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The origins of political parties in the US. The Two-Party System in American History. The fight over ratification of the US Constitution led directly to the formation of the first political parties.
The origins of political parties in the US. The Two-Party System in American History
The fight over ratification of the US Constitution led directly to the formation of the first political parties. The Federalist Party was first to form. They supported the Constitution and were led by Alexander Hamilton. They were mostly wealthy individuals. Wanted strong executive leadership and appealed to the financial and business interests. Nation’s first Parties
The Anti-Federalists were led by Thomas Jefferson . They sided with the common man. Favored limited government. Congress should dominate the govt. Laborers, farmers and planters followed the party. First name was the Jeffersonian Republicans. In 1828 became the Democratic Party. Nation’s First Parties
Since 1800 there have been 4 major eras of governing of the govt by the parties. 1800-1860 by the Democrats 1860-1932 by the GOP 1932-1968 by the Democrats 1968-2000 by the GOP This is the party who controls the White House. Four Major Eras
The Anti-Federalist were defeated in 1800 and were non-existent by 1816. By 1829 the Whig party became a challenge to the Democrats. The big issues were public lands, slavery, 2nd Natl Bank of the US and high tariffs. Democrats drew their support from the South and the West. The Era of the Democrats 1800-1860
Jacksonian democracy produced 3 changes: Voting rights for all white males Huge increase in the number of elected offices Patronage The Whig party was led by Henry Clay & Daniel Webster. Whigs were made up of eastern bankers, large southern plantation owners, merchants & industrialists. 1800-1860
Whigs supported a high tariff. By 1850 slavery caused the Democrats to split into 2 , North & South. Republican Party was formed in 1854. They were made up of former Whigs and antislavery Democrats. In 1860 Lincoln won the Presidential election and the GOP went from a third party to a major party. 1800-1860
Dominated for 75 years. Consisted of free Blacks, farmers, laborers & business. Democrats owned the South. The election of 1896 was crucial to the two-party system. William McKinley from the GOP & William Jennings Bryan from the Dem party were involved in the election of 1896. Era of Republicans 1860-1932
McKinley backed the gold standard & Bryan had support of the Populist Party & free silver advocates. Bryan campaigned as a supporter of the Common Man. Helped push the nation back to economic issues. Bryans candidacy also pushed the country away from the sectionalism of politics. Election of 1896
Only times that the GOP did not control the WH was in 1884, 1892 & 1912-1920. TR Bull Moose Party led to a democratic victory in 1912. 1860-1932
Great Depression began in 1929. FDR won the election of 1932. The election of ‘32 was the change of public opinion toward govt. in peoples lives. The FDR Dems were southerners, small farmers, labor & big city political machines. The social programs in the 30’s brought Blacks into the Party. Return of the Democrats 1932-1968
The Dems won every Presidential election except 1952 & 1956 win Eisenhower was elected POTUS. Era ended with the defeat of Hubert Humphrey in 1968 by Richard Nixon. 1932-1968
The GOP wins most of the Presidential elections except the 1976 & 1992-1996 elections. Jimmy Carter defeated Gerald Ford and Bill Clinton was elected and re-elected . The Democrats controlled Congress during this era. What we had was divided govt. 1968-2000