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Unwrapping the Newly Articulated Social Studies Standard at High School

Unwrapping the Newly Articulated Social Studies Standard at High School. Maria Abalos Grant Coordinator Teaching American History Grant. Christopher Van Dyke History/Technology Mentor Teaching American History Grant. Please adjust your sound so that you can hear the narration. Goals.

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Unwrapping the Newly Articulated Social Studies Standard at High School

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  1. Unwrapping the Newly Articulated Social Studies Standard at High School Maria Abalos Grant Coordinator Teaching American History Grant Christopher Van Dyke History/Technology Mentor Teaching American History Grant Please adjust your sound so that you can hear the narration.

  2. Goals • Become familiar with the format of the new Social Studies Standard • Understand the changes from the old to the new Social Studies Standard • Explore how to refine existing lessons to meet the Performance Objectives (POs) of the new Standard

  3. The Teacher’s Role • Understand the strand(s) and the connection to your students • Map the curriculum (group Performance Objectives) • Convert Performance Objectives to student-friendly versions • Ensure mastery of the strand(s) through ongoing student evaluation

  4. Plan • 2006-2007 • Familiarize • Compare old v. new • Materials adoption • Gather resources • 2007-2008 • Implement new Standard

  5. How the Standard Was Developed • 2004 – Development of Standard Began • 2005 - March: public review - June: submitted to Board (postponed) - September: adopted • 2006-2007 – Transition Year& Materials Adoption (HS & MS) • 2007-2008 - Implementation

  6. Organization of the Standard • 5 Strands: • Strand 1:American History (Old Strand 1) • Strand 2: World History (Old Strand 1) • Strand 3: Civics (Old Strand 2) • Geography (Old Strand 3) • Economics (Old Strand 4) • Spiraling • K-3 introduces concepts • 4-8 revisits concepts • 9-12 analyzes concepts in depth • Glossary

  7. Language of Standard • Bullets a,b,c or i.e. – specific items that must be taught e.g. – examples for the teacher • Coding SSHS-S2C3-01 High School Social StudiesStrand 2Concept 3PO1

  8. Crosswalk Old<->New OLD *Describe the Political and economic events and the social and geographic characteristics of Medieval European life and their enduring impacts on later civilizations, with emphasis on: (SS1-P4)(SS1-E13) PO 1. the creation and expansion of the Byzantine empire and the reasons for the fall of Rome 1SS-P4(1SS-E13)-PO1 NEW People of different regions developed unique civilizations and cultural identities characterized by increased interaction, societal complexity and competition. *World in Transition. (SSHS-S2C3) PO 1. Contrast the fall of Rome with the development of the Byzantine and Arab Empires (e.g. religion, culture, language, governmental structure). SSHS-S2C3-01

  9. Activity • Look at the Social Studies Crosswalk (old to new). • Tally the POs no longer covered in the new Standard. • Tally the POs newly covered in the new Standard. • Look over the new Standard (Crosswalk, new to old) and consider which POs you will choose to emphasize in your class.

  10. Dropped POs • Open up the Crosswalk (Old to New). • Scroll through the strand that interests you. • Count the POs with N/A

  11. Dropped POs • Scroll to the end of the Crosswalk. • You’ll see the new POs listed by strand.

  12. New POs • Open the New to Old Crosswalk. • Look for the new POs here.

  13. Priorities • Refer to either the New to Old Crosswalk or look at the TUSD Social Studies Standard. • Select 5 or so POs that you think are critical for students to know within your strand. • Consider the language of the PO. • Do you prefer the language of the new Standard or the old Social Studies Standard?

  14. Summary • Learn the new Standard nomenclature • Look at what you are doing/have done and align it to the new Standard • Begin to use the new Standard • Prepare for next school year

  15. Where to Get More Information • Teaching US History Website:http://edweb.tusd.k12.az.us/ushistory • TUSD Social Studies Linkshttp://instech.tusd.k12.az.us/SS/ss.html • TUSD Social Studies Standards:http://instech.tusd.k12.az.us/standards.html • ADE Social Studies old/new Standards: • Old: http://www.ade.state.az.us/standards/sstudies/ • New: http://www.ade.state.az.us/SBTL/sdi/socstudies.asp • Social Studies Standard Webquesthttp://edweb.tusd.k12.az.us/ushistory/standard-hs

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