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Global Monitoring, Global Forecasting and Global Services, World Meteorological Centre Beijing’s Prospects. Zhou Qingliang ( zhouql@cma.gov.cn ) Chief, WMC-Beijing Operation Office, National Meteorological Centre, CMA. WMO Operational Networks.
Global Monitoring, Global Forecasting and Global Services, World Meteorological Centre Beijing’s Prospects Zhou Qingliang(zhouql@cma.gov.cn)Chief, WMC-Beijing Operation Office, National Meteorological Centre, CMA
WMO Operational Networks 191 NMHSs: satellites, land, ships, buoys, and aircraft contribute to Global Observing every day WIGOS Global Telecom with Regional Hubs – becoming the WMOInformation System WIS The GDPFS: Global, RegionalSpecialized Met. Centres (RSMC, RCC), and National Centres GDPFS NMHSs deliver analyses, forecast and early warning services Service delivery
Origin of the GDPFS • UN GenAssembly XVI (Dec 1961) adoptedResolution 1721 “International Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space”. • WMO was requested to study measures to advance the state of atmospheric science and technology and to develop weather forecasting capabilities • WMO Cg 4 (1963) created WWW composed of GDPS, GOS -> WIGOS and GTS -> WIS operated by WMO Members for the collection, analysis and dissemination of meteorological data and processed products • On Recommendation of CBS-Ext(02), Cg 14 (2003) changed GDPS to GDPFS
The GDPFS -2016 CBS-16 • 3 World Meteorological Centres (WMCs) • 25 RegionalSpecialiazedMeteorological Centres (RSMCs) withGeographicalSpecialization and 16 withActivitySpecialization • 12 Global Prediction Centres (GPCs) for Long Range Forecasts(LRF) • 5 Regional Climate Centres (RCCs) and 1 RCC-Network test footer 4
Redefinition of World Meteorological Centre • A GDPFS Centre which carries out at least the following three General Purpose Activities may be designated as a WMC: • Global deterministic numerical weather prediction, • Global ensemble numerical weather prediction, and • Global numerical long-range prediction
World Meteorological Centre-Beijing Global Monitoring, Global Forecasting, Global Services • On 17 May 2017, EC-69 endorsed the designation of China Meteorological Administration (CMA) as a World Meteorological Centre(WMC), which is a clear recognition of China’s world-leading forecasting capabilities. The designation also underscores the leading and major role that China plays in worldwide meteorological operation and technical exchanges, and enhances the visibility, influence and contribution of China in the world arena. • On 16 January 2018, CMA Headquarters awarded the plaque of the "World Meteorological Centre (Beijing)" to the National Meteorological Centre (NMC, also known as Central Meteorological Observatory). NMC will work with the National Climate Centre, National Satellite Meteorological Centre, and National Meteorological Information Centre to fulfill the WMC’s functions and translate the Chinese meteorological vision of “monitoring, forecasting and servicing globally” into practice. • The World Meteorological Centre in Beijing (WMC-Beijing) is committed to: a) Improving global numerical weather prediction (NWP). b) Developing a global satellite product system. c) Establishing a high-speed meteorological data exchange center. d) Putting a global seamless forecasting system into practice. e) Building a large-scale regional consultation platform. f) Contributing an international exchange mechanism for weather forecasting and service.
