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Chapter 8: The Romantic Movement and Romantic Literature. 浪漫運動 與 浪漫文學 The Spheres of the Movement The movement occurred in literature, art, music, philosophy, religion, politics, education,
Chapter 8: The Romantic Movement and Romantic Literature 浪漫運動 與 浪漫文學 • The Spheres of the Movement The movement occurred inliterature, art, music, philosophy, religion, politics, education, architecture, gardening, landscape, etc. —almost all spheres of culture.
II.The Romantic Movement:Its Characteristics浪漫運動的特徵 • 1. The use of autobiographical material. • 用自傳性材料 • 2. An exaltation of the primitive and the common. • 喜原始與平常 • 3. An appreciation of external nature, esp., untamed disorderly scenery. • 要野性自然 • 4. An interest in the remote, esp., the medieval. 好遠古 • 5. A predilection for melancholy. • 喜憂傷 • 6. A preoccupation with death and decay. • 講死亡腐朽 • 7. A tendency towards pantheism, animism, mysticism, transcendentalism. • 傾向 泛神論、有靈論、神秘論、超越論8.Love of freedom & hate for restraint. • 好自由 • 9. A rebellious or revolting spirit & a revolutionary attitude. 反叛與革命精神 10. A belief in the natural goodness of man. • 相信性善論
II.The Romantic Movement :Its Characteristics浪漫運動的特徵 • 11. A fondness of the extraordinary, the Gothic, the supernatural. • 愛非凡、怪異、超自然 • 12. A view of the individual as the center. • 講個人 • 13. An emphasis on emotions, feelings, sentiment or passion. • 重情緒、情感、情懷、情愛 • 14. The extolment of the imagination. • 贊想像 • 15. Valuing the expressive theory of art • 重「表現論」 (expressing: genius, soul, originality, spontaneity, sincerity, loose open form, organic form, the fragmentary and incomplete, experimental, etc.) (表現:才華、心 靈、原創、自發、真誠、 鬆開形式、有機形式、片斷不全、試驗 等) • 16. Reacting against neo-classicism in numerous aspects. 反對 諸多新古典特徵
III.The Romantic Periods: Some Western countries witnessed Romanticism earlier than others: England: the pre-romantic period & the “Romantic Triumph” • (late 18th C.—1798—1832) • The Lyrical Ballads was first published in 1798. • The Reform Bill was passed in 1832 • Germany: Early Romantics & High Romantics • (late 18th C.—early 19th C.—middle 19th C.) • Sturm und Drang (Storm and Stress, 狂飆運動) in 1760s-1780s • emphasized individual subjectivity and free expression of emotion. France: after middle 19th C. America: 1830-65 Generally speaking, European and American Romantic Movement occurred in early and middle 19th century.
IV. The Manifestos: 宣言 • Preface to Lyrical Ballads《抒情歌謠》前言 by Wordsworth & Coleridge. (1800, 1802) They want common things & common language: they want nature. 要平常話、平常事:要自然 • Preface to Cromwell 《克隆威爾》前言 by Hugo. (1827) Theywant no social rules or regulations: they want natural laws. 不要社會規則,只要自然規律 • Preface to Leaves of Grass《草葉集》前言 by Whitman. (1855) Theywant self-expression & freedom: they want no restraint. 要表現自我、要自由:不要限制
V. The Major Authors: • England: • Blake, Burns, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, Keats, Scott, Lamb, Hazlitt, • De Quincey, etc. • Germany: • Goethe, Schlegel, Tieck, Schelling, Novalis, HÖlderlin, Hoffmann, Heine, etc. • France: • Rousseau, Lamartine, Nodier, Chateaubriand, Madame de Staël, Hugo, • America:Irving, Cooper, Hawthorne,Melville, Poe, Longfellow, Whitman,Thoreau, Emerson, etc. Italy: Leopardi, Manzoni, Foscolo, etc. Spain: Espronceda. Poland: Slowacki. Hungary: PetrÖfi. Denmark: Oehenschläger. Russia:Pushkin, Lermontov, etc.
