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APNOMS’99 Keynote Speech. Approaches to User-Friendly Communication Systems. Yukou Mochida FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD. September 3, 1999. mochida@flab.fujitsu.co.jp. Data Voice. Moore’s Law. Rapid Increase in Communication Traffic in Japan. 700. 600. 500. 400. Traffic (Peta Bytes).
APNOMS’99 Keynote Speech Approaches to User-Friendly Communication Systems Yukou Mochida FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD. September 3, 1999 mochida@flab.fujitsu.co.jp FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.
Data Voice Moore’sLaw Rapid Increase in Communication Traffic in Japan 700 600 500 400 Traffic (Peta Bytes) 300 200 100 0 Year (March) 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 (Source : Merrill Lynch / Nikkei Comm.) FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.
Moore’sLaw Rapid Increase of International Traffic- Development of Submarine Systems - 1T Japan-US (10G x 16W x 4F) WDM Opt. Amp. 100G China-US (2.5G x 8W x 3F) WDM Opt. Amp. SEA-ME-WE3 (2.5G x 8W x 2F) WDM 10G Total transmission capacity (b/s) TPC-5 (5G x 2F) Opt. Amp. TPC-4 (560M x 2F) 1.55 µm Reg. 1G TPC-3 (280M x 2F) 1.3 µm Reg. 100M Year 1990 2000 1995 FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.
Photonic Network ・ Optical Amplification ・ WDM 10G×32λ 10G×4λ 2.5G×16λ TDM Moore’sLaw 10G 2.4G 130,000 channels 1.6G 810M 400M Development of Large-Capacity Optical Transmission Systems 10T 1T 100G Transmission Capacity (bit/sec) 10G 1G 100M Year 80 85 90 95 00 05 High-Speed Internet Optical Access Network Telephone, N-ISDN FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.
ATM-PON System for High Speed Access ATM: Asynchronous Transfer Mode >service(CATV, VOD, POTS etc) multiplexing PON: Passive Optical Network >high speed, low cost subscriber loop Fiber To The Home Internet 1.3μm Burst-mode bit rate 155 Mb/s Computer Center Central Office ONU OLT Optical fiber Video Library Fiber To The Building Core network 1.55μm Continuous mode bit rate 155 / 622 Mb/s CATV ・ Cost effective solution for FTTH/Cab/C/B ・ Key technology : Burst mode optical transmission FTTH/Cab/C/B: Fiber To The Home/Cabinet/Curb/Building Fiber To The Cabinet/Curb FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.
Issues for Information Explosion in the Communication Network • ABUNDANT resources: • Bandwidth (Bandwidth blowout by photonics and next generation mobile) • CPU Power (Silicon progress, Moore’s law) • SCARCE resource: • User’s Time (Difficulty of finding right information) • (George Gilder) • Key for the user-friendly communication FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.
“User’s Time” Conscious Approaches 1. Service management 2. Agent technologies 3. Tele-presence / Tele-cooperation 4. User-friendly Interface FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.
Provide user pertinent information with required quality and ease of access Policy-based control and guarantee of quality offered by heterogeneous application, system and network End-to-end Quality of Service Management User’s QoS policy Application/ Network QoS - Capacity - Accuracy - Time Delay - Security - Reliability User Requirements - Ease of access - Quality - Time - Cost Telecooperation QoS Policy Mgmt User Provider QoS Control Electronic commerce QoS-enabled Application QoS-enabled services QoS-enabled Application QoS Monitor Agent Web QoS-enabled Networks/Systems FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.
Automated systems management Enable end-to-end QoS control Integrated policy information Policy-Based Enterprise Management PSM (Policy-based Systems Management) Application management PBN (Policy-Based Networking) Cooperate Cooperate Integrated management policy Network management System management Control Status Enterprise System (application, server, client, router) QoS:Quality of Service FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.
