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Global Neutral 01001a Global Warm Neutral d3d1c8 Global Accent On Dark ffbf00 Global Accent on Light ff9800 Global Accent Alt 97c410 ELA - Coral ff5147 Math 009f93 Leadership 7872bf. Leadership Pathway: Rigor in High School. Winter 2018. RIGOR IN HIGH SCHOOL.
Global Neutral 01001a Global Warm Neutral d3d1c8 Global Accent On Dark ffbf00 Global Accent on Light ff9800 Global Accent Alt 97c410 ELA - Coral ff5147 Math 009f93 Leadership 7872bf Leadership Pathway: Rigor in High School Winter 2018
RIGOR IN HIGH SCHOOL The Week at a Glance
RIGOR IN HIGH SCHOOL Objectives and Agenda Objectives Participants will be able to • describe the three aspects of Rigor and why Rigor is important. • evaluate Standards, tasks, and lessons for aspects of Rigor. • observe for the Rigor shift and related equitable teaching practices. Agenda • Opening • Activator • Rigor: What and Why? • Finding Rigor in the Standards • Observing for Rigor
RIGOR IN HIGH SCHOOL Norms That Support Our Learning • Take responsibility for yourself as a learner. • Honor timeframes (start, end, activity). • Be an active and hands-on learner. • Use technology to enhance learning. • Strive for equity of voice. • Contribute to a learning environment where it is “safe to not know.” • Identify and reframe deficit thinking and speaking.
RIGOR IN HIGH SCHOOL Equity • Equity is engaging in practices that meet students where they are and advance their learning by giving them what they need. It’s about fairness, not sameness. • Equity ensures that all children—regardless of circumstances—are receiving high-quality and Standards-aligned instruction with access to high-quality materials and resources. • We want to ensure that Standards-aligned instruction is a pathway to the equitable practices needed to close the gaps caused by systemic and systematic racism, bias, and poverty. • All week, we will explore our learning through an equity lens, and we will capture those moments visibly here in our room.
RIGOR IN HIGH SCHOOL Equity, Language, and Learners • Students need well-structured opportunities to practice language to learn it. Amplify, do not simplify, language. • Content and language develop inseparably and in integrated ways; language development occurs over time and in a nonlinear manner. • Scaffold students toward independence with complex tasks; do not scaffold by simplifying text language and task complexity. • We are the gatekeepers of language in the classroom as teachers and leaders. • Acquiring the language for the masterful use of standard English in writing and speaking benefits all students. • All students bring valuable knowledge and culture to the classroom.
RIGOR IN HIGH SCHOOL Feedback on Feedback
RIGOR IN HIGH SCHOOL Parking Lot Let’s go back and see if questions were addressed . . .
RIGOR IN HIGH SCHOOL Teachable Moments Activator Step One – Pair Stand and find a partner. Remain standing. Step Two – Count At the facilitator’s direction, count off 1–6. Step Three – Analyze 4 min. – Analyze your assigned statement for its misconceptions. Step Four – Role Play 3 min. – Practice coaching to undo the misconception(s). 3 min. – Provide feedback.
RIGOR IN HIGH SCHOOL 3. I’m going to make sure I spend at least half my time this year teaching the major work course emphases. Teachable Moments Activator 1. Within grade coherence isn’t relevant in Geometry because everything in the course is about Geometry—it is all one domain. 2. I decided to skip the Circles domain because everything in there is an additional cluster. 6. I’m going to make sure all the problems/tasks that I assign always align to at least two different Standards. 4. My kids can’t do G-CO.2 so I’m teaching 8.G.A.1 first. 5. To strengthen connections, I’ll make sure that my students are solving each problem in as many different ways as possible.
Rigor: What and Why? “Rigor refers to deep, authentic command of mathematical concepts, not making math harder or introducing topics at earlier grades.” From the Common Core State Standards
RIGOR IN HIGH SCHOOL From the CCSS for Mathematics “Asking a student to understand something means asking a teacher to assess whether the student has understood it. But what does mathematical understanding look like?” “There is a world of difference between a student who can summon a mnemonic device to expand a product such as (a + b)(x + y) and a student who can explain where the mnemonic comes from. The student who can explain the rule understands the mathematics, and may have a better chance to succeed at a less familiar task such as expanding (a + b + c)(x + y).” “Mathematical understanding and procedural skill are equally important, and both are assessable using mathematical tasks of sufficient richness.”
RIGOR IN HIGH SCHOOL Paired Learning Activator Is there a time where you learned a procedure or a mnemonic or a way of doing the math without understanding why or what math you were doing? And what impact did that have on your future learning—if any?
