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"Rotork YTC YT-3300(Rotork YTC YT-3350) Smart Valve Positioner accurately controls valve stroke, according to input signal of 4-20mA, which is being input from the controller. In addition, built-in micro-processing operator optimizes the positioner's performance and provides unique functions such as Auto calibration, PID control, Alarm, and Hart protocol.<br><br>For any Enquiry Call Us: 91-11-2201-4325, Email at : info@ytcindia.com, Our Website :- www.ytcindia.com
Contents 1.Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………… 5 1.1Generalinformationfortheusers……………………………………………………………….5 1.2ManufacturerWarranty……………………………………………………………………………5 2.ProductDescription…………………………………………………………………………………..6 2.1General……………………………………………………………………………………………..6 2.2MainFeaturesandFunctions…………………………………………………………………….6 2.3LabelDescription………………………………………………………………………………….. 6 2.4ProductNumber…………………………………………………………………………………… 7 2.5ProductSpecification………………………………………………………………………………8 2.6PartsandAssembly–YT-3300L&YT-3300R…………………………………………………..9 • 2.7Parts andAssembly–YT-3301L&YT-3301R…………………………………………………..10 • 2.8ProductDimension…………………………………………………………………………………10 • 2.8.1 YT-3300L…………………………………………………………………………………10 • 2.8.2 YT-3300R………………………………………………………………………………… 11 • 2.8.3 YT-3301L…………………………………………………………………………………12 • 2.8.4 YT-3301R…………………………...……………………………………………………12 • 3.Installation……………………………………………………………………………………………….13 • 3.1Safety………………………………………………………………………………………………..13 • 3.2YT-3300/3301LInstallation …………………………………………………………………… 13 • 3.2.1 InstallationSteps………………………………………………………………………...13 • 3.3YT-3300LDirect-MountingInstallation…………………………………………………………..15 • 3.3.1 InstallationSteps………………………………………………………………………...15 • 3.4YT-3300RInstallation………………………………………………………………………………16 • 3.4.1BracketInformation……………………………………………………………………...16 • 4.Connections……………………………………………………………………………………………..17 • 4.1Safety………………………………………………………………………………………………..17 • 4.2SupplyPressureCondition………………………………………………………………………..17 • 4.3PipingCondition…………………………………………………………………………………….17 • 4.4Connection–Actuator……………………………………………………………………………...18 • 4.4.1 Single acting actuator – YT-3300……………………………………………………… 18 4.4.2Double acting actuator – YT-3300……………………………………………………..18 4.4.3 Singe acting actuator – YT-3301 ……………………………………………………… 18 4.4.4Double acting actuator–YT-3301…………………………………………………….. 19 • 4.5Connection–Power………………………………………………………………………………..19 • 4.5.1 Safety……………………………………………………………………………………...19 • 4.5.2 Terminal Overview……………………………………………………………………….20 • LimitSwitchTerminal-MechanicalType<YT-3300>……………………….20 • LimitSwitchTerminal-ProximityType<YT-3300>…………………………21 YT-3300/3301series Ground…………………………………………………………………………. Ground………………………………………………………………………….21 • 5.Adjustment……………………………………………………………………………………………….21 • 5.1LimitSwitchAdjustment……………………………………………………………………………21 • 5.2Auto/ManualSwitch(A/MSwitch)………………………………………………………………. 22 • 5.3Variable OrificeAdjustment ………………………………………………………………………. 22 • 5.4OptionPCBAdjustment…………………………………………………………………………22 • 6.Operation…………………………………………………………………………………………………23 • 6.1Safety……………………………………………………………………………………………….23 • 6.2ButtonDescription…………………………………………………………………………………23 • 6.3RunMode(RUN)…………………………………………………………………………………..23 • 6.3.1 AutoCalibration(AUTOCAL)………………………………………………………….24 • AUTO1Calibration(AUTO1)………………………………………………..24 • AUTO2Calibration(AUTO2)………………………………………………..24 • 6.3.2 ManualMode(MANUAL)………………………………………………………………25 • 6.3.3 ParameterMode(PARAM)…………………………………………………………….25 • Dead-Zone(dEAdZONE)……………………………………………………25 • PValue(KP)………………………………………………………………….26 • D Value(Kd)………………………………………………………………….26 • IValue(KI)…………………………………………………………………….26 •,D_(Kd_),I_(KI_)values……………………………………………27 • HandCalibrationMode (HANDCAL)………………………………………………….27 • Zero-Point(PV_ZERO)andEnd-Point(PV_END)forValves……………27 • Zero-Point(TR_ZERO)andEnd-Point (TR_END) forTransmitter ……..27 • End-Point Ratio for Valve (PE_TRIM) ………………………………………28 • Normal/ ReverseFeedbackSignal (TR_NORM/ REV)…………………28 • Normal/Reverse HARTSignal(HT_NORM/REVS)……………………28 6.3.5 ValveMode(VALVE)…………………………………………………………………….29 ActingAdjustment(ACT)……………………………………………………..29 • CharacteristicAdjustment(CHAR)………………………………………….29 • UserCharacteristics(USERSET)…………………………………………..30 • Tight Shut Open(TSHUTOP)……………………………………………….30 • TightShut Close (TSHUTCL) ………………………………………………. 