中国气象局局长领导及职能司指导 Led by the Administrators of the China Meteorological Administration Supervised by the Management Departments of CMA 世界气象中心(北京)运行办公室负责日常业务管理协调 Coordinated by the General Office of the World Meteorological Centre Beijing 世界气象中心规定职责 WMO GDPFS Overall Requirements and Specialized Mandatory Functions 灾害性天气预报国际示范和培训 Severe Weather Forecasting Demonstration International Desk & Technical Training 世界气象合作和国际援助 WMO Programmes and China Meteorological International Cooperation 世界气象中心(北京)核心业务领域 World Meteorological Centre Beijing’s Core Operation Components 专门技术研发团队和特定任务工作组技术支持 Supported by the Ad-hoc Expert Teams &Task Working Groups 国家级九大单位参与世界气象中心(北京)运行 Involved by the National Meteorological Centre, National Climate Centre, National Satellite Meteorological Centre, National Meteorological Information Centre, CMA Public Meteorological Service Centre, CMA Training Centre, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Science, CMA Centre for Communication and Outreach and Chinese Meteorological News Press
Global Monitoring, Global Forecasting, Global Services • WMC-Beijing will develop, based on the available satellite data analysis and application around the world, a global air-ocean-land satellite product system, which mainly consists of FY-3 and FY-4 series of meteorological satellites, but also includes domestic (e.g., High Score satellites) and foreign satellites, and is supplemented by ground-based real-time observations. It will also set international standards for relevant satellite data products, and enhance the application of meteorological satellite data and products in the NWP data assimilation, 24×7 severe weather surveillance and related catastrophic environmental event surveillance and assessment, nowcasting analysis and warning, public visual and perception product services. Global Satellite Monitoring Global Surface Temperature and Cloud Monitoring
Global Monitoring, Global Forecasting, Global Services • Aiming at the global leading centres, WMC-Beijing will continue to develop GRAPES global, regional and ensemble NWP system with complete independent intellectual property rights, and the specialized NWP systems for typhoons, sandstorms and nuclear pollution. It will establish a sub-seasonal—seasonal—interannual climate prediction system to accelerate the integration of weather and climate numerical prediction systems. Global Forecast of Daily Accumulation Precipitation Global Forecast of Daily Average Temperature Global Forecast of Daily Wind Gust
Global Monitoring, Global Forecasting, Global Services • WMC-Beijing attempts to put the concept of WMO's seamless global data processing and forecasting system into practice. It will extend its fine-gridded forecast, climate prediction and specialized products to global terrestrial and marine area, and develop them into a minute-to-year seamless global forecasting system. WMC-Beijing will follow WMO’s concept of risk warning and impact-based forecast and take use of China’s strength on meteorological disaster prevention and mitigation and special meteorological services in transforming its weather forecast into impact-based forecast. It will further enhance its forecasting capabilities and accuracy for severe weather and climate events, including typhoons, heavy rain, drought, flood, strong convective weather, dust storms and El Niño.
Toward Seamless Prediction Integrated Observation GRAPES_GFS GRAPES_GEPS BCC_CSM Global FY Satellite Spatial Scale Regional Radar GRAPES_Meso GRAPES_REPS BCC_CWRF Surface Obs. Local 0-2h 2-12h 12h-3d 3-10d 10-30d Season Year Timescale Hydrology Marine Agriculture • Across timescales • Across spatial scales • Multiple related sectors Aeronautical Sectors Emergency Environment
Operational NWP System GRAPES (Global/Regional Assimilation and PrEdiction System) • GRAPES_GFS (25km) • L60 / 240 h fcst • DA: 4DVAR • GRAPES_Meso (10km) • L50 / 84 h fcst • East Asia • 3-hourly cycle • GRAPES_TYM (12km) • L50 / 120 h fcst • Typhoon • GRAPES_HR (3km) • L50 / 72 h fcst • East China GRAPES_GEPS (50km) L60 / 360 h fcst DA: 4DVAR Initial Perturbation: SVs Model Uncertainty: SPPT Members: 40 GRAPES_REPS (10km) L50 / 84h fcst East Asia Initial Perturbation: ETKF+Multi-phys. Model Uncertainty: SPPT Members: 15 Global Regional Regional Hi-Res Region • Deterministic and ensemble forecasts on global and regional scales
Advancement on NWP 2000-2018 track errors ACC of 500hPa height Percentage of assimilated data Amount of satellite data T639 GRAPES
Advancement on NWP Domain of GRAPES_MESOs in operation Expand Domain for GRAPES_MESOs by 2020
International Cooperation Activities Active Involvements in WMO Projects • World Weather Information Service (WWIS): http://www.worldweather.org • Asia Aeronautical Meteorology Services (AAMS): http://www.aamets.com/ • Severe Weather Forecasting Demonstration Project in Southeast Asia and Central Asia: http://eng.weather.gov.cn/swfdp Severe Weather Forecasting Demonstration Project in Southeast Asia and Central Asia World Weather Information Service Asia Aeronautical Meteorology Services
