavior. Extinction. Extinction. occurs when you withhold or remove the reinforcer maintaining a behavior is a procedure that gradually reduces the frequency and/or intensity of a target behavior by withholding reinforcement from previously reinforced behavior
Extinction • occurs when you withhold or remove the reinforcer maintaining a behavior • is a procedure that gradually reduces the frequency and/or intensity of a target behavior by withholding reinforcement from previously reinforced behavior • extinction can be used to eliminate the connection between the behavior and the positive consequences that follow it
Extinction (cont) • Extinction REQUIRES complete control of the reinforcer • consistency is the most important factor related to the efficacy of extinction • in most cases, extinction is only effective in reducing behaviors that are motivated by attention from the teacher/parent/caregiver • Other factors affecting resistance to extinction • the schedule of reinforcement that previously maintained the behavior • the amount of strength of the previous reinforcer • the length of time of the previous behavior-reinforcer association • the frequency of use of extinction with the student: more the better
Extinction (cont) • Advantages • may be effective without the use of physical or verbal consequences • no use of aversive consequences/punishment • effects tend to be long lasting • when combined with DRI or DRA very effective • Disadvantages • temporary increase in behavior expected at start • child frustration • difficult to chose appropriate behavior to use extinction with • must have consistency between and among caregivers and peers (environment)
Time-Out • the removal of a child from an apparently reinforcing setting to a presumable nonreinforcing setting for a specified and limited period of time • Types of time-out: • nonexclusion • time-out ribbon • planned ignoring • removal of specific reinforcers • observational • exclusion • seclusion • isolation
Isolation Time-Out: Guidelines • Duration of time-out • 2-minutes • 4-5 maximum • never more than 10 • Caregiver must be able to clearly observe child • Child should not be able to see caregiver • Expectations for child's behavior should be clear • Set timer for amount of time child is to spend in time-outSetting should not be reinforcing - remember the purpose of time-out is to remove the child from reinforcement • Validate the reinforcement value of the "normal" environment
Time-Out Log Type of TO: obs = observational ign = ignore sec = seclusion iso = isolation Child _________________________________________ Supervisor ____________________________________ Date _____________ Time Type Behavior before Behavior during Behavior after Enters Leaves time-out time-out time-out Tommy Jones Ms. Smith Friday, 3-30-02 10:05 10:10 ign Verbal interruptions Quite, watched class Waited for turn
Advantages of Time Out • Easy to integrate with positive reinforcement program to increase appropriate behavior • Effects of T.O. process usually rapid • Nonexclusion T.O. may be employed without removing the child • T.O. viable alternative to more intrusive behavior reduction strategies
Potential Disadvantages of T.O. • T.O. may be abused - duration & frequency • Caregivers may use it as a "break" • Frequent T.O. removes the child from the educational environment • Child may exhibit other inappropriate behaviors when caregivers remove positive reinforcement
Punishment • the addition of an aversive stimulus as a consequence of a behavior - may be physical or psychological • the subtraction of something the child perceives as desirable - response cost • punishment by deprivation or response-cost is generally considered less harmful to the child and more effective intervention than the addition of physical or psychological aversive stimuli • the short-term effectiveness of punishment for decreasing behaviors is not disputed - punishment is effective for obtaining short-term goals
Punishment • Reasons for avoiding the use of punishment: • It does not eliminate but merely suppresses the behavior • It does not provide a model for the desired acceptable behavior • Aggression on the part of the practitioner presents an undesirable model • The emotional results of punishment may be fear, tension, stress, or withdrawal • The child's resulting frustration may result in further deviation • Punishment is associated with the punisher rather than with the unacceptable behavior
Punishment • Commonly used punishments • denying participation in scheduled activities • denying snacks • physical punishment • verbal punishment • having the child stand apart from the others • having the child wear a sign • If punishment is to be used: guidelines to use • specify and communicate the punishable behavior to the child by means of classroom rules for behavior • post the rules where the children can see them; review them frequently • provide models of acceptable behavior • apply the punishment consistently, not whimsically • be fair in using the punishment • impose the punishment impersonally - do not punish when you are angry or otherwise out of self-control
Punishment • Loss of Privileges - response cost • Guidelines • Be sure the child understands the relationship between the target behavior and the privilege to be lost • Be sure the child knows the punishable behavior and the consequence of exhibiting it • When possible use natural or logical consequences • Apply the loss of privilege interventions fairly • Avoid warning, nagging, or threatening • Do not debate the punishable behaviors, the rules, or the punishment once these have been established • Do not become emotionally involved, Don't feel guilty when the child loses a privilege • Be consistent • Reinforce appropriate behavior; do not emphasize inappropriate behaviors only
Punishment • Reprimands - to be scolded, "yelled at", "bawled out", or otherwise verbally chastised for exhibiting an inappropriate target behavior • Guidelines • Be specific. Tell the child exactly what inappropriate behavior is being reprimanded • Reprimand the behavior, do not denigrate the child • Reprimand immediately • Be firm in voice and physical demeanor • If either the child or others may be harmed by the behavior, remove the child • Encourage the child to behave appropriately and include a statement of the appropriate behavior in the reprimand • Be calm • When it is over, it is over. • Always observe the child's reaction to the reprimand to determine if it is aversive.
Restitution & Restitutional Overcorrection • Restitution • a procedure that requires and individual to return the environment to its state prior to a behavior that changed the environment • Restitutional Overcorrection • the child is not only required to perform restitution but to "restore the situation to a state vastly improved from that which existed before the disruption."
If the Child: Restitution Restitution + Overcorrection • damages car pay for repair pay for new car • throws things pick up items thrown pick up all items on floor • makes a mess during clean play area clean entire room • play or other activity • drops food on floor sweep up food sweep entire floor • writes on wall wash the writing wash entire wall • damages school repair property to repair property damaged • property condition prior to and perform additional • behavior service to school • property
Satiation • the tendency for an act or stimulus to become less attractive to the subject upon repetition • the decreasing or elimination of an inappropriate behavior as a result of continued and increased • presentation of the SD • reinforcement of the behavior • Must be implemented with a continuous or fixed reinforcement schedule • very helpful tool for decreasing behaviors that "appear" to be appropriate • pencil sharpening • putting paper in the waste basket • getting drinks of water • etc.