1. CHAPTER 4 Revising Business Messages
4. Memo Revised for Conciseness
5. Concise Wording
6. Limit Long Lead-Ins
7. Drop Unnecessary Fillers
10. Remove Redundant Words advance warning
close proximity
exactly identical
filled to capacity
final outcome necessary requisite
new beginning
past history
refer back
serious danger
11. Remove Redundant Words advance warning
close proximity
exactly identical
filled to capacity
final outcome necessary requisite
new beginning
past history
refer back
serious danger
12. Dump Trite Expressions
13. Jargon Computer Jargon
bandwidth Alternative
list of documents waiting to be printed
transfer data from one program to another
Internet capacity
14. Slang to “bag on”
chill/chill out to tease, to nag, or to complain
unaware, naďve
someone stupid or silly
15. Slang
16. Clichés
19. Buried Verbs Revise verbs that have been converted to nouns.
20. Buried Verbs
21. Buried Verbs
22. Control Exuberance To sound credible, don’t overuse intensifiers such as very, definitely, quite, completely, extremely, really, actually, and totally
23. Precise Words Revise your writing to include precise words. Strive for specific verbs, concrete nouns, and vivid adjectives. Beware of unclear pronouns.
24. Precise Words
27. Designing Documents for Readability Employ white space.
28. Designing Documents for Readability
29. Designing Documents for Readability
30. Designing Documents for Readability
31. Designing Documents for Readability
32. Designing Documents for Readability
33. Designing Documents for Readability
34. Designing Documents for Readability
37. What to Watch for in Proofreading Spelling
Names and numbers
38. Proofreading Marks
40. How to Proofread Complex Documents Allow adequate time.
Print a copy, preferably double-spaced.
Be prepared to find errors.
Read once for meaning and once for grammar/mechanics.
Reduce your reading speed.
41. Have someone read aloud the original while someone else checks the printout.
Spell names.
Spell difficult words.
Note capitalization.
Note punctuation. How to Proofread Complex Documents
42. END