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IPILPS Proposal for GLASS

IPILPS Proposal for GLASS. Ann Henderson-Sellers, Graham Farquhar, Kendal McGuffie, Parviz Irannejad, Kristof Sturm, David Noone, Andy Pitman, Luis Martinelli and friends of PILPS. Land Surface & Stable Water Isotopes.

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IPILPS Proposal for GLASS

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  1. IPILPS Proposal for GLASS Ann Henderson-Sellers, Graham Farquhar, Kendal McGuffie, Parviz Irannejad, Kristof Sturm, David Noone, Andy Pitman, Luis Martinelli and friends of PILPS

  2. Land Surface & Stable Water Isotopes Research Hypotheses - with ‘appropriately’ complex land-surface parameterization Stable Water Isotopes (SWI) (i.e. HDO and H218O) can: • integrate basin-scale hydrological processes • partition water fluxes i.e. • precipn: rivers v. groundwater • evapn: transpiration v. evap • trace sources of water • ‘label’ CO2 fluxes & thus help resolve global carbon budgets (cf. Fung ) Proposing new type of PILPS/GLASS experiment in which intercomparisons inform and educate the community of land-surface modellers as they develop their codes rather than afterwards

  3. Quick Background/Introduction Koster et al., 2004 • GLASS PILPS • is an off-line intercomparison • is not about coupling – we recognize the importance of host e.g. GLACE & Lui etal., 2004a.b (multi-criteria) • Stable Water Isotopes (SWI) • are stable for ever (not radioactive i.e. do not decay) • occur naturally in the environment & they are ‘free’ • GCM simulation history e.g. Randy; Joussaume, S. Sadourny, R. & Jouzel, J., 1984, A general circulation model of water isotopes cycles in the atmosphere, Nature,311, 24-29

  4. SWIs Predicted in GCMs – ‘sexy’ ! ET Eb Ec T Ice Snow Soil Canopy Prcp Ginpt R Rb Rs Ss Ri Ro Kei Yoshirmura

  5. Stable Water Isotopes (SWI) Primer MWL dD Interesting ones 16O D H LEL d18O H 18O H Deuterium excess H 16O H • Regular water: 1H216O • H218O (2.0047e-3) • HDO (0.1557e-3) • D2O (5e-8) [heavy water] • Concentrations measured as enrichments w.r.t. Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (VSMOW) • d negative (depleted w.r.t. SMOW) • d positive (enriched w.r.t. SMOW) • Heavier molecules condense from vapour more readily and evaporate less readily allowing us to trace and quantify the paths taken by water in the hydrological cycle • Water characterised on 2-D plot of dD and d18O • Meteoric water line MWL (local and global) • Local evaporation line (LEL)

  6. Overview of IPILPS Plan • IPILPS – Isotopes in Project for Intercomparison of Land-surface Parameterisation Schemes • Demand from GCMs adding SWIs now - SWING • Links to GEWEX CSEs – especially in MDB • Need in IAEA CRP 18O in Terrestrial Vegetation • Use PILPS strategies to investigate effectiveness & valueof stable water isotopes (SWIs) in LSSs • Off-line simulations planned as follows: • Sept 2004 -approval from GLASS Panel • Oct 04 - REMO forcing for 3 locations (Vienna, Manaus, Tumbarumba) • Dec 04 – Experimental framework agreed & call issued • PILPS criteria for energy and water evaluation; new for SWI • Apr/May 05 -W’shop to evaluate d18O & dD results & value • Dec 05 – IPILPS/GLASS session in AGU Fall Meeting

  7. Challenging LSSs with SW Isotopes IPILPS www.bgc-jena.mpg.de/bgc- synthesis/projects/SWING d = d18O (d D)

  8. SWIs Measure CSE Basin Change • Increased water cycling in central Amazon (LBA) Decreased in upper basin: deforestation impact Henderson-Sellers et al., J. Climate, 2002, dD Manaus d18O Gibson & Edwards (2002) • Water isotopes integrate lake catchments in Mackenzie (MAGS) • Logarithmic enhancement in Darling reveals irrigation impacts (MDB)

  9. Darling River 2002-3 Drought Brisbane Sydney Jan 2003 Jul 2002 Melbourne Jan 2002 d18O and d D measured in 2002-3 drought Bourke Walgett Wilcannia Collarenabri Menindie Gunnedah Burtundy Tracing a non-linear relation

  10. CSE -GEWEX Continental Scale Exps IPILPS test sites Adding HDO and H218O MAGS BALTEX Vienna MAGS GAME Mississippi - the GEWEX Continental scale International Project (GCIP) CATCH Amazon Large-scale Biosphere- Atmosphere (LBA) Manaus Murray-Darling Basin (MDB) Tumbarumba

  11. REMO d18O in Mid-Lat Precipitation d18O Obs REMO Nordeney d18O from April 97 to Feb 99 d18O d18O d18O as good, or bad, asprecipitation amounts (Sturm et al., 2004)

  12. SWI Sensitivity Compounds Hydrology Ev > Pr d18O 7 AGCMs & 2 re-analyses fail to conserve water and Ev >> Pr Leaf evaporative surface water at 2 pts d18O d18O(‰) ISOLSM at 2 separate sites different dD & d18O

