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GOOD NEWS FOR THE “CIRCLE OF SILENCE”. Percentages of Evangelical Christians in Mexico (by state) (Percentage for the country= 7.5) *Taken from from the 2010 census. www.inegi.gob.mx. 12-20% 9-11.9% 6-8.9% 4-5.9% 2-3.9%.

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  2. Percentages of Evangelical Christians in Mexico (by state)(Percentage for the country= 7.5)*Taken from from the 2010 census.www.inegi.gob.mx 12-20% 9-11.9% 6-8.9% 4-5.9% 2-3.9%

  3. “The Circle of Silence” is made up of the 115 counties that have 1% or less evangelicals within the states of Jalisco, Guanajuato, Michoacan, Zacatecas, Querétaro, San and Luis Potosi, Aguascalientes Nayarit.

  4. www.bnuevas.com/evangelicos_mexico_2010.pdf

  5. Central Mexico is an area that can be reachedby the churches from the statesthat are more reached.

  6. CentralMéxicois the region with the greatest populationwith theleastpercentage of evangelicalsin all ofLatinAmerica http://www.ciudadseva.com/enlaces/grafs/mapaal.jpg

  7. Percentages of evangelicals in Mexico compared with Central America.(http://www.operationworld.org/) http://www.viajejet.com/wp-content/viajes/centroamerica-391x300.jpg

  8. Central Mexico compared with the least percentage evangelical countries of Spanish speaking Latin America.(http://www.operationworld.org/) * Thisisusingthepopulation of the 6 stateswith 4% orlessevangelicals (Guanajuato, Zacatecas, Michoacan, Jalisco, Queretaro y Aguascalientes) in representation of Central México:

  9. http://www.ciudadseva.com/enlaces/grafs/mapaal.jpg

  10. Good News for the “Circle of Silence” But he said, “I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.” Luke 4:43 (NIV)

  11. BNUEVAS MISSION: We are a multi-denominational missionary society dedicated to planting churches through mobilization, missionary training and the sending of workers to the least reached counties of the “Circle of Silence” with the final goal of reaching the ends of the earth.

  12. BNUEVAS VISION: To see at least one missionary church established en each of the least reached counties of the Circle of Silence while at the same time training them to become missionaries throughout the world.*It is understood that a missionary church is one who seeks to be a witness in the four areas established in Acts 1:8, their: Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth.

  13. BNUEVAS OBJECTIVES: 1. Mobilize 2. Train 3. Send 4. Mentor • Churches to intercession, sending and supporting of workers from within Mexico as well as from other Latin American countries. Workers in biblical and practical ways that have been successful within the culture they will be working in. • Send trained workers to the least reached counties of the Circle of Silence after having an on the field training period. The workers through more experienced missionaries giving them the moral support and continued training.

  14. BNUEVAS OBJECTIVES: 5. To prepare workers for going to the “ends of the earth” through their training in the Circle of Silence. .

  15. BNUEVAS VALUES: 1. PRAYER: We realize that nothing will be accomplished without God, therefore we will depend completely on Him through prayer.

  16. BNUEVAS VALUES: 2. UNITY: This is a multi-denominational missionary society, therefore we expect each person involved to respect the doctrinal convictiones of each other but at the same time adhere to our declaration of faith.

  17. BNUEVAS • VALUES: • Teamwork: as the most effective way to serve God. We realize that we won’t see as much progress in reaching the Circle of Silence if everybody is working on their own.

  18. BNUEVAS VALUES: 4. The continual growth : of each person involved in BNuevas so that they grow in their natural talents and ministries as well as in their character in order to be faithful and effective in serving the Lord.

  19. BNUEVAS VALORES: 5.Adaptability to culture and methods: It is important that each worker adapts to the context of the culture where he is working as well as adapting to proven methods of planting churches in the area.

  20. Good News for the Circle of Silence: ¡Until it becomes a Circle of Proclamation!

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