VI. Romantic Literature: A. Chief genres: • Poetry: • lyric (抒情詩) • including: love lyric, reflective lyric, nature lyric, lyric of morbid melancholy and other sub-genres. ballad (民謠), folk song (民歌), • ode (頌詩), dirge (哀歌), conversation piece (會話詩), • vision (靈象詩), (supernatural) narrative poem (超自然) 故事詩, etc. • Fiction: • sentimental (濫情) novel, historical novel, Gothic (誌怪) novel, • fairy tales, romance, etc. 情、古、怪 • Prose: • familiar essay (隨筆散文), confession (表白錄), autobiography, • letters, etc.
VI. Romantic Literature: • B. Some Famous Works • England: Blake (布雷克):Songs of Innocence and of Experience, Wordsworth (渥玆華斯):Lyrical Ballads, The Prelude, Coleridge (柯立基):The Ancient Mariner, Christabel, Byron (拜倫):Don Juan, Manfred, Shelley (雪萊):Prometheus Unbound, “Odeto the West Wind,” Keats (濟慈): “Ode to the Nightingale,” Lamia, etc. • Germany: • Goethe (歌德):The Sorrows of Young Werther, Faust I, • Heine (海涅):Book of Songs, • Hoffmann (霍夫曼):“A New Year’s Eve Adventure,” etc.
VI. Romantic Literature • B. Some Famous Works • France: Rousseau (盧梭): Confessions, 懺悔錄 Chateaubriand (沙妥布里昂) : Renè, Hugo (雨果): The Hunchback of Notre Dame, 鐘樓怪人The Miserable Ones, 悲慘世界 [孤星淚] • America: • Irving(艾爾文) :Rip van Winkle,李伯大夢 • The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,睡谷傳說 • Cooper (庫柏) :The Leatherstocking Tales,皮襪故事 • Melville (梅爾維爾) :Moby Dick, 白鯨記 • Whitman (惠特曼) :Leaves of Grass (Song of Myself), • Poe(愛倫波) :“The Raven,” The Fall of the House of Usher, • Emerson (愛默生) : Nature, • Thoreau (梭羅) :Walden, 湖濱散記 • Hawthorne (霍桑) :The Scarlet Letter, 紅字
VII.SomeMajor Subjects or Themes: • 人:The man of feeling. • The fatal woman. • The Noble Savage, the natural man. • Children, idiots, rustic people, borderers. • Wanderers, lonely figurers, social outcasts. • The metaphysical quester. • The supernatural beings. • 物:Historical or mythological figurers. • Birds, beasts, flowers, plants. • Moon, star, cloud, wind. • River, fountain, lake, sea, waterfall. • Rock, hill, vale, landscape. • 事:Seasons, evening, night, dawn. • Voyage, adventure, quest, tour. • Good past, bad present, nostalgia. • Love, aspiration, dream, vision. • Impulse, inspiration, imagination. • Soul, death, immortality. • Change, eternity, revolution. • Marriage, apocalypse.
VIII. Some Typical Romantic Heroes: • Prometheus, Satan : They revolt against authorities. 反權威 • Werther, Renè: They are confined and controlled by passions and feelings. 重情感 • Faust, Napoleon: Facing human limitations, they seek to have infinite power. 追求無限 • Don Juan, Eugene Onegin, Byron: • They are weary of social life. 反社會 • Natty Bumpo, Thoreau, Rousseau: • They are fond of nature. 喜自然
IX. Some Questions to Be Considered: • What is the central idea of romanticism? • Is there any purely romantic author, work, culture, or period? • How is romanticism relatedto neo-classicism, realism, symbolism, modernism, postmodernism, etc.? • Can we say the romantic movement is a democratic revolution in art and literature? • What are our Chinese representative romantic authors and works?