30 • SplitRange Mode (SPLIT) ……………………………………………………31 • CustomZeroSettingMode(CSTZERO)…………………………………..31 • CustomEndSettingMode(CSTENd)……………………………………..31 • InterpolationMode(ITPOFF /ON)………………………………………….31 6.3.6 ViewMode(VIEW)……………………………………………………………………….32 • 7.ErrorandWarningCode……………………………………………………………………………….33 • 7.1ErrorCode………………………………………………………………………………………….. 33 YT-3300/3301series
7.2WarningCode………………………………………………………………………………………337.2WarningCode………………………………………………………………………………………33 8.MainSoftwareMap……………………………………………………………………………………..35 YT-3300/3301series
1.Introduction GeneralInformationfortheusers Thank you for purchasing YoungTechCo., Ltd products. Each product has been fully inspectedafterits production tooffer youthehighestqualityandreliableperformance. Pleaseread the product manual carefullyprior to installingand commissionthe product. 1.1 • For the safety, it is important to follow the instructions in the manual. Young Tech Co., Ltd will not be responsible for any damages causedbyuser’s negligence. • Themanualshouldbeprovidedtothe end-user. • Any modifications or repairs to the product may only be performed if expressed in this manual. • Themanual canbealteredor revisedwithoutanypriornotice.Anychangesin product’s specification, design, and/or any components may not be printed immediately but until the following revision of themanual. • Themanualshouldnotbeduplicatedorreproduced foranypurposewithoutprior approval fromYoungTech Co., Ltd, Gimpo-si, SouthKorea. 1.2 ManufacturerWarranty • Forthesafety,itisimportanttofollowtheinstructionsinthemanual.Manufacturerwill notbe responsible for any damagescaused by user’s negligence. • Manufacturerwillnotberesponsibleforanydamagesoraccidentsasaresultofany alterationormodificationoftheproductanditsparts.Ifanyalterationormodifications • are necessary,please contactYoungTechCo.,Ltddirectly. • Manufacturerwarrantstheproductfromthedateoforiginalpurchaseoftheproductfor one(1) year, except asotherwisestated. • Manufacturerwarrantywillnotcoverproductsthathavebeensubjectedtoabuse, • accidents, alterations, modifications, tampering, negligence, misuse, faulty installation, lack of reasonable care, repair or service in any way that is not contemplated in the documentation for the product,orif the modelor serial numberhasbeenaltered, tamperedwith,defacedorremoved;damagesthatoccursinshipment,duetoactof God,failuredue topowersurge,orcosmeticdamage.Improperorincorrectly performedmaintenance will voidthis limited warranty. • Fordetailed warranty information,pleasecontactYoungTechCo.,Ltd– South Korea. YT-3300/3301series
2.ProductDescription General YT-3300 series Smart ValvePositioner accurately controls valve stroke in response to an inputsignalof4-20mA fromthecontroller.Built-inmicro-processoroptimizesthe positioner’sperformanceandprovidesuniquefunctions suchasAuto-Calibration, PID Control,Alarms, and HART Protocol Communications. 2.1 2.2 MainFeaturesandFunctions • LCDdisplay enables users tomonitor thepositioner status. • Positioneroperatesnormallyduringsuddenchangesinsupplypressureand/orhigh vibrationenvironment. • Lowairconsumptionlevelandlowvoltageuse(8.5V)yieldtolowerplantoperating • costs.TheYT-3300iscompatiblewith mostof controllers. • Variableorificecanbeusedtominimizethehuntingoccurrenceandoptimizeoperating conditions. • ValvesystemfeedbackisgreatlyimprovedbytheaccuracyandfastresponseoftheYT- • 3300. • Differentvalvecharacteristicscanbeadjusted–Linear,QuickOpen,EqualPercentage, and Customwhich usercan make 16 pointscharacterizations. • Tight Shut–CloseandShut-Opencanbeset. • PID parameterscan be adjusted in the field without any additional communicator. • A/Mswitchcanbeusedtodirectsupplyairtotheactuatorortomanuallyoperatethe positionerorvalve. • Splitrange4-12mAor12-20mAcanbeset. • Operatingtemperatureis-40~85’C. • ManualOperation allowsthe userto operatethevalve manually. 