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V. Zagrebaev for PAC meeting, 16 June 2001

Possibility for the production and study of heavy neutron-rich nuclei formed in multi-nucleon transfer reactions proposal for a new project at FLNR. V. Zagrebaev for PAC meeting, 16 June 2001. Unexplored area of heavy neutron rich nuclei. fusion. fission. fragmentation.

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V. Zagrebaev for PAC meeting, 16 June 2001

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  1. Possibility for the production and study of heavy neutron-rich nuclei formed in multi-nucleon transfer reactionsproposal for a new project at FLNR V. Zagrebaev for PAC meeting, 16 June 2001

  2. Unexplored area of heavy neutron rich nuclei fusion fission fragmentation

  3. r-process and heavy neutron rich nuclei • difficult to synthesize • difficult to separate

  4. Transfermium elements • no more alpha-decays ! • problem of Z identification

  5. Multi-nucleon transfer reactionsas a method for synthesis of heavy neutron rich nucleiandStop in gas with subsequent resonance laser ionizationas a method for extracting required reaction products (with a given Z value)

  6. Production on NEW heavy nuclei in the region of N=126 “blank spot”

  7. Production on new heavy nuclei in the Xe + Pb collisions

  8. Simulation of typical experiment in the laboratory frame

  9. Test experiment demonstrated good agreement with our expectations

  10. Schematic view of the setup for resonance laser ionization of nuclear reaction products stopped in gas

  11. The setup consists of the following elements (units) - front end system including: gas cell, system for extraction of the cooled ion beam, electrostatic system for final formation and acceleration of the ion beam (750 k$) - laser system (900 k$) - mass-separator (300 k$) - system for delivery and cleaning of the buffer gas inside the gas cell, - vacuum system, - high voltage and radio frequency units, - diagnostic and control systems for the ion beam.

  12. Required beams of accelerated ions(the ion beams available at FLNR are well satisfied our requirements) Ions:16,18О, 20,22Ne, …48Ca, 54Cr, …,86Kr, 136Xe, 238U (i.e., quite different depending on the problem to be solved). Beam energies: 4,5 – 9 MeV/nucleon (slightly above the Coulomb barrier) Beam intensity: not restricted (up to 1013 pps). Beam spot at the target: 3–10 mm in diameter (not very important). Beam emittance:20 mm mrad. Targets: different, including actinides Th, U, Pu, Am, Cm. At target thickness 0.3 mg/cm2, ion beam of 0.1 pmA and efficiency of the facility of 10% we will detect 1 event per second at cross section of 1 microbarn

  13. Similar setups at other laboratories(Jyväskylä:JYFL and ISOLDE)

  14. Similar setups at other laboratories(Louvain-la-Neuve Radioactive Beam Facility) CYCLONE 110 CYCLONE 30 CYCLONE 44 LISOL LASER ION SOURCE Laser System

  15. Front end of the LISOL mass separator Cyclotron beam Extraction electrode Laser beams Gas Cell SPIG Gas from purifier

  16. Laser System Max. Rep. Rate – 200 Hz Excimer lasers Dye lasers SHGs Reference cell Yu.Kudryavtsev, SMI06, March 27-28, 2006 Towards LIS, 15 m 4/20

  17. Similar setups at other laboratories Japan, Tokai, KEK, RNB group of Miyatake (setup for 136Xe + 208Pb experiment) A-, Z-separation

  18. People already involved into discussion of the project Leuven:M. Huyse, Yu. Kudryavtsev, P. Van Duppen Jyväskylä:Juha Äystö, Iain Moore, Heikki Penttilä GSI:Michael Block, Thomas Kühl Mainz:Klaus Wendt Manchester:Jonathan Billowes, Paul Campbell FLNR:V. Zagrebaev, S. Zemlyanoi, E. Kozulin and others

  19. Laser system Production cost of the laser system with three-step resonance ionization (combined with the corresponding optic scheme) is about 900 k$.

  20. Gas cell and Ion-guide system • General requirements to the ion-guide systems look as follows: • pressure in gas cell: 100–500 mbar depending on energy of reaction products • and required velocity of their extraction; • working gas is He or Ar (the latter looks preferably because its stopping capacity • and effectiveness of neutralization are higher); • gas purity not lower than 99,9999%; • cell volume is about 100–200 sm3; • vacuum in intermediate camera not worse than10-2 mbar; • vacuum in the entrance into the mass separator is 10-6 mbar; • Some specific requirements, stipulated by the use of the resonance laser ionization, • should be also taken into account: • gas cell should be two-volume to separate the area of thermalisation and neutralization • from the area of resonance laser ionization; • extraction of ions from the cell and driving them into the mass separator have to be provided • by the sextopole (quadrupole) radio-frequency system which allows one to increase • the effectiveness of the setup and to perform ionization of atoms in the gas jet outside the cell; • the input-output setup must be supplied by the system of optical windows and • by the system of explicit positioning (0.3 mm) of the gas cell, guide mirrors and prisms. • Production cost of the gas cell and ion output systems is about 750 k$.

  21. Mass separator • All extracted ions have charge state +1 because only neutral atoms are ionized to this state • by the lasers while all “non-resonant” ions are removed by electric field before reaching • the area of interaction with laser radiation. In this case the extracted particles can be easily • separated by masses in dipole magnet. • For low-energy (30–60 keV) beams of +1 charged ions no specific requirements are needed • for the dipole magnet. It could be a standard magnet separator similar to ISOLDE II, • for example: • turning angle 40о–90о, • turning radius of about 1–1.5 m, • focal length of about 1 m, • rigidity of about 0.5 Т/m. • Mass resolution is the only critical parameter which should be not less than 1500 • (4000 is theoretically feasible). • Camera of the separator must have an optical input if collinear laser ionization • is used with the sextupole ion-guide (SPIG). • Production cost of such mass separator is about 300 k$.

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