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Research on t wo-quasiparticle excited states in 162 Dy and 174 Yb nuclei

Research on t wo-quasiparticle excited states in 162 Dy and 174 Yb nuclei. Dong Guoxiang (董国香). School of Physics and State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology Peking University 2012/04/13. Outline. Introduction

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Research on t wo-quasiparticle excited states in 162 Dy and 174 Yb nuclei

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  1. Research on two-quasiparticle excited states in 162Dy and 174Yb nuclei Dong Guoxiang (董国香) School of Physics and State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology Peking University 2012/04/13

  2. Outline • Introduction 2. The model 3. Results and discussions 4. Summary

  3. G. D. Dracoulis, et al., Phys. Rev. C 71, 044326 (2005) 1. Introduction The larger experimental E2 hindrance factor remains an unresolved problem.

  4. While, Nilsson model and experimental single-particle energies for neighboring odd nuclei suggest Or R. B. Firestone, Table of Isotopes, 8th ed. A. K. Jain, et al., Rev. Mod. Phys. 62, 393 (1990) T.P.D. Swan, et al., Phys. Rev. C 83, 034322 (2011)

  5. The systematic effect of Coriolis and gamma-induced K mixing may be characterized through the product of the valence neutron and proton numbers for two-quasiparticle isomers decaying by E2 transitions. P.M. Walker, et al., Phys. Rev. C 81, 041304(R) 2010 T.P.D. Swan, et al., Phys. Rev. C 83, 034322 (2011) Two-quasiparticle structures of isomers suggested by hindrance factors 162Dy and 174Yb have the two largest NpNn values in this figure

  6. Basis: 2. Model (Projected Shell Model) Spin-conserved Potential energy surface calculation: The total hamiltonian of the Projected Shell Model:

  7. 3. Results and discussions when spin is less than 16,the gamma deformation is near 0. The quadrupole deformation changes with spin.

  8. both possible, energy nearly degenerate PSM Eexp=1.518MeV E=3.197MeV E=1.127MeV Favors two-quasineutron configuration

  9. Through the analysis of weights of wavefunctions, find both configurations are very pure, i.e.,with little mixing with other multi-quasi-paritcle cofigurations. energies of the two configurations nearly degenerate

  10. With increasing spin, the gamma deformation is small. Also, the quadrupole deformation changes little with spin.

  11. Calculation of this configuration =0.41649 PSM E=1.978 MeV Close to the experimental value 0.30 T.P.D. Swan, et al., Phys. Rev. C 83, 034322 (2011) The mixing is also small, but larger than in 174Yb Eexp=2.188MeV

  12. 4. Summary The newly discovered bands based on the isomer states of Dy-162 and Yb-174 are well described. The K-mixing effect is proved to be small in these two isomers.

  13. Collaborators: Jiao Changfeng Liu Hongliang Wang Xiaobao Xu Furong Sun Yang Thanks for your attention!

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