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Theories In War . By: Isabela Puyana and Manuela Arenas. Darwin's theory of evolution is based on five key observations 1 ) Species have great fertility. They make more offspring than can grow to adulthood. 2) Populations remain roughly the same size, with modest fluctuations.
Theories In War By: IsabelaPuyana and Manuela Arenas
Darwin's theory of evolution is based on five key observations • 1) Species have great fertility. They make more offspring than can grow to adulthood. • 2) Populations remain roughly the same size, with modest fluctuations. • 3) Food resources are limited, but are relatively constant most of the time. • From these three observations it may be inferred that in such an environment there will be a struggle for survival among individuals. • 4) In sexually reproducing species, generally no two individuals are identical. Variation is rampant. • 5) Much of this variation is heritable.
1. Variation: There is Variation in Every Population. 2. Competition: Organisms Compete for limited resources. 3. Offspring: Organisms produce more Offspring than can survive. 4. Genetics: Organisms pass Genetic traits on to their offspring. 5. Natural Selection: Those organisms with the Most Beneficial Traits are more likely to Survive and Reproduce.
For thousands of years many philosophers had argued that life must have been created by a supernatural being creator God due to the incredible complexity of Nature. It is remarkable that Charles Darwin and other scientists had the capability to explain our existence by the theory of Evolution from Natural Selection.
In scientific investigations, it is permitted to invent any hypothesis and, if it explains various large and independent classes of facts, it rises to the rank of a well-grounded theory. (Charles Darwin) • How extremely stupid for me not to have thought of that! (Thomas Huxley's first reflection after mastering, in 1859, the central idea of Darwin's Origin of Species) • Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science. (Charles Darwin, Introduction to The Descent of Man, 1871) • In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment. (Charles Darwin) • Man with all his noble qualities, with sympathy which feels for the most debased, with benevolence which extends not only to other men but to the humblest living creature, with his god-like intellect which has penetrated into the movements and constitution of the solar system- with all these exalted powers- Man still bears in his bodily frame the indelible stamp of his lowly origin. (Charles Darwin)
Darwin gave his theory in 1859 in his book On the Origin of Species. He was certainly not the first to theorize that man was descended from animals However through biologist skills, Darwin was able to demonstrate the scientific steps for evolution. This was called 'natural selection'. By observing different species, Darwin saw that there is variation in every population and that within these groups there is competition for limited resources such as food, water and shelter from predators. The creatures that survive fight for their life's pass on their favorable heritable traits to their offspring, and because more off springs are produced than can survive, this process of natural selection continues.
Their beaks have evolved over time to be best suited to their function. For example, the finches who eat grubs have a thin extended beak to poke into holes in the ground and extract the grubs. Finches who eat buds and fruit would be less successful at doing this, while their claw like beaks can grind down their food and thus give them a selective advantage in circumstances where buds are the only real food source for finches.
Adam and eves theory • The word of God brought everything into being: heaven and earth, mountains and rivers, and every living thing. In the beginning, God called into existence the heaven and earth. On the first day, God said, “Let there be Light” -- and there was Light. On the second day G-d made the sky, and called it Heaven. On the third day, God put the earth into good shape. At His command the waters of the earth gathered together at certain places. The waters formed seas and oceans, lakes and rivers, so that in other parts, the dry land became visible. At God’s further command, the earth was made to produce all kinds of plants, grass, and trees, shrubs and flowers. Each contained its own seed for further growth and reproduction. On the fourth day, God made the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars, to shed light upon the earth. And so He set a time for day and a time for night, a time for the week, the month, and the year, and a time for each of the four seasons. On the fifth day, God filled the seas with fishes and other water animals. In to the air above the earth He put many birds of all kinds and colors and sizes. On the sixth day, were created all the other animals, large and small, those that walk and those that creep or crawl on the earth. And towards the end of the sixth day, God put a divine soul into a body, which He made of earth and clay. This was the human. To the human God granted high mental ability that one could think and reach one’s own conclusions. God also gave the human the power of speech and He made humans superior to all other creatures of the earth. God placed all the creatures of the earth and the powers of nature in the control of the human. By the seventh day, everything was created and put into shape and order. And God rested on the seventh day and He glorified it as a day of rest.
My opinion • In my opinion the theory of God´s creation is true in one way. I think that the world evolved as Darwin said but I also think that there was a superior God who created the world and the common ancestor were we all came from and were we evolved trough millions of years. I think this because Darwin gave many proof and background information to what he thought and showed us examples like finches, but how can the world existed suddenly just because there was a Big Bang. I personally think that both are right my theory is that god created the world water and this common ancestor than reproduced evolved and became Into us. I think Adam and Eve isn't true because they have shown alot of people in the past with analogous structure vestigial structure homologues structure. I think that the bible invented Adam and Eves story to give the world a lesson that tell us that we do have a God and since Eve was made from Adam´s rib that means to me that the women are the same as man because the rib is almost the center of the body and also because the rib protects the heart and that means that man can life without woman and that woman are man´s protection.