2.3 LabelDescription YT-3300/3301BodyLabel Indicates the model number of the positioner. Indicatescertified explosionproofgrade. Indicatesinputsignal range. Indicates the allowable operatingtemperature. Indicates the supply pressurerange. Model: ExplosionProof: InputSignal: OperatingTemp.: SupplyPressure: YT-3300/3301series
2.4 ProductNumber **YT-3300seriescanbeusedfordirect-mountingapplication. **YT-3301standardcablelength is 5meters.Maximumcablelength is20meters. YT-3300/3301series
2.5 ProductSpecification Testedunderambienttemperatureof20’C,absolutepressureof760mmHg,andhumidityof65%.Pleasecontact YoungTechCo.,Ltdfordetailedtesting specification.* Explosionproofcertification isinprogress. YT-3300/3301series
2.6 PartsandAssembly–YT-3300L&YT-3300R YT-3300Lseries explodedview YT-3300Rseriesexploded view YT-3300/3301series
2.7 PartsandAssembly–YT-3301L&YT-3301R 2.8 ProductDimension 2.8.1 YT-3300L YT-3300/3301series
2.8.2 YT-3300R standard withL/Soption YT-3300/3301series
2.8.3YT-3301L 2.8.4YT-3301R YT-3300/3301series
3.Installation Safety Wheninstallingapositioner,pleaseensuretoreadandfollowsafetyinstructions. 3.1 • Anyinputorsupplypressurestovalve,actuator,and/ortootherrelateddevicesmust beturnedoff. • Use bypass valve or other supportive equipment to avoid entiresystem “shut down”. • Ensurethere is no remaining pressure in theactuator. YT-3300/3301LInstallation YT-3300/3301L shouldbeinstalledonlinearmotionvalvessuchasglobeorgatetypewhich 3.2 • usesspringreturntypediaphragmorpistonactuators. Beforeproceedingwiththe installation,ensure following components are available. • Positionerunit • Feedbackleverandleverspring • Flangenut(bottomsideofYT-3300/3301L) • 4pcsxhexagonal headedbolts (M8x 1.25P) • 4pcsxM8platewasher • InstallationSteps • Properbracketmustbemadeinordertoadaptthepositionerontheactuatoryoke. Pleaseconsider following importantpoints when a bracket is beingdesigned. • Positioner’s feedbacklever mustbeparallelto thegroundat50%of thevalve stroke. • Feedback lever connection with the pin of the actuator clamp should be installed in such a way that the valve stroke length coincides with the corresponding figure in “mm” marked on the feedback lever.Improper setting may cause poor linearity and maycreate unnecessary hunting duringthe operation. • Assemble the positioner with the bracket made in previous step by fastening the bolts. Please refer to the backside of the positionerfor size of the bolts.The standard bolt sizeis M8x1.25P.Please contactYoungTechCo., Ltdfor other bolt sizes. YT-3300L YT-3301L YT-3300/3301series
Attach thepositionerwithbracket totheactuator yoke–DONOTTIGHTEN POSITIONERCOMPLETELY. Connectpositioner’sfeedbacklever totheactuatorclamp. Theholegaponthe feedback lever is 6.5mm.The connection pin’s outer diameter should be less than 6.3mm. Connect supply pressure to the actuator temporarily.Supply enough supply pressure to the actuatorinorder to position the actuatorclamp at50% of the total valve stroke. Insert connection pin into the feedback lever.The pin should be inserted when the actuator clamp is at 50% of the total valvestroke. Properway to connectfeedbacklever,connection pin,andleverspring<YT-3300and YT-3301sensor> Check if feedback lever is parallel to the ground at 50% of the valve stroke.If it is not parallel, adjust the bracket or feedback link bar to make parallel.Improper installation may cause poorlinearity and may createunnecessary huntingduring the operation. Check the valve stroke.The stroke marks are indicated on the feedback lever of the positioner.Position the connection pin at the number on the feedback lever which corresponds to the desired valve stroke. Toadjust, move the bracket, the connection pinor both. ProperwayofPin Insertion YT-3300/3301series
