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mal, male bad; abnormal; worse

mal, male bad; abnormal; worse. mal, male bad; abnormal; worse. dismal (adj.) depressing; causing gloom or misery; causing bad feelings syn. – cheerless, gloomy ant. – cheerful, lively ety . – [< Old French dis mal evil days < Medieval Latin dies mali ]

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mal, male bad; abnormal; worse

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  1. mal, malebad; abnormal; worse

  2. mal, malebad; abnormal; worse • dismal (adj.) depressing; causing gloom or misery; causing bad feelings • syn. – cheerless, gloomy • ant. – cheerful, lively • ety. – [< Old French dis mal evil days < Medieval Latin dies mali] • Do you agree that Hades is a dismal place? • malady (n.) bad health; illness; sickness • syn. – disease • ant. – hearty • ety. – [< Old French maladie < malade ill < Latin male habitus doing badly] • Unfortunately, Achilles’ • heel was his malady.

  3. mal, malebad; abnormal; worse • malice (n.) mischief; evil intent; bad will • syn. – spite • ant. – goodness • ety. – [< Old French < Latin malitia < malus bad, evil] • As an act of malice, Medusa would turn those who looked at her to stone. • malignant (adj.) harmful; something bad enough that it could result in death when related to cancer • syn. – evil, threatening • ant. – benign • ety. – [< Late Latin malignant] • Hades’ actions are often malignant.

  4. mal, malebad; abnormal; worse • malaria (n.) bad air; a disease usually spread by infected mosquitoes • syn. – • ant. – • ety. – [< Italian < mala aria bad air] • Malaria was not a major health concern to the Greeks. • malefactor (n.) an evildoer; a person who does bad things • syn. – criminal, wrongdoer • ant. - benefactor • ety. – [< Latin < malefacere do evil < male badly + facere do] • A trickster in mythology could be considered to be a malefactor.

  5. mal, malebad; abnormal; worse malevolent (adj.) a word that describes a person or character who wishes bad things would happen to others • syn. – spiteful • ant. – benevolent • ety. – [< Latin malevolentem < male badly + velle to wish] • Demeter’s causing a famine could be described as malevolent behavior. • malfeasance (n.) wrongdoing or bad conduct by a public official • syn. – misconduct • ant. – truthfulness • ety. – [< French malfaisance < mal- badly + faire do] • No one would dare accuse Zeus of malfeasance for fear of punishment.

  6. mal, malebad; abnormal; worse • malnourished (adj.) having bad health or having poor nutrition syn. – deprived ant. – nurtured ety. – [ mal < F malapert] [ <OF noriss< norir < L nūtrīre to feed] [ ed < OE –edorig. disputed] Persephone became malnourished due to not eating during her time in Hades. • malodorous (adj.) bad smell; stinky syn. – foul, putrid ant. – fragrant ety. – [ mal < F malapert] [ < OF < L] (-ous< OF –os, -us < L –osum] • The battlefield of Troy was a malodorous place after the siege.

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