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RESOURCES FOR DISPLACED WORKERS. Opportunities for federal, state and local assistance. Unemployment Insurance: Where do I go once my benefits end?. Unemployment insurance provides temporary income support to eligible workers who become unemployed through no fault of their own.

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  1. RESOURCES FOR DISPLACED WORKERS Opportunities for federal, state and local assistance.

  2. Unemployment Insurance:Where do I go once my benefits end? • Unemployment insurance provides temporary income support to eligible workers who become unemployed through no fault of their own. • Eventually, unemployment benefits expire. • Opportunities for federal, state and local assistance are included. • Phone numbers and web resources and can be printed for easy future reference.

  3. One-Stop Assistance Centers GovBenefits Partnership • www.GovBenefits.gov (1-800-333-4636) Michigan Helping Hand • www.michigan.gov/helpinghand Michigan Dept. of Human Services • www.michigan.gov/dhs Dial 2-1-1 (United Way) • Toll-free and available in most counties.

  4. GovBenefits Partnership www.GovBenefits.gov (1-800-333-4636) • GovBenefits.gov is a partnership of Federal agencies that helps individuals determine their eligibility for government benefits and assistance. • Confidential questionnaire to determine which agencies may assist you.

  5. Michigan Helping Hand www.michigan.gov/helpinghand • Provides links to information about jobs and training, unemployment benefits, health care, family support and housing.

  6. Michigan Department of Human Services www.michigan.gov/dhs • The Michigan Department of Human Services offers cash assistance, food assistance, child support and care, as well as medical and emergency service to those who qualify.

  7. United Way DIAL 2-1-1 • 2-1-1 is a United Way sponsored telephone service • More than 80% of Michigan’s population and 80% of the nation’s total population currently has 2-1-1 service • Available by regular telephone, cell phone, or VoIP

  8. United Way (con’t) MICHIGAN 2-1-1 COVERAGE • Current 2-1-1 coverage is in blue. • Red and green counties are in process. • Gray counties have formed workgroups to establish 2-1-1.

  9. United Way (con’t) • 2-1-1 Call Centers are required to become nationally accredited; staff is extensively trained and nationally certified. • The FCC approved 2-1-1 for health and human service information & referral; 2-1-1 is legislated in the Michigan Telecommunications Act. • Calls are free, answered 24/7/365 by professional Information and Referral specialists, translation service is available for non-English speaking callers. • The 2-1-1 database is comprehensive and up-to-date; for example, current Michigan 2-1-1 data bases maintain information on over 5,000 agencies with more than 20,000 public, non-profit and faith based health and human service programs

  10. United Way (con’t) 2-1-1 is available 24/7 and provides confidential assistance locating resources related to: • Employment/job training • Housing • Food pantries • Rent • Utility Assistance • Healthcare options • Tax preparation • Foreclosure prevention • Childcare

  11. Utility Assistance Each of the following programs offers assistance to qualifying households. In each case, your household income must fall within the program’s designated limits. Michigan Energy Assistance Directory Developed by the Coalition to Keep Michigan Warm, the directory provides information on public and private programs that offer energy assistance. http://www.dleg.state.mi.us/mpsc/winterwise/energy_assistance.htm Lifeline(Telephone) Call your local landline provider for information. http://www.michigan.gov/documents/lifelinelinkup_152143_7.pdf Michigan Home Housing Credit(Heating) 1-800-827-4000 www.michigan.gov/heatingassistance/0,1607,7-215-33210---,00.html

  12. Housing Assistance • The Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program is administered through the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA). • MSHDA provides housing assistance, an interest-bearing escrow account, and the general coordination of the FSS program. The FSS Program provides for coordination of local, community-based resources that promote economic independence. Please contact a MSHDA FSS Specialist for more information: • Office of Housing Voucher Programs - 517.373.9344

  13. Other ResourcesOffices of elected officials: • State Representative • http://house.michigan.gov/find_a_rep.asp • State Senate • http://senate.michigan.gov/FindYourSenator/michiganfys.asp • U.S. House • http://www.house.gov/ • U.S. Senate • Sen. Debbie Stabenow • http://stabenow.senate.gov/contact.html • Sen. Carl Levin • http://levin.senate.gov/contact/offices.html

  14. Other Resources (con’t) Displaced Workers Guidebook • Compiled by Congressman John Dingell. • Link to guidebook is located in this presentation’s resource documents.

  15. Presentation Resources • Links to Websites • Displaced Workers Guidebook

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