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Overview of the NAS regulations,building sector and research activities. Sašo Medved University of Ljubljana Slovenia. Bulgaria Czech Republic Hungary Latvia Lithuania Poland Romania Slovak Republic Slovenia. Report prepared by. Technical University of Budapest, Hungary
Overview of the NAS regulations,building sector and research activities Sašo Medved University of Ljubljana Slovenia Bulgaria Czech Republic Hungary Latvia Lithuania Poland Romania Slovak Republic Slovenia
Report prepared by Technical University of Budapest, Hungary IPA SA, Bulgaria Brno Univertity of Technology, Chech Republic EnEffect Center for Energy Efficiency, Bulgaria Czech Technical University in Progue Intertermo CCConcept Ltd, Romania Warsaw University of Technology, Poland Latvian Academy of Science, Latvia Slovak University of Technology, Slovak Republic Black Sea Regional Energy Centre and Technical University of Sofia Institut of Heating and Sanitary Technology, Poland Ecofys, Poland Technical University pf Cluj-Napoca, Romania ZRMK Technological Building & C.E. Institut, Slovenia University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Lithuanian Energy Institute, Lithuania
Purpose • To examine the characteristics of the expanded EU market, technological, economic, social and educational dimensions, as it relates to building energy research • To identify potential target market sectors on the basis of potential benefits • Identify the most appropriate technologies for NAS markets • Identify and implement coherent technology transfer and promotion strategies appropriate to NAS market needs
Chapters Building thermal insulation and energy performance regulation Energy supplysurvay Meteorological datas and available databases Building sector development and RTD programs overview Status of research activities and technologies
Heat loss calculation - methodology Heat loss coeficient, ground, thermal bridges, windows EN EN ISO National BOL CZ H LAT LIT POL ROM SLV SLO
Heat losses coeficients 2,4 windows 2,0 1,6 1,2 0,8 walls 0,4 roofs 0,2 BOL CZ H LAT LIT POL ROM SLV SLO
Heat losses coeficients 2,4 windows 2,0 1,6 1,2 state-of-the-art 0,8 walls 0,4 roofs 0,2 BOL CZ H LAT LIT POL ROM SLV SLO
Heat losses coeficients great potential 2,4 windows 2,0 1,6 1,2 0,8 walls 0,4 roofs 0,2 BOL CZ H LAT LIT POL ROM SLV SLO
Heat losses coeficients 2,4 windows 2,0 1,6 included in overall envelope U 1,2 0,8 walls 0,4 roofs 0,2 BOL CZ H LAT LIT POL ROM SLV SLO
Heat losses coeficients 2,4 windows 2,0 1,6 f (DT) compared with fictive building with same size 1,2 0,8 walls 0,4 roofs 0,2 BOL CZ H LAT LIT POL ROM SLV SLO
Heat losses coeficients 2,4 windows 2,0 1,6 economy analyse in case of renovation 1,2 0,8 walls 0,4 roofs 0,2 BOL CZ H LAT LIT POL ROM SLV SLO
Overall (envelope) U value compared reference building f (A/V) f (A/V) f (A/V), DD 0,61 (A/V=1) 0,55 (A/V=1) 0,70 (A/V=1) yes no BOL CZ H LAT LIT POL ROM SLV SLO
Ventilation related heat losses min air required m3/h m3/per m3/h m3/per m3/per m3/per m3/per m3/per m3/h m3/per m3/h m3/per m3/h m3/per building air tightness <0,8 h-1 <4,5 h-1 nat. vent <0,6 low-E m3/m2h <2 h-1 heat recovery >0.7 h-1 1200 m3/h 50% >2 h-1 > 8h/day 60% >10.000 m3 BOL CZ H LAT LIT POL ROM SLV SLO
Energy performance Calculation procedure simple method EN 832 EN 832 nation. EN 832 EN 832 f(A/V), no. of stores f(A/V) f(A/V) f(A/V) f(A/V) f(A/V) Limitations 46,4 kWh/m3 (A/V=1) N=242d T=3.8oC 0,7-0,75 W/m3K 37.4 kWh/m3 W/m3K dwellings 85 kWh/m2 other 27,2 kWh/m3 64.4 (A/V=0.5) kWh/m2 BOL CZ H LAT LIT POL ROM SLV SLO
Renewable energy sources SC, PV 400 kWh/m2 6-9 m2 700 vac kWh/m2 4 m2 250-450 kWh/m2 8-3 m2 - - - SC PV BOL CZ H LAT LIT POL ROM SLV SLO
Lighting daylighting DF > 1.5% (buil. type) uniformity glare min window/ floor area window/ floor area > 1:8 DF DF solar duration >90 min 1st March >1 h Dec > 3h March > 5 h Jun > 90 min 1st March – 13th Oct in 1/3 living area >1 h Dec > 3h March > 5 h Jun >3h March – Sept between 8:00-16:00 hour BOL CZ H LAT LIT POL ROM SLV SLO
ENERGY SUPPLY • Primary energy supply • Final energy supply • Fuels, fuels switching • Renewable energy sources • Trends • Scenarious
