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Middleware R&D in 863 High-Tech Program

Middleware R&D in 863 High-Tech Program. Prof. Hong Mei Jun 2005. Outline. Overview Orientware Research in PKU. 863 - middleware -- history. The 9th 5-year plan 1996-2000 Funded some distributed computing projects Message middleware and CORBA middleware

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Middleware R&D in 863 High-Tech Program

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  1. Middleware R&D in 863 High-Tech Program Prof. Hong Mei Jun 2005

  2. Outline • Overview • Orientware • Research in PKU

  3. 863 - middleware -- history • The 9th 5-year plan 1996-2000 • Funded some distributed computing projects • Message middleware and CORBA middleware • The 10th 5-year plan 2001-2005 • Make middleware an independent subject area in information technology field • More than 230 million RMB investment • Six key projects and dozens of application projects • Visit at http://www.863.org.cn

  4. 863 - middleware -- mission • Promote core software technology with intellectual property rights • Develop competent products meeting China market requirements • Make China’s software industry strong

  5. Emphasize runtime platform and development toolkits Web service CORBA EJB Other components Service & management toolkits Service schedule • Promote software reuse • Support component-based software development OS Basic service DB 863 - Middleware -- technology overview Quality Assurance and Management Development platform Toolkits for deploy Requirement. Specification Toolkits for Developing Component resource Middleware platform Host platform

  6. Academies Domain Users Middleware Vendors 863 - middleware -- Strategy Research Academic institutes researching on advanced technology Domain users providing specific applications built-upon middleware platforms Transfer Development Middleware vendors developing various middleware products Requirement Application Platform

  7. 863 - middleware state-of-the-practice • Research – Academies • BeiHang University • Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Science • National University of Defense Technology • Nanjing University • Peking University • … • Major research products and systems • WebService related: XLinker/WSWF/UDDI/… • Message/Tx/J2EE related: ONCE • CORBA related: StarBus/StarCCM/StarWebService/… • J2EE related: PKUAS • ……

  8. 863 - middleware state-of-the-practice (cont.) • Development - Middleware Vendors • NeuSoft • CVIC SE • Intervision • TongTech • ... • Major vendor products • NeuSoft – NeuSoftWeb/ NeuSoftmwail… • CVIC SE - InforBus/InforWeb/InforEAI/… • Intervision - InterBus/Interpipe/... • TongTech – TongLink/TongWeb… • …

  9. 863 - middleware state-of-the-practice (cont.) • Applications – Domain Users • Finance • Transportation • Telecom • E-Government • E-Business • …

  10. Outline • Overview • Orientware • Research in PKU

  11. PKUAS J2EE Application Server ONCE Message Middleware/Portal Server StarBUS/StarCCM CORBA Middleware/App Server Orientware WebSASE Web Service Application Support Env. Orientware What we have: Various featured products What we want: Integrating them

  12. Orientware overview • Orientware consists of: • Application Servers – CORBA & Java • Portal Server • Transaction monitor • Web Services Server & Registry • Workflow engine

  13. Orientware architecture System integration View Portal Service-oriented Integration Platform Visual Monitoring & Management Tool UDDI Registry Web Services Workflow Engine Web Services Container CCM EJB TX User Application View Management View Common Services IIOP / RMI / SOAP Component Development Tools Application Server Development and Deployment View

  14. Technical Features • Open architecture • Ready for integrating new product and technology • Wide interoperability • Supporting mainstream protocols such as HTTP, IIOP, RMI, SOAP, … • Component-based software development • Conforming to CORBA Component Model and EJB Component Model • Service oriented integration • Based on de-facto standards such as SOAP, UDDI, Workflow, etc • Built-in management infrastructure

  15. Main contributors (up to now) • National University of Defense Technology • StarBUS/StarCCM  OrientwareCCM • Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Science • ONCE  OrientwarePortal, OrientwareTx • Beihang University • WebSASE  OrientwareXLinker, OrientwareUDDI, OrientwareWSWF • Peking University • PKUAS  OrientwareAS

  16. National University of Defense Technology • OrientwareCCM : CORBA Component Application Server, key features: • Plenty development tools • Compilers such as IDL, IDL3, CIDL and PSDL • Visual Tools for assembly and deploy • Common services • More than 10 services, eg. NS/OTS/PSS/… • Clustering facility • Dynamic deployment • Component upgrading without shutdown down

  17. Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Science • OrientwarePortal : Portal Server, key features: • Personalized service • Adaptable delivery • Multiple content sources such as Internet, XML document and Database • Flexible page layout with GUI editor • 3 layout style • OrientwareTx: Transaction monitor • Based on X/Open DTP model • High-performance

  18. BeiHang University • OrientwareXLinker : Lightweight SOAP engine • Support multiple Web Containers and service implementations • OrientwareWSWF: Workflow engine • Support BPEL • Visual modeling tools and management tools • OrientwareUDDI: High performance UDDI Server

  19. Peking University • OrientwareAS : J2EE Application Server, key features: • Open interoperable framework • JRMP/IIOP/SOAP protocols • Online evolution mechanism • Add, delete or modify the operating components • Clustering facility • Better performance

  20. Orientware Applications • Typical applications • Credit Management System of the Bank of Communications, Shanghai, China. • GSM Integrated Networking management system of UNICOM • Core Business Applications platform for Insurance • Container Ticket Processing System of the China Railway Corporation • Traffic Management System • E-government Information Exchange Platform of Heilongjiang province • …

  21. Outline • Overview • Orientware • Research in PKU

  22. Ongoing research • Towards middleware usability and manageability • Customizable middleware • Reflective middleware • Self-adaptive middleware • Software engineering support for Middleware-based development • Methodology • Toolkits

  23. Customizable and extensible middleware • Microkernel-based, componentized middleware architecture supporting • Services plug-and-play • User-defined domain specific services • Aspect-oriented customization and extension mechanism: • Aspect modeling, programming, weaving, debugging

  24. From Customization to Reflection Runtime Changes Application Software Application Software Middleware Reflective Network System Software System Software Hardware Hardware • Reflective Middleware helps TOWARDS adaptation • Open up the internal implementation • Look middleware as “Grey-box” • Provide reflection and adaptation mechanism

  25. AppSA Specific Meta Entities PlaSA Specific Meta Entities Base Entities Software Architecture is implemented as runtime entity (RSA) in middleware. Architecture based Reflective Middleware By manipulating upon RSA through reflective APIs of middleware, programmer can dynamically change the application behaviours. Reflective Programs Reflective APIs Correctness and Security of Reflection Causal Connection Causal Connection Reflective Middleware Based System

  26. From Reflective To Self-Adaptive • Self-adaptive middleware directed • Self-configuration • Self-optimization • Self-healing • self-protection Maintenance by Human Maintenance without Human Black Box App App Grey Box Middleware Self-Adaptive Reflective Net Sys Sys Black Box HW HW

  27. Self-adaptation examples • Automatic finding and adjusting the best performance parameters • Speedup the process of performance tuning • Auto recovery of correlated faults • Quickly locate root fault and recover from temporary failures • Automatic distributing workload • Help load balancing and fault tolerance

  28. Software engineering support Architecture-based Component Composition tool Feature Modeling Tool Deployment Tool Management and Monitoring Tool

  29. Thank you!

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