  13. MDBWBP and IAEA CRP on 18O 16O D H H 18O H • GEWEX CSE on Murray Darling Basin Water Balance Project (MDBWBP)- SWIs from inception • IAEA CRP on 18O in Terrestrial Vegetation requires: • Measurements of 18O and D in grasses, trees, soil-water, rain and vapour at Tumbarumba near Canberra • Diurnal resolution of these fluxes & pools 18O and D in grasses, trees, soil-water, rain and vapour (carbon folks!) • How to do all this? • Simulations off-line: ISOLSM as eg • Observations to evaluate & refine these • Strength of SWIs and IPILPS: • Isotopes are INDEPENDENT data • Isotopic shifts relate to evaporation /condensation i.e. to energy in/out • Strong diurnal dependence - GMPP

  14. LSS Sensitivity to SWI in Vapour ISOLSM in Amazon for two vapour enrichments

  15. OzFlux Sites Test IPILPS Concepts: Tumbarumba

  16. FTIR spectrometer & IR gas spectra Air in/out O HDO H D H218O H2O O Multipass gas cell 20-50 m path H H LN2-cooled InSb detector IR Source FTIR spectrometer • Real-time, field-portable instrument • Whole air measurement • No sample chemistry • Time resolution 1-20 minutes • Precision: dD  0.5 - 1‰ d13CO2 0.2‰ (dried air)

  17. IPILPS – Exciting Opportunity • Use PILPS strategies to investigate effectiveness & valueof stable water isotopes (SWIs) in LSSs • Results potential to drive observations & models • Assists GCMs adding SWIs: SWING (IAEA) • Adds to GEWEX CSEs – MAGS, LBA & especially in MDB • Informs obs in IAEA CRP 18O in Terrestrial Vegetation • Exploits INDEPENDENT data not used in parametn • Informs & educates LSS owners as codesdevelop • ECHAM/REMO ‘bucket plus rs’ (Hoffman & Sturm) • MECBETH (Cuntz) [includes carbon] • ISOLSM (Riley & Irannejad) • CLMiso (Noone) • GISS LSSiso (Schmidt) • ORCHIDEE LSSiso (de Noblet) • SiB3iso (Suits) [includes carbon] • Iso-MATSIRO (Yoshimura)

  18. Isotopes Can Reduce LSS Uncertainty Buckets SiBlings SSiB ISBA ORCH SWAP NOAH Buck Buckets Scaled Latent Heat (Wm-2) • Differences in LSS partition of surface available energy are a (?the?) largest source of LSS prediction range [Henderson-Sellers et al. 2003, GRL] SiBlings • SWIs determine LSS latent heat component separation ‘correctness’ & reduce uncertainty • SWIs naturally track and differentiate evaporation (i.e. from water surfaces) from transpiration (i.e. through plants) [Henderson-Sellers et al.; 2002, J Clm, 2004, JGR]

  19. IPILPS Science Questions Leaf water ISOLSM Const P const q Soil water dD(‰) Var P var q Const P var q • Do SWIs allow determination of the ‘right’ partitioning of latent and sensible heats? • Do continental isotopic fluxes depend most on atmosphere, the land-surface conditions or their exchanges? [Factorial/Multi-criteria exps – cf. Henderson-Sellers 1993, J Climate, 6, 227-247] • Are ‘adequately correct’ isotopic pools and fluxes possible with ‘inadequate’ LSS complexity? • Can LSSs to reproduce isotopic components of the water and mass (carbon initially) budgets? IPILPS is open to LSS which already have or soon intend to incorporate stable water isotopes and/or carbon isotopes. Valuable for LSS owners to join IPILPS prior to incorporation of isotopic pools and fluxes.

  20. Planned Timeline & Web addresses 16O D H H 18O H H 16O H • SWING http://www.bgc-jena.mpg.de/bgc-synthesis/projects/SWING/index.shtml • PILPS http://pilps.mq.edu.au/ • GNIP isohis.iaea.org • REMO http://lgge.obs.ujf-grenoble.fr/~sturm/REMOiso/controlEU.html Proposed timeline for IPILPS: • Sept 2004 approval from GLASS Panel (its time guys) • Oct 04 – REMO/ECHAM forcing for 3 locations • Vienna, Manaus, Tumbarumba (need high quality obs) • Dec 04 – Experimental framework agreed & call issued • PILPS criteria for energy and water evaluation ( & ALMA) • new for SWI (need to determine precision of new FTIR obs) • Apr/May 05 -W’shop probably in Canberra (+carbon-ites) • evaluate d18O & dD results & value (owners in charge) • consider at least 18O tagging of plant carbon exchange

  21. Arigato gozaimasu • Dave Griffith, U of Wollongong: FTIR instrument and observations and proposed data collection for IPILPS THIS IS EXCITING, VERY VALUABLE and NEW • Kendal McGuffie, UTS: Amazon analysis, GSWP2 beginnings and ISOLSM simulations • Parviz Irannejad, ANSTO Environment: ISOLSM simulations • David Stone, ANSTO Environment: Darling River observations • Kei Yoshirmura, IIS: MATSIRO-Iso • Kristof Sturm, MPI: REMO-Iso for forcing

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