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Economic Society of Australia – Canberra Branch Inc.

Address: 39-41 Geils Court Deakin ACT 2600 Postal Address: PO Box 11 Deakin West ACT 2600 Ph: 02 6260 3266 Fax: 02 6282 7191 Email: cec@goldweb.com.au Website: www.ecosoc.org.au. Economic Society of Australia – Canberra Branch Inc. Objectives of the Society.

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Economic Society of Australia – Canberra Branch Inc.

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  1. Address: 39-41 Geils Court Deakin ACT 2600 Postal Address: PO Box 11 Deakin West ACT 2600 Ph: 02 6260 3266 Fax: 02 6282 7191 Email: cec@goldweb.com.au Website: www.ecosoc.org.au Economic Societyof Australia – Canberra Branch Inc.

  2. Objectives of the Society To encourage the study of economics and its application in Australia; To assist or participate in the training and professional development of economists as deemed appropriate; To promote the teaching and study of economics in secondary schools and colleges and in the training programs of other professions and occupations; To encourage informed public debate of economic questions; To co-operate with other Branches and the Central Council in the general work of the Society; To issue publications and other matter concerning the interests of members as may be practicable.

  3. Membership Benefits 6-8 FREE TO MEMBER Seminars, with refreshments, per year; Reduced subscription prices for Economic Record and Economic Papers AND publications of interest to those in public policy areas; Distribution by e-mail notifying other events and information relating to economics and public policy issues; Reduced pricing for Conference of Economists, held annually – Gold Coast (2008); Contribution to next generation economists by support of Prizes and Awards to economics students enrolled at ANU, University of Canberra and ADFA.

  4. Membership Statistics 283 Members (FY06/07); 18 Student Members; 6 Award recipients (free membership); 1 Life Member (Fred Argy); Gender Statistics – 60 Women: 223 Male

  5. 2008 Committee • President – Prof. Ann Harding, NATSEM • Vice President – Glenys Byrne, Dept of Finance & Deregulation • Treasurer – Leo Dobes, ANU • Secretary – Colin Lyons, Dept. of Innovation, Industry, Science, Research • Committee Members – • William Coleman, ANU • Jon Kendall, Dept. of Innovation, Industry, Science, Research • Hom Pant, ABARE • Prem Thapa, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations • Agnes Walker, ANU

  6. Address: 39-41 Geils Court Deakin ACT 2600 Postal Address: PO Box 11 Deakin West ACT 2600 Ph: 02 6260 3266 Fax: 02 6282 7191 Email: cec@goldweb.com.au Website: www.ecosoc.org.au Economic Societyof Australia – Canberra Branch Inc.

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