WMO Global Multi-Hazard Alert System (GMAS) Frameworkwith its WMO Coordination Mechanism (WMC) and Common Technical Platform (CTP), contributors and users Warnings and information related to high-impact weather, water, ocean and climate (from the official National Authorities, such as NMHSs) WMO Global Centers(e.g. GPCLRFs) Targeted Users WMC-BJ Web Portal Regional Alerting Systems(e.g. Europe Meteo-Alarm System, SSE-MHEWS-A, Roshydromet Meteo-Alert System, GMAS-Asia, etc.) GMAS-Asia WMO Members (NMHS’s Platforms) UNOCC Platform, UN humanitarian and emergency response platforms(e.g. UNOCHA, UNHCR, IOC/UNESCO, IASC, IAEA, FAO, WFP, WHO, UPU), UN Development Agencies, UNESCAP, UNDP…) WMO CTP Supported by WWIS, SWIC, Alert Hub, WIS 2.0, Expert Advice Network WMO Regional Specialized Centers(e.g. El Nino, Tropical Cyclones, VAAC, ERA, Sand & Dust Storm, Sea Ice, Storm Surge, etc.,) RSMC-ASDFS Loss & Damage Information (Impact related data and availability of quantitative thresholds on hazard cluster from national, regional and global sources) RSMC-ERA General users(e.g., general public, media, communities, private users, …) RSMC-Marine Meteorological Services WWIS National level Regional Level Global Level User level WMO Secretariat supporting the platform (e.g. facilitation, coordination & collaboration with Members)
WMO Coordination Mechanism Provision of Meteorological, Hydrological and Climate Information Products and Services to United Nations and other Humanitarian Agencies UN SG & Executive Heads WMO SG Briefing notes Briefing notes WMO New York Office UNOCC WMO Secretariat Coordination WMO DeptsCER/CLW/DRA WMO COORDINATIONHUB WMC-BJ RCC-BJ SWFDP-SeA SWFDP-CA … … SWFDP & GDPFS Centres : WMCs, RSMCs, RCCs United Nations (UN) & other Humanitarian Agencies (HAs) Workinglevel WMO Members NMCs
CMA Voluntary Commitments What CMA Do? Contribution of WMCs/RSMCs Set up WMC-BJ Operation Office on 25 June 2018. Voluntary International Commitment CMA Voluntary Commitments • As request of EC-70, to develop a coordination mechanism that enables easy access to authoritative information and provision of expert advice to the UN and other HAs before/during/after disasters. • Group Services • On the basis of complementary advantages of WMCs/RSMCs • Clarify terms of reference • Roles of each member in GS • Expert Team • Working Procedures • Make task sheet, briefings, reports, etc. • Fast track • Briefing & Consultation (interface) • CMA Voluntary Commitments • SWFDP International Desk • Target: Junior Forecasts, especially in LDCs • Content: Operational, Hands-on Simulation • Expert team (Group Services, Specialists) • Secondment: supported by China Government Support to WMO Coordination Unit CMA support to WMO Coordination Unit Establish a small team at the WMO Secretariat , to support product aggregation, interpretation and dissemination to the UN and other HAs, including UNOCC and the UN SG. CMA experts would like to help establish platform, support product aggregation, interpretation and dissemination, etc. Training of requirements, consultation, services, impact-based forecasting. Training of requirements, working procedures, product format, briefings, advice services, etc. GMAS-Asia Inter-Agency Collaboration CMA will offer advice on a 24/7 basis ahead and during emergency situations. Use WMO’s global network with existing platforms, sharing information, products and advice between WMO/NMHS and UN or other HAs.
International Cooperation Activities MICAPS Introduced to Asia and Africa MICAPS, Meteorological Information Comprehensive Analysis and Process System, specifically designed for modern “completing forecasting process” operations, especially for the short-rang to medium-range forecasting and fully support forecasting cycle: analysis, diagnosis, prognosis and verifynosis. MICAPS Training in Africa MICAPS in Philippines MICAPS introduced to more than 25 Asian and African NHMSs since 2012 by CMA MICAPS Training in Asia
International Cooperation Activities • International Exchange, Training and Workshop International Workshop International Exchange and Visiting International Training Course on NWP Typhoon and Meteorological Satellite Workshop 21
Provision of Meteorological, Hydrological and Climate Information Products and Services to United Nations and other Humanitarian Agencies
Regional Specialized Meteorological Centres • RSMC—Atmospheric Sand and Dust Forecasting (ASDF)-Beijing • RSMC—Marine Metrological Services (MMS)-Beijing • RSMC—Nuclear Environmental Emergency Response Centre (NEERC)-Beijing • RSMC—Climate Prediction and Monitoring Centre (RCC)-Beijing
International Cooperation Activities • WMC-Beijing will engage with and contribute to the forecasting and service activities sponsored and organized by WMO. It sets up an International Desk on Severe Weather Forecast on the top of MICAPS. Young forecasters from less developed regions are invited to receive hands-on operational training at this Desk. In addition, NWP product application training is regularly launched for forecasters from less developed regions in the world, and operational forecasting techniques exchange events in its own region have also been held on a regular basis to promote the application of operational techniques.