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Epilepsia Video-Tele-conferencia

Epilepsia Video-Tele-conferencia. O lga M aría S á nchez - F arah Community Education Specialty Liderazgo y Excelencia en Diferencias Neurol ó gicas 2007. Moments which Disappeared… A crisis for my Child… A crisis in his Brain… A crisis for my Family…

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Epilepsia Video-Tele-conferencia

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  1. EpilepsiaVideo-Tele-conferencia OlgaMaríaSánchez-Farah Community Education Specialty Liderazgo y Excelencia en Diferencias Neurológicas 2007

  2. Moments which Disappeared… A crisis for my Child… A crisis in his Brain… A crisis for my Family… Better Language Access will enhance the: Understanding of Alexander’s Diagnosis…. Mi Hijo Tiene Epilepsia y Mi Familia Habla Español Epilepsia es una de las muchas diferencias neurológicas, causada por el Síndrome de 4p- Epilepsy

  3. Sponsored by the Grant: Improving Access to Care for Children/Youth with Epilepsy in California # 822TGF000016-03, a project funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Department of Health and Human Services (MCHB, HRSA, DHHS); the Epilepsy Foundation of Northern California, the Rowell Family Empowerment of Northern California; and the Northern Sierra Rural Health Network. Patrocinado por una beca monetaria para: Mejorando el Acceso de Cuidado para Niños y Jovenes con Epilepsia en California #822TGF000016-03 un Proyecto patrocinado por La Oficina Federal de la Salud Maternal y La Salud del Niño, el Departamento de Salud y de los Servicios Humans, La Fundación para la Epilepsia del Norte de California y otros Grupos tales como Centros de Recursos Familiares del Comienzo Temprano. A grant…A funding Source…and…A Goal…

  4. The Goal To Provide Quality Information, via Best Practices, and To Facilitate the Access to Translated Educational Resources to ensure that Spanish speaking Families in the state of California, (with a focus on rural communities ) have access to such Materials presented by Medical Faculty On the neurological Difference topic of: EPILEPSY

  5. Planning the Video Tele-Conference • Collaboration • Partnerships • Needs Assessment • Speaker Recruitment • The Invitation: Flyer • The Sites • Translation • The Event • Evaluations

  6. Needs Assessment

  7. Partnerships • FRCNCA • Regional Centers • North Sierra Health Network • Epilepsy Foundation of Northern California • The Education Department

  8. Finding the Speaker • Language Access • Academic Excellence • Being Part of the TEAM – Collaboration is Essential Successful Positional Partnerships… The delivery = Excellence

  9. The Sites –>The Audience-> Connecting Them • # of sites 16 • Connecting the Families

  10. Material Translation/Enhancing Cultural Competence

  11. The Event • The Date… • The Groups… • The Action… • The Camera, The Speaker, The Presentation… TV….Camera….Ready • GOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Excellence/Excelencia • What Families wanted to Learn • What our Speaker was able to convey EPILEPSIA Aprendiendo por medio de la Sabiduría Médica y la colaboración de Líderes Soñadores en la Comunidad, en la ciudades y pueblos, en el Estado.

  13. Lessons Learned:Prepare for the Unexpected • Losing the Connection & getting everyone back on. • Ensuring everyone got to ask at least one Question. • Smile… • The Rounds… Not enough time for questions…

  14. Total# of sites participating: 16 Total # of Parents 40 – 55 ( not all sites turned in the sign in and the evaluations.) USC CHLA – Families from 5 diff. cities Northern Sierra –Redding Central Valley Regional Center, Visalia Office Inland Regional Center: Riverside Kings View – Fresno Victor Community Support –Chico North L A Regional Center: Santa Clarita Antelope Valley Berkeley Modoc Medical Center – Alturas Sacramento San Andreas Regional Center Gilroy Salinas Cutter- Orosi School Woodlake School San Diego County Office of Education Basic Stats

  15. Evaluations • What Families liked • What Families didn’t like • Ways to Improve • Moments that do not Disappear… • Momentos de Aprendizage Familiar… Epilepsia… Una Diferencia… Aprendiendo con los Expertos…

  16. Lecciones Aprendidas/Lecciones CompartidasLessons Learned/Lessons Shared (epilepsy/march07) • Spanish Speaking Families “REAllY” benefit from Professional Educational Presentations • We have once again confirmed Families benefit from equal Language Access • Begin Planning of Actual Event: 6 months in advance Biggest Challenge: Getting the Sites and the Families “Inter-Connected….” Multi Agency Collaboration continues to be the “IDEAL” WE must truly continue to work TOGETHER for the Families… The Vision : “ Lead to Perfection “ The Mission: “Dare to Dream and eventually …Achieve that Dream…” The Topic: Epilepsy in Spanish The Result: SUCCESS Community Education –Specialty Human Services, Visions and Missions – Cultural Effectiveness and Language Access…from the UCEDD to Us Families… From Family Support -> to L.E.N.D->To the UCEDD

  17. Recuerdos del Grupo quese ReunióenC.H.L.A./U.S.C.U.C.E.D.D..Memories from March 29th, 2007

  18. Where do We go From Here? • ????? • We Have Only Just Begun… Any questions:olgasfchw@yahoo.com Or 310-791-0773

  19. …Why do I care about Epilepsy so much?PorqueAlexander John Francis Farah tiene Epilepsia Why did I want to Do my Specialty Concentration for Spanish Speaking Families? Because I believe that empowering families as they learn new languages and cultures is a human service that We as a Rich and Competent Society could afford to provide to the needy and to the fragile… as they attend to their child with Special Health Care Needs… Olga María Sónchez--Farah Family Support Fellowship 2007 – C..H..L..A..U.S.C.U.C.E.D.D.

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