Primary energy supply PE (PJ) 1726 159 378 4500 1980 809 286 trend 1995-2000 - 5.5% • 58% • 1990-2000 +7% 1995-2000 -28% 1996-2000 +2% 1995-99 +17% 1990-2000 fuels coal 38% nuclear 8% gas+oil 64% gas+oil 60% nuclear +hydro 32% import 94% coal 61% (-20%) gas 40% gas 40% BOL CZ H LAT LIT POL ROM SLV SLO
Final energy consumption FE (PJ) 1050 127 184 4000 1068 581 205 40% Households (PJ) 216 t 41 32% 393 37% 51 25% 240 23% 2nd 1st 2nd 2nd Rank BOL CZ H LAT LIT POL ROM SLV SLO
Renewable energy RE in PE (PJ) wood peat waste 21 37 25 135 7% 16 8% 32% house-holds 2% 29% 14% 5% BOL CZ H LAT LIT POL ROM SLV SLO
geother. PV Renewable electricity price biogas biomass wind €/kWh <36 kW 0,29 0,25 0,48 >10 kW 0,42-0,79 f(kW) 0,21 0,7-1.4 residental 0,17 0,25-0.6 grid 0,13 0,09 0,05 BOL CZ H LAT LIT POL ROM SLV SLO
Meteorological datas • Sources of data • Publications • Institutions • DD calculation procedures
Meteorological datas • Sources of data • Temperatures • average yearly • average monthly • extrems
Meteorological datas • Sources of data • Temperatures • Solar radiation • tables • sunshine hours • maps with zones
Meteorological datas • Sources of data • Temperatures • Solar radiation • Degree days • heating DD • number of heating days • cooling days (some)
Meteorological datas • Sources of data • Temperatures • Solar radiation • Degree days • Test reference year 1+5 4 4 BOL CZ H LAT LIT POL ROM SLV SLO
Meteorological datas • Sources of data • Temperatures • Solar radiation • Degree days • Test reference year • Trends
Research in field of energy and environmental performance of the buildings • History of building sector developments • Description of building stock • Technical and economical status domestic construction sectors • Overiew of RTD programms • Initiatives, support measurements and strategies • Targets • Building sector financing
URBAN AREA PERIOD STRUCTURE ENCLOSURES FUEL HEATING SYSTEMS walls windows wood coal fuel oil gases terra-cotta stoves Local heating systems district heating 1930 1950 masonry + reinforced concrete poles and floors burnt brick, 28 cm and 42 thick. double of wood. ofthe floor area dominant dominant 1950 1970 idem burnt brick, 24 cm and 37.5 cm thick blocks of autoclaved aerated concrete idem dominant dominant 1970 1990 idem and prefabricated reinforced concrete and thermal insulating reinforced concrete panels 30 cm. thick. idem 1950 1970 and simple windows with heat insulated glass dominant dominant 1990 2000 idem 1970 1990 idem 1970 1990 simple P.V.C. windows with heat insulated glass dominant Research in field of energy and environmental performance of the buildings • History of building sector developments BOL CZ H LAT LIT POL ROM SLV SLO
Research in field of energy and environmental performance of the buildings • Description of building stock • construction period • thermal insulation level • size & number • typology • type of constructions • type of heating systems BOL CZ H LAT LIT POL ROM SLV SLO
Research in field of energy and environmental performance of the buildings • Technical and economical status domestic construction sectors • construction works, capital repairs, maintenance • ownership structure • market trends BOL CZ H LAT LIT POL ROM SLV SLO
Research in field of energy and environmental performance of the buildings • Initiatives, support measurements and strategies • Energy Law (paragraphs fot building sector) • Executive regulations regard to RE • The Thermal modernisation act BOL CZ H LAT LIT POL ROM SLV SLO
Research in field of energy and environmental performance of the buildings • Initiatives, support measurements and strategies - barriers BOL CZ H LAT LIT POL ROM SLV SLO
Research in field of energy and environmental performance of the buildings • Targets • energy policy (2000 – 2008) • electricity supply short and long therm • gas industry (2000 – 2008) • coal mining • uranium mining (2000 – 2030) • oil supply • Targets • till 2005 25% decrease of heat demand for heating • till 2010 35% decrease of heat demand for heating according to 2000 BOL CZ H LAT LIT POL ROM SLV SLO
Status of the report • Draft version prepared by all NAS-ENERBUILD partners • Authors will be asked for autorization • Conclusions will be made BOL CZ H LAT LIT POL ROM SLV SLO