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PROPOSAL FOR. ALGO 2012 Ljubljana, Slovenia August and/or September 2012. Andrej (Andy) Brodnik. Borut Robič. SLOVENIA. Capital: Ljubljana Language: Slovenian Population: 2,021,435. Area : 20,273 km 2 Currency : Euro Time zone: GTM/UTC +1.

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  1. PROPOSAL FOR ALGO 2012 Ljubljana, Slovenia August and/or September 2012 Andrej (Andy) Brodnik BorutRobič

  2. SLOVENIA • Capital: Ljubljana • Language: Slovenian • Population: 2,021,435 • Area: 20,273 km2 • Currency: Euro • Time zone: GTM/UTC +1 The Republic of Slovenia lies at the heart of Europe, where the Alps face the Pannonian plains and the Mediterranean meets the mysterious Karst. To the north borders to Austria; Hungary is to the east; Croatia to the south and Italy to the west.

  3. Ljubljana - a quaint, little, old town, a bustling city centre, a medieval castle, and a metropolitan riverside cafe culture are just a small example of the things that give the city it's beauty. This is a city with a soul, featured by the masterpieces of the world renowned architect JožePlečnik.

  4. FACTS ABOUT LJUBLJANA • Biggestcity in Slovenia • Foundedby Romans in themid-1st century BC • Area: 273 km2 • Population: 276,000 Distance to… Venice242 km Trieste 95 km Vienna380 km Munich408 km Tokyo 9400 km

  5. HOW TO REACH US? Ljubljana InternationalAirportat Brnik, 23 km northwest of the city. Daily connections to most major European cities. Bus service, shuttles and taxi to Ljubljana. It is easy to get to Ljubljana by car. Distances to… Trieste (Italy) 95 kmVenice (Italy) 242 km Klagenfurt (Austria) 83 km Vienna (Austria) 380 kmMunich (Germany) 408 km Ljubljana is an important railroad junction and can be reached by trains from all major European cities. Therailwaystationis within walking distance of the city centre.

  6. Accommodation • In Ljubljana • Hotels (50 - 100+ €) • Hostels (25 - 40€) FRI Faculty of Computer and Information Science (pronounce as in “free”) 1 km Example: HostelCelica - former prison ~30 € (double)

  7. EXCURSIONS Postojna cave Lipica Bled Kranjska gora


  9. UNIVERSITY OF LJUBLJANA • Built between 1898 and 1902. It has been used as headquarters of the Slovenian largest university • 50.000undergraduateandpostgraduatestudents • 300 differentundergraduateandpostgraduatestudyprogramms • 23 facultiesand 3 artsacademies • Accordingto the WEBOMETRICS rankingswe are listed on 151. placeamongstthe top universities • With64 percentofalluniversitystudentpopulation in Sloveniawe are alsothelargest in theareaofstudy

  10. The leading teaching and research institution in the field of ComputerScience in Slovenia • First study program in ComputerSciencebegan in 1973 • Currentlyapproximately1260undergraduateand110 postgraduatestudents • Currently133 teachingandresearchstaff • Sixresearch groups with 19 researchlaboratories • Lengthy roster of alumni, some of whom have achieved distinction in academicandbusiness in Sloveniaandabroad • TheconstructionofthenewFacultybuildingusingEuropeanfoundsbegan in 2010 and is expected to befinished in 2013 FACULTY OF COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCE

  11. Research laboratories Software group Computer logic, systems and network group Mathematics and physics group Informatics group Theoretical computer science group Artificial intelligence group • Laboratory for Computer Graphics and Multimedia • Laboratory for Biomedical Computer Systems and Imaging • Laboratory of Adaptive Systems and Parallel Processing • Laboratory for Computer Architecture • Computer Communications Laboratory • Computer Structures and Systems Laboratory • Information Systems Laboratory • Laboratory for e-media • Laboratory for Data Technologies • Laboratory for Algorithms and Data Structures • Laboratory for Architecture and Signal Processing • Software Engineering Laboratory • Computer Vision Laboratory • Visual Cognitive Systems Laboratory • Artificial Intelligence Laboratory • Laboratory for Cognitive Modeling • Bioinformatics Laboratory • Laboratory for Mathematical Methods in Computer and Information Science • Laboratory for cryptography and computer security

  12. Summerworkshops

  13. ALGO 2012 • Possible dates: August and/or September 2012 • Possiblevenue:Eitheron FacultyofComputerandInformationScience or at one ofthehotels – depending on prices • Accomodation:Lowbudgethotels to highclasshotels (50 - 100+ €) andhostels(25- 40€) • Connections:Most ofhotelsandFaculty are in walking distance, otherwise in a range ofcitypublictransportation • Localorganizers: • Beer:3.5-4€ - half a litre Andrej (Andy) Brodnik BorutRobič

  14. Welookforward to host ALGO 2012 in Ljubljana, Slovenia

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