“Lessons for [marginalized] students commonly focus primarily on rote skills and procedures, with scant attention to meaningful mathematics learning.” -National Council for Teachers of Mathematics, 2014 Addressing equity and access includes both ensuring that all students attain mathematics proficiency and increasing the numbers of students from all racial, ethnic, linguistic, gender, and socioeconomic groups who attain the highest levels of mathematics achievement.
RIGOR IN HIGH SCHOOL Consider this Contrast United States How can I teach my kids to get the answer to this problem? Japan How can I use this problem to teach the mathematics of this unit?
Three Aspects of Rigor RIGOR IN HIGH SCHOOL • Conceptual Understanding: The Standards call for conceptual understanding of key concepts, such as place value and ratios. • Procedural Skill and Fluency: The Standards call for speed and accuracy in calculation. • Modeling/Application: The Standards call for students to use math in situations that require mathematical knowledge.
RIGOR IN HIGH SCHOOL Find the Rigor Protocol: • Do the math. • For each, what aspects of Rigor are emphasized and how do you know? • What are the Standards associated with each one?
RIGOR IN HIGH SCHOOL Task #1 Let F assign to each student in your math class his/her biological father. Explain why F is a function. Describe conditions on the class that would have to be true in order for F to have an inverse. In a case from part (b) in which F does not have an inverse, can you modify the domain so that it does? F-IF.A.1 Understand that a function from one set (called the domain) to another set (called the range) assigns to each element of the domain exactly one element of the range. If f is a function and x is an element of its domain, then f(x) denotes the output of f corresponding to the input x. The graph of f is the graph of the equation y = f(x).
RIGOR IN HIGH SCHOOL Task #2 John makes DVDs of his friend’s shows. The cost of producing x DVDs is given byC(x) = 2500 + 1.25x. John wants to cover his costs. Suppose John made 100 DVDs. What is the cost of producing this many DVDs? How much is this per DVD? Complete the table showing his costs at different levels of production. Explain why the average cost per DVD levels off. Find an equation for the average cost per DVD of producing x DVDs. Find the domain of the average cost function. Using the data points from your table above, sketch the graph of the average cost function. How does the graph reflect that the average cost levels off? F-IF.B.4 For a function that models a relationship between two quantities, interpret key features of graphs and tables in terms of the quantities, and sketch graphs showing key features given a verbal description of the relationship.
RIGOR IN HIGH SCHOOL Task #3 F-IF.8.A Use the process of factoring and completing the square in a quadratic function to show zeros, extreme values, and symmetry of the graph, and interpret these in terms of a context.
Identifying the Rigor in the Standards RIGOR IN HIGH SCHOOL Procedural Skill F-IF.8.A Use the process of factoring and completing the square in a quadratic function to show zeros, extreme values, and symmetry of the graph, and interpret these in terms of a context. Application
One Final Point: A Balance of Rigor RIGOR IN HIGH SCHOOL The Standards set high expectations for all three components of Rigor in the major work of each grade. (1) The three aspects of Rigor are not always separate in materials. (2) Nor are the three aspects of Rigor always together in materials. (3) EVERY student MUST have opportunities to work at achieving the balance of rigor.
RIGOR IN HIGH SCHOOL Questions That Develop Rigor
RIGOR IN HIGH SCHOOLThumb Rating: Did we meet our objectives? Objectives: Participants will be able to • describe the three aspects of Rigor and why Rigor is important. • evaluate Standards, tasks, and lessons for aspects of Rigor. • observe for the rigor Shift and related equitable teaching practices.
RIGOR IN HIGH SCHOOLProcessing & Application STOP AND JOT • What important understanding do you want to take away from our discussion about Shift 3 and equity? • What implications does the importance of rigor have for your work? Consider: Professional development Planning Curriculum Systems/structures Policy & programming
Global Neutral 01001a Global Warm Neutral d3d1c8 Global Accent On Dark ffbf00 Global Accent on Light ff9800 Global Accent Alt 97c410 ELA - Coral ff5147 Math 009f93 Leadership 7872bf Leadership Pathway: Observing the Standards and Shifts in High School Winter 2018
OBSERVING THE STANDARDS AND SHIFTS IN HIGH SCHOOLObjectives and Agenda Objectives Participants will be able to • observe and coach teachers on the Standards and the Shifts in mathematics. Agenda • Observing for Shifts and Standards • Lunch • Coaching Role Play • Reflection
OBSERVING THE STANDARDS AND SHIFTS IN HIGH SCHOOL Observing for Standards and Shifts Standard: HSG-SRT.C.8 Prepare. Unpack the Standard. Determine Focus. Determine prerequisites (Coherence). Determine aspects of Rigor. Capture evidence. What Standards are being taught? Is the instruction addressing the intended Standard? Where do you see evidence of students learning? Students working harder to grasp concepts? What aspects of Rigor are emphasized? Is the instruction equitable?
