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Precipitation Group. What is the frequency and distribution of global snowfall? • What is the intraseasonal and interannual frequency and distribution of snowfall? Global or regional?
Precipitation Group What is the frequency and distribution of global snowfall? • What is the intraseasonal and interannual frequency and distribution of snowfall? Global or regional? • • How many snowfall events contribute to the formation of snowpacks /where and the world’s freshwater storage?
PROBLEM STATEMENT: • Snowfall is a major component of the Earth’s precipitation/water budget but is poorly measured. Although expected to be a sensitive indicator of climate variability and changing • Although poorly measured, snowfall is the most common form of precipitation in many high-latitude and mountainous regions of the world. The frequency of snowfall events varies widely. In the high latitudes some regions, snowpacks develop from a high frequency of light-snowfall events. Elsewhere, fewer but larger events form the snowpack
CLPP MEASUREMENT APPROCH / limitations: • Mass and energy balance methods • Snowfall, melt, sublimation, blowing snow • Rainfall input into snowpack, can we measure rainfall in warm winter and spring/fall? Can GPM help to get rainfall data? • Daily is the standard for climate obs, • Hydrology/flood forecast need end of winter total SWE • Monthly swe is good for mountain regions for reservior operations • Snow density change impact the algorithm?
Accuracy of swe obs, 10% of SWE, model under certainty crease errors higher then 10% • CLPP resolution of 1cm swe change in 3 days, light snowfall in high latitudes, less than 30-40mm/month • Can we masseuse falling snow rate with CLPP sensors?
CLPP duration • 3 year or more, • Change the sample frequency among years, such as, daily sampling for melt season to see the melt processes??
Validation data • Need both SWE and snowfall data • SWE: snow survey, snowtel network, Wyoming gauges (in Alaska), others? • Snowfall: climate network data, undercatch correction, US CRN/DFIR Geonor recoding gauge, 5-10 min precpi, GCOS, ASOS, Canada auto gauge network • Wind data, temp data • Gridded data from snow data
International Effort • Canadian space agency??? • ESA???