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B and onia prodution in ATLAS. Else Lytken (CERN) On behalf of the ATLAS collaboration HERA-LHC workshop May 2008. B and onia production in ATLAS. _. Take advantage of copious bb production at 14 TeV: (bb) ~500 b. ¯. Measure cross sections at new energy
B and onia prodution in ATLAS Else Lytken (CERN) On behalf of the ATLAS collaboration HERA-LHC workshop May 2008
B and onia production in ATLAS _ Take advantage of copious bb production at 14 TeV: (bb) ~500 b ¯ • Measure cross sections at new energy • , d/dpT, d/d(), d/d • B physics a window for new discoveries • Observe rare decays, measure CP violation parameters • Detailed understanding of the bb spectrum as background to other processes. • Commissioning/early physics: calibration, alignment, trigger efficiencies etc. ¯ Overlap E. Lytken (ATLAS Collaboration) HERA-LHC workshop May 2008
Early physics with b’s and onia • Focus of this talk is on the measurements during commissioning phase/early physics: Linst = 1031 – 1032 cm-2s-1 Production of B’s and the quarkonia narrow resonances gives us a handle for first performance measurements complementary to and extending other SM “standard candles” such as W’s and Z’s. • For instance crucial for Higgs and SUSY searches to understand our performance with lower pT leptons • Lower luminosities means lower pT trigger thresholds possible, both for electrons and muons • Given the high rates our trigger menus have the flexibility to account for different luminosity scenarios E. Lytken (ATLAS Collaboration) HERA-LHC workshop May 2008
~1-2 kHz ~200 Hz Initial triggers: relevant examples For initial low luminosities can trigger on both low pT electrons and muons. Expected L1 rates and prescale factors: 2.5 s L=1031 L=1032 40 ms 4 s L2: confirm L1 signal + additional search in regions of interest EF: offline algorithms for final selection E. Lytken (ATLAS Collaboration) HERA-LHC workshop May 2008
Inclusive b production cross section: +b-jet btrig=13.5% brec= 85% fb found from fitting transverse relative pT to templates: ATLAS With 15 pb-1 such a fit gives us: fbackgr= 77 ±4 % (c; ,K ) fb = 23 ± 2 % (b ; bc ) Transverse relative pT (GeV) E. Lytken (ATLAS Collaboration) HERA-LHC workshop May 2008
Inclusive cross section: dimuons _ To distinguish bb J/ X (indirect J/) from ppJ/ (prompt J/’s, ~ 2 ) Useful variable: the (pseudo-) proper time: Lxy = transverse decay length E. Lytken (ATLAS Collaboration) HERA-LHC workshop May 2008
B measurements using excl. channels • Due to high cross sections and dedicated triggers we can reconstruct exclusive channels in early data • Reconstruction of the mass and lifetime of the B± meson from B± J/ K± decay very useful for calibration and alignment performance. • Requirements: • - dimuon trigger • displaced vertex (100 μm) • add. track with pT1.5 GeV • track and μμ fit to same vertex • m(μμ,track) within 120 MeV of B+ mass. ATLAS Results with 10 pb-1: (mB+) = 42.2 ± 1.3 MeV (total) = 29.8 ± 0.84 % E. Lytken (ATLAS Collaboration) HERA-LHC workshop May 2008
B cross section with excl. channels Measurement of dB/pT using B+J/ K+ after 10 pb-1: (GeV) Acceptance + stat. (%) Total uncertainty (%) Available statisitics with 100 pb-1: E. Lytken (ATLAS Collaboration) HERA-LHC workshop May 2008
NRQCD Quarkonia J/ • Among first measurements + theoretical interest: What is the production mechanism? • The Color Octet Mechanism agrees well with measured shape from Tevatron Polarization measurements: CDF sees no sign of pol. for J/, and DØ (1S) measurements not consistent with predictions. More data with high-pT needed! Tevatron data Color octet Color singlet (1s) kT factorization model E. Lytken (ATLAS Collaboration) HERA-LHC workshop May 2008
Min bias ppJ/(ee) pp(ee)(1S) ppDrell-Yan(ee) Quarkonia in ATLAS: J/ e+e- Initial data: take advantage of electron trigger paths as well Current studies using 2EM3 Single-e triggers under investigation Later data (“low luminosity”, L=1033cm-2s-1) has to rely on single-μ b trigger also for J/(ee)X, (ee)X @ L1 trigger 1031 cm-2s-1 L1 (trig) ~ 27% L2, EF under optimization E. Lytken (ATLAS Collaboration) HERA-LHC workshop May 2008