OBSERVING THE STANDARDS AND SHIFTS IN HIGH SCHOOL Unpack the Standard Cluster: Define trigonometric ratios and solve problems involving right triangles HSG-SRT.C.8 Use trigonometric ratios and the Pythagorean Theorem to solve right triangles in applied problems.
OBSERVING THE STANDARDS AND SHIFTS IN HIGH SCHOOL After the Observation Step One: Focus Start with the Standard. What Standards are being taught? Is the instruction addressing the intended Standard? Is the Standard major work?
OBSERVING THE STANDARDS AND SHIFTS IN HIGH SCHOOL After the Observation Step Two: Coherence Review student evidence. • Where do you see evidence of students learning? Students struggling? • Are the students who are “getting it” making connections to previous learning? • For students who are working harder or taking longer to “get it,”how is the teacher supporting students to make connections to previous learning? • What prerequisite knowledge and/or skills might be missing?
OBSERVING THE STANDARDS AND SHIFTS IN HIGH SCHOOL After the Observation Step Three: Rigor • What aspects of Rigor are embedded in the Standards? • What evidence did you capture of: • Procedural skill and fluency • Conceptual understanding • Modeling/application • Is the instruction addressing Rigor appropriately?
OBSERVING THE STANDARDS AND SHIFTS IN HIGH SCHOOL So, what is not aligned in this instruction? Focus Coherence Rigor Equitable Instructional Practices
Get Ready (4 min.) OBSERVING THE STANDARDS AND SHIFTS IN HIGH SCHOOL Coaching Role Play: Purpose and Process Pair Up (2 min.) The objective of this activity is to give leaders practice coaching a teacher on Standards and Shifts alignment in the context of an authentic classroom situation. Role Play & Feedback #1 (11 min.) Role Play & Feedback #2 (11 min.)
OBSERVING THE STANDARDS AND SHIFTS IN HIGH SCHOOL Coaching Role Play The objective of this activity is to give leaders a chance to practice coaching a teacher in the context of an authentic classroom situation. 4 minutes – Everybody gets ready. Identify your goals for this coaching session. What do you want the teacher to know and try as a result of this interaction? Draft entry question(s), clarifying questions, and probing questions. Draft key learning and next steps you want the teacher to walk away ready to try. 2 minutes – Pair up. Choose a partner. Identify who will go first. Role Play #1 shares goals and the level of “heat” you’d like to practice coaching.
OBSERVING THE STANDARDS AND SHIFTS IN HIGH SCHOOL Role Play #1: Reflect and Feedback 1 minute – Each role writes reflections of effectiveness of coaching conversation from their point of view. 2 minutes – Identify what worked. Coach first: Start with stating your goal(s) for the discussion and one or two moves you made that supported that goal. Share one or two other pluses that you can identify. Teacher: Share one or two moves that the coach made that deepened your understanding of Focus. 2 minutes – Identify suggestions for improvement. Coach first: Share one or two things you’d like to do differently or improve. Teacher: Share one or two things the coach should consider to strengthen practice.
OBSERVING THE STANDARDS AND SHIFTS IN HIGH SCHOOL Transition to Role Play #2 Review preparation notes. Share coaching goals and the level of “heat”you’d like to practice coaching.
OBSERVING THE STANDARDS AND SHIFTS IN HIGH SCHOOL Role Play #2: Reflect and Feedback 1 minute – Each role writes reflections of effectiveness of coaching conversation from their point of view. 2 minutes – Identify what worked. Coach first: Start with stating your goal(s) for the discussion and one or two moves you made that supported that goal. Share one or two other pluses that you can identify. Teacher: Share one or two moves that the coach made that deepened your understanding of Focus. 2 minutes – Identify suggestions for improvement. Coach first: Share one or two things you’d like to do differently or improve. Teacher: Share one or two things the coach should consider to strengthen practice.
OBSERVING THE STANDARDS AND SHIFTS IN HIGH SCHOOLThumb Rating: Did we meet our objectives? Objectives Participants will be able to • observe and coach teachers on the Standards and the Shifts in mathematics.
OBSERVING THE STANDARDS AND SHIFTSIN HIGH SCHOOLProcessing & Application STOP AND JOT Think about your initial knowledge of the Standards and the Shifts in mathematics. • What new learning do you now have? • What do you intend to do differently in your role and context to ensure equitable instruction for all students? Consider: Professional development (for you and others) Planning Curriculum Systems/structures Policy & programming