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War in Southeast Asia

War in Southeast Asia. 15.4 Notes. 15.3 Mini-Notes! Part 1 China. China become communist under dictator Mao Zedong Totalitarian State Collectivized Agriculture Great Leap Forward-1958-1960- An effort to increase production and agriculture that proved to be a failure

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War in Southeast Asia

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  1. War in Southeast Asia 15.4 Notes

  2. 15.3 Mini-Notes! Part 1 China • China become communist under dictator Mao Zedong • Totalitarian State • Collectivized Agriculture • Great Leap Forward-1958-1960- An effort to increase production and agriculture that proved to be a failure • Cultural Revolution- an attempt to purge China of “bourgeois” tendencies. Led to attacks and mobs on many. • China becomes an important power center for the Cold War between U.S. and Soviets

  3. 15.3 Mini Notes! Part 2 Korea • After WWII Korea was occupied- divided on the 38th parallel. • Kim Il Sung- Communist dictator of North Korea, backed by Soviets • Syngman Rhee- dictator of South Korea, backed by U.S. • June 1950- North Korea invades South to reunite their country • U.N. Peacekeeping forces push them back, move into North Korea • China gets involved, U.N. pushed south of 38th parallel • Armistice ends the war- 38th becomes a DMZ

  4. Korean War

  5. I. Indochina After World War II • French had occupied Vietnam as a colonial power • Ho Chi Minh-nationalist and communist who had fought the Japanese • Dienbienphu- 1954 battle convinced French to leave Vietnam

  6. II. Vietnam is Divided • Vietnam was divided into North (communist) and South (non-communist) • Ngo Dinh Diem- leader of South Vietnam, dictatorial but non-communist

  7. III. America Enters the Vietnam War • Ho Chi Minh- wants to reunite Vietnam • Viet Cong- Minh’s communist rebels • U.S. initially only sent supplies and advisors • North Vietnamese attacked a U.S. Navy destroyer in the Gulf of Tonkin • 3 days later thought they were attacked again • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution- 1964 gave the President a blank check in Vietnam • Domino Theory-belief that if South Vietnam falls to communism the rest of Southeast Asia would also fall

  8. IV. War in Vietnam • guerrillas- small groups of loosely organized soldiers making surprise raids • U.S. failed to stop the Viet Cong • The Tet Offensive- major North Vietnamese assault cause U.S. public opinion to turn against the war

  9. V. The Vietnam War Ends • Protests against the war at home in the U.S. ended the war • North Vietnamese take the South two years after the peace

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