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Order Dermaptera

Order Dermaptera. Dermaptera (head). prognathous eyes usu. well developed ocelli absent antennae filiform. Dermaptera (thorax). wings present or absent tegmen, -ina tarsi 3-segmented. tegmen. median suture. hind wing. Dermaptera (thorax). Dermaptera (abdomen).

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Order Dermaptera

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Order Dermaptera

  2. Dermaptera (head) • prognathous • eyes usu. well developed • ocelli absent • antennae filiform

  3. Dermaptera (thorax) • wings present or absent • tegmen, -ina • tarsi 3-segmented tegmen median suture hind wing

  4. Dermaptera (thorax)

  5. Dermaptera (abdomen) • 8-, 10-segmented • 1-segmented, forceps-like, cerci gland openings females males

  6. Dermaptera (biology/ecology)

  7. Dermaptera (biology/ecology)

  8. Dermaptera (biology/ecology)

  9. Dermaptera (fauna) • World Fauna • 10 families • 1800 species • North American Fauna • 6 families • Anisolabididae (lab) • Labiduridae (lab) • Forficulidae (lab) • ca. 22 species (12 of these introduced!)

  10. Dermaptera : 2 odd suborders … Arixenina Arixenia Diploglossata Hemimerina

  11. Dermaptera : Forficulidae female male

  12. Dermaptera : Anisolabididae

  13. Dermaptera : Labiduridae

  14. Order Dermaptera FINIS

  15. Order Dermaptera derm0005 wings & leg Essig 1942:140 (5)

  16. Order Dermaptera derm0003 Forficula auricularia derm0004 sexual dimorphism in cercal forceps (top row) females, (bottom row) males (A) Forficula aricularia, (B) Labia minor, (C) Doru lineare Borror et al. 1989:243 (4); Essig 1942:134 (3)

  17. wings absent Dermaptera

  18. wings absent Dermaptera (abdomen)

  19. wings absent Dermaptera

  20. Dermaptera (biology/ecology)

  21. Order ooooo

  22. Order ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo

  23. Text Slide Blank • oooo–oooo • oooo–oooo • oooo–oooo • oooo (oooo) –oooo • oooo–oooo • oooo–oooo • oooo–oooo

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