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Big Questions. Real Answers.

Big Questions. Real Answers. Baptism – What’s the Big D eal?. Baptism Defined. Greek word “Baptizo” The element used? WATER John 3:5 - born of water and Spirit Acts 8:36 - much water Matt. 3:17 – Straight way out of the water Romans 6:3-5 – a burial . How one is Baptized.

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Big Questions. Real Answers.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Big Questions. Real Answers.

  2. Baptism – What’s the Big Deal?

  3. Baptism Defined • Greek word “Baptizo” • The element used? WATER • John 3:5 - born of water and Spirit • Acts 8:36 - much water • Matt. 3:17 – Straight way out of the water • Romans 6:3-5 – a burial

  4. How one is Baptized .Statements concerning baptism from different denominations in the world: 1. John Calvin – Presbyterian - “The word baptize signifies to immerse. It is certain that immersion was the practice of primitive church.” 2. Martin Luther – Lutheran – “Baptism is a Greek word and may be translated immerse. I would have those who are to be baptized altogether dipped.” 3. John Wesley – Methodist – “Buried with him in baptism alluding to the ancient manner of baptizing by immersion.”

  5. 4. Wall – Episcopalian – “Immersion was in all probability the way in which our blessed Savior, and for certain the way by which the ancient Christians received baptism.” 5. Brenner – Catholic – “For 1300 years baptism was an immersion of the person under water.” 6. McKnight – Presbyterian – “In baptism the baptized person is buried under water. Christ submitted to be baptized that is, to be buried under water.” 7. Whitfield – Methodist – “It is certain that the word of our text, Romans 6:4, alludes to the manner of baptizing by immersion.”

  6. Subjects of Baptism • Matthew 28:19-20 – TBT • Mark 16:15-16 - BB • Acts 2:38 - RB • Acts 8:36-37; Romans 10:9-10 – TC • Teachable, Able to hear, Able to Believe, Repent and Confess

  7. Why Be Baptized? • To die to sin, be born again – John 3:1-5; Romans 6:1-23 • Have our sins forgiven – Acts 2:38; Luke 24:47; Matthew 26:28 • It’s commanded – Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:16 • To be added to the Lord’s church – Acts 2:47; 1 Corinthians 12:13 • Put one into Christ – Romans 6:3-5 • It saves us – 1 Pet. 3:21 Here’s the BIG DEAL

  8. When does Baptism come? • Examples of Immersion • Day of Pentecost – Acts 2 • Samaritans – Acts 8 • Eunuch – Acts 8 • Saul, Lydia, Jail and Corinthians • Baptism comes after faith, repentance and confession • The Apostles sure spent a lot of time teaching on it.

  9. Have you been Immersed?

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