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Prior Knowledge Activation as a Function of Learner Expertise Sandra Wetzels a , Liesbeth Kester a , and Jeroen van Merriënboer b a Centre for Learning Sciences and Technologies b Netherlands Laboratory for Lifelong Learning. Prompting external representations
Prior Knowledge Activation as a Function of Learner ExpertiseSandra Wetzelsa, Liesbeth Kestera, and Jeroen van MerriënboerbaCentre for Learning Sciences and TechnologiesbNetherlands Laboratory for Lifelong Learning Prompting external representations Level of prior knowledgePrior knowledge activation Learning self-construct facilitate Reinforcing external representations
Study 1 Participants: high school students Design: 2 x 2 factorial design with factors note taking (yes, no) and level of prior knowledge (lower, higher) Results: Study 2 Participants: high school students and students from higher education Design: 2 x 2 factorial design with factors note taking (yes, no) and prior knowledge activation strategy (mobilisation, perspective taking), level of prior knowledge as continuous variable Results: to-be-analysed Studies