9.After installing the positioner,operate the valve from 0% to 100% stroke by using direct air to the actuator (manual position).On both 0% and 100%, the feedback lever should not touch the lever stopper, which is located on the backside of the positioner.If the feedback lever touches the stopper, the positioner should be installed further away from theyoke. Feedbacklever should nottouch lever stopper 0% ~ 100% valve stroke. 10.Aftertheinstallation,tightenalloftheboltsonthebracket,thefeedbacklever,andthe connection pin. • YT-3300LDirect-MountingInstallation • YT-3300Lcanbeinstalled ondirect-mounting / tube-less typeactuator. • InstallationSteps • PleaseremovetheplugwhichblocksOUTportonthebackoftheYT-3300unit.OUT portson theside of the positioner shouldbe blocked by plugs. 3.3 Remove Block YT-3300/3301series
2.Mount YT-3300L onto actuator’s yoke by using 2 bolts.As you mount the positioner, please be careful not to lose o-rings from the air channel. Please ensure that the lever adapterconnectionhasbeenproperlyinstalledontoactuator’s stembefore tightly fastened. YT-3300RInstallation YT-3300Rshouldbeinstalledonrotary motionvalve suchasballorbutterflytypewhich uses rackandpinion,scotchyokeorothertypeofactuatorswhichstemrotates90degrees. Beforeproceedingwiththe installation,ensure following components are available. 3.4 • Positionerunit • Forkleverandleverspring • Standard rotary bracket(included with thepositioner) • 4pcsxhexagonal headedbolts (M8 x 1.25P) • 4pcsxM8platewasher • 3.4.1 Bracketinformation • YT-3300Rseriesissuppliedwithstandardbracket.Thisbracketcanbeusedforbothfork and NAMUR lever.Pleasereferto below table how to adjust thebracket. YT-3300/3301series
Using hexagonal bolts and washer, fasten YT-3300R with the supplied bracket.Do not tighten bolts completely before correct mounting of YT-3300R has been confirmed. Insert YT-3300R’s main shaft into actuator’s stem, and place the bracket align to the actuator’s bolt holes.After the alignment, please fastenall of the bolts. 4.Connections 4.1 Safety • Supply pressureshouldbe clean anddryair– avoidingmoisture, oilordust. • Alwaysrecommended to use air filterregulator (i.e.YT-200 series). • YoungTechCo.,Ltdhasnottestedpositioner’soperationwithanyothergases otherthan clean air.Please contactYoungTech Co., Ltdfor anyquestions. 4.2 SupplyPressureCondition • Dryairwith at least 10℃lower than ambient temperature. • Avoidfrom dustyair.Positioner’s innerfilter can only filter5 micron or larger. • Avoidoil. • Comply withANSI/ISA-57.3 1975(R1981)or ISAS7.3-1975(R1981). • Supply pressurerange is1.4 ~ 7kgf/cm2(140-700 kPA) • Set airfilter regulator’spressurelevel10%higherthan actuator’sspringrangepressure. 4.3 PipingCondition • Ensureinsideof pipe is clean of obstructions. • Do not use pipeline that issqueezed orshows any type ofdamamges. • Pipelineshouldhavemorethan6mmofinnerdiameter(10mmouterdiameter)to maintainflowrate. YT-3300/3301series
Thelengthofpipelinesystemshouldnotbeextremelylong.Longerpipelinesystem mayaffect flowrate due tothefriction insideof the pipeline. • Connection–Actuator • Singleactingactuator–YT-3300 • SingeactingtypepositionerissettouseOUT1port.OUT1portshouldbeconnectedwith • supply pressureport from actuatorwhenusingsingle acting type of springreturn actuator. Singe acting linear (left)and rotary (right) type actuator 4.4.2 Doubleactingactuator –YT-3300 DoubleactingtypepositionerissettouseOUT1andOUT2port.Asinputsignalincreases, the supply pressure will besupplied through OUT1 port. Doubleactinglinear(left)androtary(right)typeactuator 4.4.3 Singleactingactuator–YT-3301 Single acting linear(left)and rotary(right) type actuator YT-3300/3301series
