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PE-course Project Organised Learning (POL) Mm 7: Communication, Review and Presentation. Master of Science – Introductory Semester (E7 + M7 – Intro) Lecturer: Lars Peter Jensen Ass. teacher: Xiangyun Du. Mm. 7: Communication, Review and Presentation.
PE-courseProject Organised Learning (POL)Mm 7: Communication,Reviewand Presentation Master of Science – Introductory Semester (E7 + M7 – Intro) Lecturer: Lars Peter Jensen Ass. teacher: Xiangyun Du
Mm. 7: Communication, Review and Presentation Learning goals After this lesson you should be able to • Describe 3 methods for analysis of oral group communication • Explain how review of working papers can be carried out • Identify ”do’s” and ”don’t do’s” in oral presentation
Mm. 7: Communication, Review and Presentation Agenda: • Lecture 1: On communication • Group exercise 1: To team or not to team… • Lecture 2: On report writing and review • Group exercise 2: Reviewing abstracts • A Guest lecturer, incl. plenary assessment • Lecture 3: On oral presentation • Evaluation of the POL course
Communication - a definition - from ancient Latin: communis - ”common” - sharing, making commonly known Merriam-Webster: ( www.m-w.com ) a: to convey knowledge of or information about : make known <communicate a story> b: to reveal by clear signs <his fear communicated itself to his friends>c: to transmit information, thought, or feeling so that it is satisfactorily received or understood
Tools for communication analysis in the group Three tools: • Quantitative - drawing communication diagrams • Qualitative/quantitative - logging type and number of contributions from group members • Relative – matching individual group member’s assessment of the process
1. Quantitative Communication diagram, to be filled by an observer after finishing
2. Qualitative/quantitative Three types of contributions: • Contributions furthering discussion • Contributions improving ’climate’ • Contributions blocking discussion
Contributions furthering discussion • Make proposals • Search for information via questions • Give information • Summing up the discussion • Elaborate and further develop ideas • Test own and others’ understanding of the topic under discussion
Contributions improving ’climate’ • Praise and encourage others • Support others in being listened to • Follow and support ideas of others • Openly express change of opinion • Show openness • Listen actively
Contributions blocking discussion • Disagree without constructive alternatives • Attack proposals of others • Defend own proposals aggressively • Speaking all the time without listening • Talk about other subjects
Qualitative/quantitative To be filled by an observer
3. Relative - matching After the discussion: • Assessing the process individually • Matching the individual group members’ assessment • Discussing major mismatches
A team communication exercise • To TEAM or not to TEAM – that is the question! • Project Managers solve many problems. Before you can solve a problem you have to understand it! • Bill Gates only scored three right in this simple test – See how many you get right. • ..and then see how many your group gets right.
Lecture 2: On writing and review • Illustrations • Group writing • Review
Illustrations • A picture can tell more than a thousand words – but only if it is a good illustration of the subject • Some examples
Mimic diagram Monitors for overview Working monitor Working place Illustrating ”eye view” of a control room
Total NOX concentration Low sources Medium height sources High sources Background from abroad Illustrating emission of NOX
How to write Before writing (the group): • Preparation: receiver, message, outline • Brainstorm: e.g.. Post-it Writing (individually): • Go for it : write without criticism – one headline at a time (in arbitrary order) • Structure – structure the writing, creating overview and consistency • Edit – make the writing easy to read After writing (the group or others) • Review
Review – Why ? • To find mistakes • To identify if something is missing • To point out which parts of the document are really good (excellent)
Review – How and When ? • Written or oral • at a group meeting • after everybody have read the writing and have prepared individual comments to it
Review – How ? Split the comments into tree categories: • Misspelling, misprint and other corrections in the proofs. (might be noted directly in the document) • Logical errors, misunderstandings, poor formulations, technical mistakes etc. that makes the understanding difficult or impossible for the reader. • Good points, well structured, clear overview, interesting angle, well documented, clear illustrations etc.
Group Exercise • Read the 3 distributed abstracts carefully • Review them following the method on the previous slide • Then rank them according to quality and give them a mark between 0 and 100% • Prepare a short presentation of your marking, arguing why you have given the marks by pointing out good and bad things about the abstracts
Lecture 3: On oral presentation • A Guest Lecturer • Plenum assessment of the guest lecturer • Planning an oral presentation
What can we learn about oral presentation from this exercise? Find 5 good and 5 bad points in the presentation Feel free to smalltalk about your answers. Be prepared to explain your points.
The short presentation plan • Tell them what you are going to tell them! • Tell them! • Tell them what you have told them!
The longer presentation plan- 1 Questions to ask: • What is my point? Message • Why do I want to tell? Motivation • Who is to know? Receiver, code, power • How to approach receiver? Contact • How should I tell it? Focus, media • Where/when to tell? Situation • What do I know? Competence • How do I behave? Attitude
The longer presentation plan- 2 • Things to think about: • Content - message, structure • Appearance - confident, open, lively (eye-contact, hands) • Articulation - clear, fluent, correct terminology (write) • AV-aids - blackboard, OHP, PowerPoint, posters, film • Time-management - organise, message • Group collaboration - organise, message • Plan - rehearse - evaluate – review – rehearse etc.
Nervousness . . . . . . . • Everyone is nervous, insecure and/or exited - the only thing that helps is practice. • Prepare • Rehearse • Write introduction + conclusion • Write clue-cards
Oral presentations - body language • Elements in body language • eyes • facial mimic • gesture • posture • position • dressing How do you interpret this sign?
Body language • Be aware of your body language – often there is a contradiction between what you say and what your body tells • Some examples which may well be culturally biased??
Signals defence and insecurity despite the smile Confident, committed and confidence-inspiring Superior and self-confident; don’t turn your back to the audience
Defensive and keeping his distance A little nervous; holding a pencil or a pointing device will look more natural Aggressive, determined
Cautious and a little insecure Open and honest Insecure, holding his own hand
So – beware of your body language and rehearse in front of your friends and in front of the mirror!!
This was it for today – and the end of this course on Project Organised Learning
Before we say Good Bye I would like to hear your honest opinion about the POL-course, both form and content.Please feel free to speak your mind!!