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Reminder…. Tourism paper due October 24 First refereed summary article due October 30 You will each present your articles on Tuesday November 2. Emerging Markets. What is a paradigm? A collective world view
Reminder… • Tourism paper due October 24 • First refereed summary article due October 30 • You will each present your articles on Tuesday November 2 Emerging Markets
Emerging Markets Emerging Markets
What is a paradigm? • A collective world view • ‘entire constellation of beliefs, values, techniques, etc., shared by the members of a given community’ • Examples here in Lebanon? • What is a paradigm shift? • The emergence of a new paradigm when the old one is no longer able to explain evidence that contradicts its core premises • What is the dominant western (eastern?) environmental paradigm? • Anthropocentric belief that humans are separate from and superior to the natural environment • The natural environment is a resource or commodity that should be exploited for human benefit through technology • No limit to what can be achieved; problems can be solved through the application of the scientific method and its associated technology • contradictions to this belief? Emerging Markets
What is a paradigm shift? • A paradigm is a framework for viewing reality. Paradigms shift over time as a natural result of changing societal values or new scientific information, but sometimes they are shifted intentionally, without a sound basis for change. Emerging Markets
New Ecological Paradigm • SD = Strongly disagree, • MD = Mildly disagree, • U = Unsure, • MA = Mildly agree, • SA = Strongly agree Emerging Markets
SD = Strongly disagree, MD = Mildly disagree, U = Unsure, MA = Mildly agree, SA = Strongly agree 1. We are approaching the limit of the number of people the earth can support. 2. The balance of nature is very delicate and easily upset. 3. Humans have the right to modify the natural environment to suit their needs. 4. Mankind was created to rule over the rest of nature. 5. When humans interfere with nature it often produces disastrous consequences. 6. Plants and animals exist primarily to be used by humans. 7. To maintain a healthy economy we will have to develop a "steady-state" economy where industrial growth is controlled. 8. Humans must live in harmony with nature in order to survive. 9. The earth is like a spaceship with only limited room and resources. 10. Humans need not adapt to the natural environment because they can remake it to suit their needs. 11. There are limits to growth beyond which our industrial society cannot expand. 12. Mankind is severely abusing the environment. Emerging Markets
Do we have a new paradigm? • Problems with current paradigm + ↑ concern for the env. + ↑ env. movement = green paradigm ? • Dominant environmental paradigm vs green paradigm • Environmentally… Economically… Socially … • Where does ecotourism fit in this paradigm shift? Where does the green ecotourist fit? Emerging Markets
What is the evidence in favor of the view that we are currently undergoing a paradigm shift toward a ‘green paradigm’? • If this shift is real -> what are the implications for the ecotourism sector and for tourism as a whole? Emerging Markets
The green consumer • Veneer environmentalism • Greenwashing: the act of misleading consumers regarding the environmental practices of a company or the environmental benefits of a product or service. • More products are claiming to be ‘green’ • The average number of ‘green’ products per store almost doubled between 2007 and 2008. Green advertising almost tripled between 2006 and 2008. Emerging Markets
Bank of America subsidiary MBNA launched their new Eco-Logique MasterCard credit card for Canadian consumers. What makes the new card so special? greenwash Well, everytime you make a purchase you earn points, but instead of using the points to get airline tickets or electronics, MBNA buys carbon offsets. The more stuff you buy, the more offsets MBNA buys. And exactly how much goes towards helping offset emissions? According MBNA, one half of one percent of your total purchases. In case you’re keeping track, that’s 99.5% going to Bank of America, one of the biggest financial backers of the coal industry and .5% to planting trees. Emerging Markets
For fun • http://sinsofgreenwashing.org/games-tools/name-that-sin-game/ Emerging Markets
The green consumer • From greenwashing.. To moderates .. To the ‘true greens’ • Range worldwide Emerging Markets
Green traveller: agenda 21 for the travel and tourism industry • Agenda 21 for the Travel and Tourism industry identifies twelve (12) guiding principles for tourism development: · Travel and Tourism should assist people in leading healthy and productive lives in harmony with nature· Travel and Tourism should contribute to the conservation and restoration of the earth's ecosystem.· Travel and Tourism should be based upon sustainable patterns of production and consumption· Nations should cooperate to promote an open economic system, in which international trade in Travel & Tourism services can take place on a sustainable basis.· Travel & Tourism, peace, development and environmental protection are interdependent.· Protectionism in trade in Travel & Tourism should be halted or reversed.· Environmental protection should constitute an integral part of the tourism development process.· Tourism development issues should be handled with the participation of concerned citizens, with planning decisions being developed at local level.· Nations shall warn one another of natural disasters that could affect tourists or tourist areas.· Travel & Tourism should use its capacity to create employment for women and indigenous peoples to the fullest extent.· Tourism development should recognize and support the identity, culture, and interests of indigenous peoples.· International laws protecting the environment should be respected by the Travel & Tourism Industry Emerging Markets
Green traveller • Global code of ethics for tourism • Published on greenresistance.wordpress.com/evsc237 • Green Globe 21 – a membership based organization dedicated to achieving sustainable outcomes for tourism and hospitality industry worldwide through member adherence to sustainability-related goals • EarthCheck Benchmarking and Certification Program • Only 24 of 648 green globe 21 members achieved certification by 2000 • What green action taken by hotels? Emerging Markets
Questions … • True or False: Travel and Tourism is the world’s largest industry. • True or False: Lebanon has 11 official nature reserves. • True or False: Lebanon generated ~ 1 kg of municipal solid waste / person /day in 2001 • Open question: The number one source of solid waste in Lebanon is …. ? Emerging Markets
Ecotourist Market Segmentation • If ecotourists are those who seek nature-based learning experiences and behave in an env. and socio-culturally sustainable manner, then they are a subset of the green traveler market. • Market segmentation • Determine how ecotourists differ from consumers and tourists in general • Identify distinctive ecotourist subgroups • How? • Motivation and behavior • Geographic location • Demographics Emerging Markets
Motivation, Attitude, and Behavior • Hard ecotourists? • Who are they? • What do they like to do? • Soft ecotourists? • Who are they? • What do they like to do? • Variations / Spectrum • Know figure 2.5 Emerging Markets
Extra Credit options #1 and 2 • Earth Watch Institute - http://www.earthwatch.org/ • “Earthwatch Institute is an international non-profit organization that supports scientific field research by offering volunteers the opportunity to join research teams around the world.” • World Expeditions - http://www.worldexpeditions.com.au/ • “World Expeditions is one of the world’s oldest adventure travel companies.” • extra credit • Due: October 25 • 2 page summary of any topic on the organization (what they do, where they do it, newsletter, adventure vs ecotour, etc.) • E-mail it to me (to save paper) – rania.masri@balamand.edu.lb Emerging Markets
Other criteria.. • Geography • ‘Developed’ vs ‘Developing’ World • Country-based segmentation • Most important ecotourist markets? • Socio-demographics • Gender (depends … ) • Age (depends … ) • Education, income and occupation Emerging Markets
http://www.ecotourism.org/ Emerging Markets
Growth of the market • Weaver (1998) – ecotour operations expanded their customer base at an annual rate of 15-25% • Examine activities… only birdwatching expanded at a rate that exceeded global tourism Emerging Markets