4.4.4 Doubleactingactuator–YT-3301 • Doubleactinglinear(left)androtary(right)typeactuator • Connection–Power • Safety • Wheninstallinginhazardousandexplosivegasarea,conduittubeorpressure-proof • packingunionmustbeused.Thecompoundchargingboxshouldbetheflameproof typeand must be sealedcompletely. • Conduitentryconnection tap is PF1/2 or G1/2. • Beforeconnectingterminal,ensurethatthepowerisoffcompletely.Donotopenthe coverwhenthe power isstill alive. • Please usering-type rugto protect against vibrationorany other external impact. • Positioner with PTM options must be supplied 10~28V DC separately.For L/S option, separate 12-24V DC must be supplied.For both options, it should not exceed 30V DC. • Positionershouldbe grounded. • Please use twisted cable with conductor section are 1.25mm2and that is suitable for 600V (complying to the conductor table of NEC Article 310.) The outer diameter of the cable should be between 6.35 ~ 10mm.Use shield wire to protect against electro- magnetic field and noise. • Please donotinstall the cablenearhighnoiseequipments, such ashigh-capacity transformeror motor. YT-3300/3301series
4.5.2 TerminalOverview PositionerTerminal IN +: IN -: FG: OUT+: OUT-: InputSignal(+) Input Signal (-) Ground FeedbackSignal(+) FeedbackSignal(-) Switch Terminal– Mechanical Type <YT-3300> YT-3300/3301series Switch Terminal– Proximity Type<YT-3300> • Ground • Ground mustbedonebeforeoperating the positioner. • Open terminal cover and locategroundterminal plateon the right hand bottom side of the terminal plate. The outer cable entry is located at outside of the terminal.Please makesure that the resistance isless than 100ohm. • Whenusingexternalground,use(+)screwdrivertounscrewthegroundbolts.Insert • outside ground bolts and spring washer into ring type terminal of the ground cables and tightenthem with bolts. • When using inside ground, use 3mm wrench to loosen locking bolts of the terminal box cover. • Adjustments LimitSwitchAdjustment YT-3300seriescanhavelimitswitchoption. Ifuserwantstoadjusttheposition,please loosencambolts and adjust cam. 5.1 MechanicalType ProximityType YT-3300/3301series
Auto/ManualSwitch(A/MSwitch) Auto/ManualSwitchallowsthepositionertobefunctionedasby-pass.Ifswitchissetas Auto,thepositionerwilloperateperinputsignal.IfswitchissetasManual,thepositioner willsendsupplypressuredirectlytothe actuator. 5.2 VariableOrificeAdjustment Positioner can cause hunting with extremely small size of the actuator.To adjust flow rate to the actuator, variable orifice can be inserted.The sizes of orifice are 1 pie and 2pie. 5.3 OptionPCBAdjustment Byadding option sub-pcb,the positioner can haveoptions. 5.4 Thereare3typesofsub-pcb’s HART only PTMonly PTM+HART InstallationSteps Openthecover andremove themainPCBfromthe positioner. Mount support PCB andplug sub-PCB into mainPCBconnector. OptionJumper . **OptionJumpermustberemoved, whenHARToptionincludedsub-PCBisbeingmounted. YT-3300/3301series
6.Operation Safety Following process will operate valve and actuator. Before proceed with any AUTO Calibration, please separate valve from the entire system, so AUTO Calibration will affectentirevalve process. 6.1 ButtonDescription Positionerhas 4 buttons, andthey enable to performvarious functions. 6.2 RunMode(RUN) Afterpowerconnectiontothepositioner,RunModewillbe appeared on positioner’s LCD screen within 6 seconds. “RUN” indicates that the positioneradjusts the valve stroke accordingto the receiving signal.There are six types of display message in “RUN”Mode. 6.3 RunPV: RunSV%: RunSVmA: RunMV: RunVel: RunErr: Process Value - valve stroke % Set Value – input signal 0~100% SetValue–inputsignal4~20mA Manipulate Valve–MotorManipulate Value(digit) Velocity– Current valve stem’svelocity (digit) Error–Difference between SV and PV (%) To change display, push <ESC> + <UP> buttons at the same time. The display will change in the order indicated above. If <ESC> + <DOWN> pushed, the order will be appeared in opposite order.By pressing <ESC>,the display will returnto“RUN” mode. 23 YT-3300/3301series
