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Explore the significant impact and outcomes of the CANEM II project through mobility surveys, employability insights, and grantees' experiences. Witness how this collaboration has shaped educational systems and fostered international cooperation.
IMPACT - CANEM II PARTNERSHIP Sofía Siemens CANEM II Project coordinator University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
SHORT VIEW OF THE PROJECT • Project approved under the EM call: EACEA 38/2012 • Starting date: 15 July 2013 • Ending date: 30 October 2017 • - Lot 8: Countries of the Central Asian Republics: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. (3 Universities per partner country) + 5 European Universities: Italy, UK, Czech Republic and two Spanish universities (University of Balearic Islands and University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) • - Total members for the consortium: 20 partners. Coordinator: ULPGC. Local coordinator: Kyrgyz National University
SHORT VIEW OF THE PROJECT Mobility done until now:
IMPACT OF THE PROJECT: Survey to students, Home and Host Universities • April 2017 • Objective; Evaluation of the Project implementation and impact
STUDENTS SURVEY (all mobility levels) • Main cultural benefits they gained (open question) • Gained more international and local cultural experience • Became more sociable and communicative • Gained skills to adapt to a new country and culture • Became more open minded • Knew new education systems • Learnt new languages
EMPLOYABILITY • What are you doing currently?
If you are working, do you consider that the EM experience helped you to find this job? • Explainwhy (open question): • EM grantholders are consideredhightprofilecandidates • EM experiencehelped in gaining new professionalskills • Language and communicationskills • Host universitydegreeisveryappreciated in Home Country
If they are studying/working abroad: do they think they will go back to their country after finishing that studies/work abroad? • Yes – 100% • Do they think that what they learned during their stay is useful for their university or country? • Yes – 97% • No – 3% • Explain why (open question) • Prepared professionals with international experience are needed for the market • Research methods can be implemented in home country • Open minded leaders are needed • Contribute with new teaching ideas to their home universities • Development of new projects in their countries
Some phrases describing CANEM II grantees experiences: • “Thefoundation of myfuturecareer has beenlaidthanks to Erasmus Mundus” • “Adaptability, Communicationskills, Criticalthinking/Problemsolvingskills” • “One can changethemind of millions” • “Theexperience I gainedopenedmyeyes and made me more flexible”
MainImpact of the Project at Home Universities: • - Reformation of thestructure of theinternationaloffices • - Expansion of theinternationalRelationsDepartments • - Integration of International Educationprogrammes at faculties • - New measuresforrecognition of credits • - Introduction of new qualityassurancemeasures • Cooperation to publishresearcharticles in EU journals • Bestpracticeslearned at host universities has beenlaterbrought to Central Asianinstitutions • Jointprojects has beendeveloped (KA2 CBHE, KA107) • Curricum has beendeveloped, as some of theteachersupdatedtheir training materialsdue to theparticipation in the Project.
HOST COORDINATORS: • Mainimpactthe Project had in theirinstitutions: • New projects has beenpresented to the Erasmus+ calls • Bilateral agreementsamongthe CA institutions and EU partners has beensigned • Participatinginstitutionsgainedcontacts in severalcountrieswhichtheyneverworkedbefore • The Project gavethemexperience in themanagement of mobilitywiththirdcountries. • Excelentexperienceforstudents and staff relatedacademic and personal pathway.
THANK YOU! canem@ulpgc.es