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Get the answers…..

Learn how to establish a College Optimist Club on campus. Find the right location, engage with student life offices, and recruit members effectively to form a sustainable student organization. Follow a step-by-step process tailored to the unique needs of each school. Discover strategies for hosting events, managing finances, and fostering student leadership. Be prepared for a commitment of at least 2 years to ensure the club's longevity. Enjoy the journey of empowering students to make a positive impact!

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  1. Get the answers….. …to building a COLLEGE Optimist Club

  2. Decide on a Location • Go online and Google school • Find the Student Life/Activities Contact • See if website has info on “How to start a new organization on campus • Each school is unique. Read everything. Don’t assume.

  3. Make contact with school • Introduce yourself and Optimist International • Explain that you want to share our organization with their students • Ask to get into the Student Club/Activities Fair or get permission to set up a table outside the cafeteria or ask for a meeting time and place

  4. Club/Activities Fair • Make your table inviting….have a laptop playing pictures or “I am an Optimist” • Have a sign “Will you make the Difference in the Life of a Child” • Have the “Resume Building” letter and applications with your name and email address • Have food! • Sign students up to come to the informational meeting

  5. Email • Email is how you will connect with these students. • Email them right after the Club/Activities Fair • Email them before the Informational Meeting • Email them constantly. • Email …Email….Email

  6. Informational Meetings • Meet weekly. • From the beginning make the students understand that this will be THEIR club. • They will decide when, where, how often they meet. They will decide what they do and how they do it. • You are there as an advisor only. • Be up front about the financial obligation. • Even if you have a financial sponsor…make the student “Buy in”.

  7. Almost There • After you sign 15 students, form committees: nominating, bylaw, fundraising and projects. • When planning officers, remember most college clubs have a President, President-Elect, Secretary/Treasurer and several Vice Presidents.

  8. Congrats….formation night Formation night….a great event! BUT Remember Your job is not done. The college club will require a minimum of 2years of support, not just the 90 day follow up program.

  9. Reminders - College clubs are easy and usually quick to build but require MAJOR follow up. - Each school is different so be prepared for each one to be a little different. The financial commitment of the students are crucial for them to be committed to the group. Have Fun! These students are anxious to have you held them start something new. Enjoy!

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