6.3.1 AutoCalibration(AUTOCAL) AutoCalibration(AUTOCAL)automaticallycalibratesthepositioner.“AUTOCAL”process takesabout2~3minutes,andthedurationoftheprocessvariesuponthesizeoftheactuator. Thereare3typesofAUTOCAL. Itis recommend to performAUTO2calibration forinitial positioner setting. (AUTO1) AUTO1 changes zero and end points; however,KP,KI, KD will not be adjusted. recommended toperformAUTO1when thepositionerhasbeen setby the manufactureralready, and thefield userwantstore-calibratethepositioner. Itis valve ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ <ENTER> 6 seconds <ENTER> <ENTER> (AUTO2) AUTO2changesalloftheparameters.ItisrecommendedtoperformAUTO2whenthe positioner hasbeen installed on the valve forthefirsttime. ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ <ENTER> 6 seconds <ENTER> <DOWN> ⇨ <ENTER> YT-3300/3301series
6.3.2 ManualMode(MANUAL) Manualmodeisusedtomaneuvervalvestemmanually.During“MANUAL”,thepositioner bypassessupplyairtotheactuator. Themovementofthestrokedoesnotaffectthe positioner’ssavedatavalves. ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ <ENTER> 6 seconds <DOWN> <ENTER> <UP> ⇨ ⇨ <ESC> <DOWN> • ParameterMode(PARAM) • AUTOCALoptimizesmostof thevalveactuator controlvalues.However,insome instances, hunting or oscillation may occur when the valve actuator control values are not optimized.Huntingor oscillationcan bepreventedby adjusting parameter values. • Once parameter values have been changed, the changed values are being affected as soon as you save the value.To save the changes, please ensure to press “ENTER” button.There is no need to go back to “RUN” mode after changes are being made to observethe changes. • Dead-Zone(dEAdZONE) • Dead-Zone indicates the percentage of error allowance. In case of high level of packing friction, whichmay cause hunting, creating Dead-Zone canstable thevalve operation. ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ <ENTER> 6 seconds <DOWN> 2times <ENTER> ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ <ESC> 3 times <ENTER> <UP>/<DOWN> <ENTER> YT-3300/3301series Pvalueindicatestheratioofthecompensationsignalbasedonthepercentageoferror allowance.Asthevalueincrease,thepositionerfindsthetargetvaluequickly,butitismore likelytohavehunting. ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ <DOWN> 1time <ENTER> <ENTER> ⇨ ⇨ <ESC> 3 times <UP>/<DOWN> <ENTER> D value indicates the derivative value of the compensation signal based on the percentage of error allowance. As the value increase, it is more likely to have hunting. As the value decreases,it can have poor linearity. ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ <DOWN> 2times <ENTER> <ENTER> ⇨ ⇨ <ESC> 3 times <UP>/<DOWN> · <ENTER> Ivalueindicatestheadditionalcompensationsignalbasedonthepercentageoferror allowance. Asthevalueincrease,itismorelikelytohavehunting. Asthevalue decreases,the positionerwill move slowly to the target position. ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ <DOWN> 3times <ENTER> <ENTER> ⇨ ⇨ <ESC> 3 times <UP><DOWN> <ENTER> YT-3300/3301series, D_ (Kd_),I_(KI_) values • P_,D_,andI_values’principlesaresameasP,D,andIvalues,butthesevalueswillbe activatedwhen the error percentage is within 1%. • HandCalibrationMode(HANDCAL) • The positioner can bemanuallycalibratedbyentering intoHandCalibrationMode. • Zero-Point(PV_ZERO)and End-Point (PV_END) forValves • PZ_ZERO adjuststhe zeropointofthevalve,and PV_END adjuststhe end pointofthe valve. ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ <ENTER> 6 seconds <DOWN> 3times <ENTER> ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ <ENTER> <ESC> <UP>/<DOWN> ZeroAdjustment <ENTER> ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ <DOWN> <ENTER> <UP>/<DOWN> EndAdjustment <ENTER> ⇨ <ESC> (TR_END) forTransmitter TR_ZEROadjuststhezeropointofthetransmitter(4-20mAfeedback),andTR_ENDadjusts the end point of the transmitter (4-20mAfeedback) ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ <DOWN> <ENTER> <UP>/<DOWN) Match feedback signalwith 4mA ZeroAdjustment <ENTER> ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ <ESC> <DOWN> <ENTER> EndAdjustment YT-3300/3301series