Integrated management of IP/ATM/Photonic/Mobile networks End-to-end QoS guarantee User programmability for dynamic change of network behavior Policy-Based Interworking with Enterprise Networks Policy Management Server Customer Care Policy Server SMS Billing Service Mng. System Enterprise Manager Management Policy NMS Policy Server Perform. Mng. Config. Mng. Network Mng. System Directory Server Policy Server IP/ATM Enterprise Network Optical Access Photonic SMS: Service Management System NMS: Network Management System WDM: Wave Division Multiplex Public Network Mobile FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.
What Agent Technology can Provide • Easy access to services by hiding differences of • Access network systems • Server/database systems • Adaptive selection of services • Geometry dependent information filtering • Selection of available communication method • User customized services FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.
Network Plug & Play User can access personalized service seamlessly. Personal agent hides the difference of access network Internet Agent Agent Office network (LAN) Wireless network (PDC,PHS) Home network (1394, BlueTooth) Plug&Play Agent Agent Agent Agent Mobile Office Car Home Outdoor FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.
Personal Agent ArchitectureFlexible communication support for mobile users Personal Agent Personal Agent Area agent NetworkAgent IP network Telephone network Wireless network FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.
Prototype System Component Repository Personal Agent (private view) Personal Agent (public view) Area Agent FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.
User Interface for Mobile Users FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.
User Database Virtually Integrated Database Direct access to databases Brokerage by a facilitator • Users must know where databases are, and how to access them. • Users must access to each database by themselves. • Users must know only a facilitator. • The facilitator accesses databases on the user’s behalf in parallel. Distributedfacilitator Virtually Integrated Database FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.
Searching various databases in Fujitsu intranet Retrieving appropriate information efficiently using an experienced search agent Now in service and used by systems engineers at Fujitsu FIND-Future - Application of Agent Agent Rescue SolutionBANK IKB FIND2 FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.
Overview of Find-Future User Interface User Agent User-level Authentication Query Reply Authentication Server Facilitator Role Assignment Advertise Advertise Query/ Reply Query/ Reply Database Agent Database Agent Database Agent Search Command Search Command Search Command Index Server Search Server Terass WWW Server Center Server FIND2 IKB FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.
Users make queries with keywords More than 40 servers distributed across Fujitsu have joined. 40,000 system engineers are using. Database agent software is distributed throughout field SE divisions for theirservers to join. 80% of the queries are answered within 2 seconds. Status of Find-Future FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.
CHOCOA(CHat Oriented COmmunication Augment) • Shared Space : Informal and Simple Conversation in the Large Room • Chat System for R&D, Business and Pleasure • Informal, Simple and Easy to Use Communication System What is the manager scheduled to ? He is scheduled to attend the meeting for one o’clock. Internet I will report to him before the meeting. Now Searching! Monitoring bot navi IRC WWW FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.
Product initiated by necessity Advantage of large room Always possible to see each other (Awareness) Always possible to talk to each other Multi-person discussion is possible Virtual large room (for researchers and engineers) Real-time and quasi real-time communication system Media : Multi-user and multi-party text chat system + Voice for compensation of text’s drawbacks Technical background Telephone system: Circuit-switched --- Always-ON is expensive Internet system: Packet-switched --- Always-ON is possible Approach of CHOCOA FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.
User Interface of CHOCOA Instant Message (sent among users) Buddy List (showing status of users) Drag & Drop files Text messages from a keyboard Kick Internet Telephony Kick WEB browser FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.
Status of CHOCOA • Freeware (Japanese and English version) * • since October 1996 • Users (in Japan) : About 100,000 (Share >50%) • Corporate and university users: 34% • Individual users: 66% • Users in Fujitsu: 3000 • Example in Labs: Kawasaki - Akashi - • Fukuoka - San Jose - • Collaboration • *http://www.fujitsu.co.jp/hypertext/free/chocoa/en/index.html FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.
Unintended Interaction with Neighbors Mr. B’s Virtual Office Mr. A’s Virtual Office FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.
Zoom Interface for Web Access • Continuous Access by Coarse Pointing FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.