J/ e+e- N = # good pion tracks Ne = same + misid. as e’s R = N / Ne Two electron id methods explored: • Low pT version of standard ATLAS isolated electron cut based on shower shapes, associated to high quality tracks with E/p >0.7, conversion veto, and transition radiation hits • Less efficient for electrons from b’s 2nd method (pT 2 GeV/c) extrapolates in narrow window to calorimeter and uses likelihood ratio (similar variables) “b-electrons” After offline selection 100 pb-1: ~230k J/’s and ~43k ’s Expect to measure m(J/) to ~0.6% d/dm (nb/0.5GeV) L1 + offline selection E. Lytken (ATLAS Collaboration) HERA-LHC workshop May 2008 Mee (GeV)
J/ μ+μ- L1 combined L2 combined • Current studies use a combination dimuon trigger, (trig) = 87% L1, 97% L2, with analysis cuts of 6 and 4 GeV • Rate 1 Hz expected at EF for all quarkonium μμ (incl ’, (2,3S) ) 10 J/ J/ E. Lytken (ATLAS Collaboration) HERA-LHC workshop May 2008
Dimuons: Results Require: muons from same vertex and proper time < 0.2 ps With pT1 6 GeV, pT2 4 GeV: 15k J/’s per 1 pb-1 2.5k ’s (1S) 1-2 days with L = 1031cm-2s-1 Bkg w/o vertex cuts With 10 pb-1: S/B = 60 for J/ and 10 for d/dpT ~ 1 % for J/ , ~5 % for 10 pb-1: also measurement of c J/() ~ 1 fb-1: b () E. Lytken (ATLAS Collaboration) HERA-LHC workshop May 2008
P(-) P(J/) * P(+) Polarization Measure high-pT polarization to distinguish production models 10+t ATLAS 64 Dimuon triggers: little or no information for high cos* Single-: combined with 0.5 GeV track gives access to these values (~ pT range but larger pT(+,-) ) Single-u trigger => larger background Still: S/B = 1.2 (J/) and 0.05 (Upsilon) x103 Long. pol. ( = -1) Combine and fit to measured distribution in slices of pT Shown: 12 pT 13 GeV Trvs. pol. ( = +1) E. Lytken (ATLAS Collaboration) HERA-LHC workshop May 2008
* = ATLAS ~10 pb-1 * = ATLAS ~10 pb-1 J/ 0.8 fb-1 * * * * * * * * NRQCD * * Polarization results Already with 10 pb-1: measure J/ pol. to same precision as TeV with 1.3 fb-1 - but with interesting high pT data! Same precision for polarization studies can be reached after ~100 pb-1 Crude superimpose of ATLAS stat uncertainties with 10 pb-1 assuming =0 : E. Lytken (ATLAS Collaboration) HERA-LHC workshop May 2008
Quarkonia as a monitoring tool Perfect alignment • Offline and online monitoring with J/’s and ’s important to have a low pT data point in addition to Z’s • Given the large statistics expected should be able to use this already in the beginning • Check mass shift as a function of • pT: momentum scale, energy loss • curvature diff: detector misalignments • and : magnetic field, material effects 6 pb-1 1 week w. L=1031 Example of identifying a problem E. Lytken (ATLAS Collaboration) HERA-LHC workshop May 2008
Summary and outlook • ATLAS well prepared for B and quarkonia cross section measurements in initial low luminosity period • Early data studies will also help us during commissioning • For cross section measurements already enough statistics with the early data! (10 pb-1 or less) • Key measurements based on muon triggers but in initial period will also have electron channels for comparison • Stay tuned for the next chapter in J/ and Upsilon high-pT polarization measurements! E. Lytken (ATLAS Collaboration) HERA-LHC workshop May 2008
Single-muon trigger: S/B Most relevant for J/ studies … E. Lytken (ATLAS Collaboration) HERA-LHC workshop May 2008
Polarization measurement E. Lytken (ATLAS Collaboration) HERA-LHC workshop May 2008
More on polarization Resolution of reconstructed cos* is ~0.0015 J/ Combined measurement Unpolarized 17<pT <21 GeV E. Lytken (ATLAS Collaboration) HERA-LHC workshop May 2008
Acceptance pT cuts (trigger and offline) means pT(J/) 10 GeV, whereas non-zero A for Upsilons also at ~0 RoI’s based on trigger towers of x ~ 0.1 x 0.1 R separation between leptons also affects sensitivity to material effects J/ Upsilon (6,4)-cuts E. Lytken (ATLAS Collaboration) HERA-LHC workshop May 2008
Electron efficiencies “standard cuts” “b electrons” Efficiency of single electrons based on MC truth (EM3:e5;e5) E. Lytken (ATLAS Collaboration) HERA-LHC workshop May 2008
Inclusive b production After fit E. Lytken (ATLAS Collaboration) HERA-LHC workshop May 2008
The 3 production mechanisms LO: Flavour creation NLO: Gluon splitting NLO: Flavour excitation, sensitive to PDF’s E. Lytken (ATLAS Collaboration) HERA-LHC workshop May 2008