⇨ ⇨ <ESC> <UP>/<DOWN) Match feedback signalwith20mA <ENTER> Whenreverseactingoperatingisused,End-Pointcanbeadjustedwithin10%oftotalvalve stroke, without adjusting valve’szero point. ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ <DOWN> 4times <ENTER> <ENTER> ⇨ ⇨ <ESC> 3 times <UP>/<DOWN) <ENTER> /Reverse Feedback Signal(TR_NORM /REV) The feedback signal from the positioner can be viewed asnormal oras reverse. ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ <DOWN> 5times <ENTER> <ENTER> ZeroAdjustment ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ <ESC> 3 times <DOWN> <ENTER> HARTSignal(HT_NORM/REVS) HARTsignal fromthe positionercanbe viewed as normal orasreverse. ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ <DOWN> 6times <ENTER> <ENTER> ZeroAdjustment YT-3300/3301series
⇨ ⇨ ⇨ <ESC> 3 times <DOWN> <ENTER> • Valve Mode(VALVE) • ActingAdjustment(ACT) • The positioner can be set asDirectAction(DA)or ReverseAction(RA). ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ <ENTER> 6 seconds <DOWN> 3times <ENTER> ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ <ESC> 3 times <ENTER> <UP>/<DOWN> <ENTER> Thevalvecharacteristiccanbesetonthefield’srequirement.Thereare 3typesofcharacteristics–linear(LIN),equalpercentage(EQ),andquick open(QO). ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ <ENTER> <DOWN> <ENTER> ⇨ ⇨ <ESC> 3 times <UP>/<DOWN> <ENTER> YT-3300/3301series Characteristics(USER SET) Incasepositionerrequiresaspecificcharacteristic,thevalvecharacteristiccurvecanbe madeby selecting up to 16points of thecurve. ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ <ENTER> 6 seconds <DOWN> 2times <ENTER> ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ <ENTER> <UP>/<DOWN> <UP><DOWN> <ENTER> <ENTER> ⇨ ⇨ <ESC> 3 times <ENTER> Repeatstepif necessary ShutOpen(TSHUTOP) TightShutOpenallowsthevalvetoopencompletelyastheinputsignalreachesaround 20mA. ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ <ENTER> 6 seconds <DOWN> 3 times <ENTER> ⇨ ⇨ <ESC> 3 times <UP>/<DOWN> <ENTER> TightShutCloseallowsthevalvetoclosecompletelyastheinputsignalreachesaround 4mA. ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ <ENTER> 6 seconds <DOWN> 4times <ENTER> ⇨ ⇨ <ESC> 3 times <UP>/<DOWN> <ENTER> YT-3300/3301series RangeMode(SPLIT) Thevalve canbe operatedby split range control – 4~12mAor12~20mA. ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ <ENTER> 6 seconds <DOWN> 5times <ENTER> ⇨ ⇨ <ESC> 3 times <UP>/<DOWN> <ENTER> ZeroSettingMode(CSTZERO) CustomZeroSettingModeallowstheusertosetanyspecificpointaszeroposition.For example,thezero point can be set at input signal of 7mA. ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ <DOWN> 6times <ENTER> <ENTER> ⇨ ⇨ <ESC> 3 times <UP>/<DOWN> <ENTER> EndSettingMode(CSTENd) Custom End Setting Mode allows the user to set any specific point as end position.For example, the end point can be set at input signal of 11mA.The difference between zero andend point must be greater or equal to 4mA. ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ <DOWN> 7times <ENTER> <ENTER> ⇨ ⇨ <ESC> 3 times <UP>/<DOWN> <ENTER> Positionercancontrol thevalveaccuratelyif thefeedbackleveranglerangeiswithin designedrange.Forsomeinstance, theangleexceedsthesuggestedrangeangle. Positioner can reducetheerror through interpolation. YT-3300/3301series
➩ <ENTER> ➩ <DOWN> 8times ➩ <ENTER> ➩ <ESC> 3 times ➩ <UP>/<DOWN> <ENTER> 6.3.6 ViewMode(VIEW) Different informationcanbeshown on the positioner’s LCD. ➩ <DOWN> 4times ➩ <ENTER> <UP>/<DOWN> <ESC> YT-3300/3301series
ErrorandWarningCode • Errorcode 7.2 Warningcode YT-3300/3301series
8.MainSoftwareMap YT-3300/3301series