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Welcome to the Technology and High School Success Fall 2008 Grant Recipients’ Meeting

Welcome to the Technology and High School Success Fall 2008 Grant Recipients’ Meeting. Project Overview and Update. Initiative Overview. $6.45 million grant program 24 jurisdictions Over 70 schools Over 420 teachers Over 22 000 students Projects are from all regions of Alberta.

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Welcome to the Technology and High School Success Fall 2008 Grant Recipients’ Meeting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to the Technology and High School Success Fall 2008 Grant Recipients’ Meeting

  2. Project Overview and Update

  3. Initiative Overview • $6.45 million grant program • 24 jurisdictions • Over 70 schools • Over 420 teachers • Over 22 000 students • Projects are from all regions of Alberta

  4. Initiative OverviewProject Meetings and Professional Learning Opportunities • Fall and Spring meetings are planned. • Sharing Professional Learning Opportunities with the Emerge project.

  5. Initiative OverviewShared Learning Events • Fall and Spring Optional Professional Learning Days • Emerge summer Institute – Edmonton, August 19-20, GMCC

  6. Initiative OverviewShared Learning Events Webinars • Assessment For Learning Series With Dr. Anne Davies • Building Self-directed Behaviour In All Students – Dr. Ed Coughlin

  7. Initiative OverviewResearch Layer • Research Team led by the University of Alberta • Partnered with the U of C and Galileo

  8. Initiative OverviewWhy are we doing this? • We are using technology to engage high school students and improve their chances of success.

  9. Our Students Are Changing • Students are using digital devices more often

  10. Strongbad Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVIEU7aU2NI (The clip I used is the section on cell phones)

  11. Our Students Are Changing • Students are using digital devices more often • Many students are using information in ways that were unheard of only a few years ago

  12. Colbert Green Screen Challenge – Make McCain Interesting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MnZK4z1Y4g

  13. Our Students Are Changing • The types of careers that our students will pursue are changing

  14. Digital Students @ Analog Schools http://www.teachertube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=b5c8973ade16764156be&page=2&viewtype=&category

  15. Project Elements • Project Charter • Define “success” • Participants “sign off” on their responsibilities • Action or Implementation Plan • Defined Task Goals • Timelines and Deadlines • Communication Plan

  16. Roles and ResponsibilitiesProject Manager – Alberta Education • Track projects • Collect and summarize reports • Share information and research among project participants • Plan events • Facilitate sharing of projects/ideas/best practices. • Answering questions. • Other duties “as assigned” - 

  17. Roles and ResponsibilitiesJurisdictional Project Lead • Manage communications among project team and stakeholders • Information and strategies • Experience of success and challenges • Monitor timelines and offer “encouragement” when needed • Prepare and submit reports • Maintain “the vision” • Manage change/challenges • Celebrate Success

  18. Roles and ResponsibilitiesProject Team Members • Implement the project • Develop the necessary technological AND teaching skills • Use those skills with students • Evaluate student success • Communicate successes and challenges • Celebrate Success

  19. Technology and High School Success Project Status

  20. June Status Reports • All jurisdiction reports were submitted • In spite of the diversity of projects, some trends emerged from the reports

  21. June Status Reports Trends by Report Element • 1.1 Shared Vision • 15 of 24 jurisdictions used a top-down planning model • The remainder used some form of collaborative planning • One district gathered student input as part of the planning process.

  22. June Status Reports Trends by Report Element • 1.2 Technology Deployment • Changes in hardware choices • Shipping delays • Installation difficulties

  23. June Status Reports Trends by Report Element • 1.3 Technical Training/Support • 9 districts have hired new IT staff for this project • 14 districts have scheduled special training for their IT staff

  24. June Status Reports Trends by Report Element • 1.4 Professional Development • All projects have PD plans in place • All but two projects had completed some PD by June 1

  25. June Status Reports Trends by Report Element • 1.5 Communications • All projects have some sort of communications scheme in place • Heavy reliance on meetings and email • 8 of 24 projects were employing multiple channels of communication including web portals and VC

  26. June Status Reports Trends by Report Element • 1.6 Community Involvement • 23 of 24 projects have informed their communities • Press releases, community meetings and newsletters • One district included parents in the planning process

  27. June Status Reports Trends by Report Element • 1.7 Ongoing Assessment/Project Evaluation • A variety of evaluation methods and metrics are being employed

  28. June Status Reports Trends by Report Element • 2.0 Challenges • Staffing changes • Hiring IT staff • Staff reluctance

  29. June Status Reports Trends by Report Element • 3.0Adjustments • Half the projects have had to adjust timelines • Reduced Project Scope • Expanded Project Scope

  30. June Status Reports Trends by Report Element • My Conclusions • On Track • Enthusiasm remains high

  31. Project Team Meetings • Informal meetings with project leads and other interested team members • By the end of November • Teleconference, videoconference or Face to Face if possible • Contact me to schedule

  32. Project Sharing • Diversity is the rule • No single technology focus • Common goal of engaging students

  33. Sharing Method • We will mix it up • Numbered chits and tables • Pair off for introductions • Share your project with your table • Share highlights with the room

  34. Mix it Up • Move to the table that matches the number on your chit • Pair off • Introduce yourself to your partner • Answer the following questions:

  35. What is: • your first name • your jurisdiction and role • what is your definition of “FUN” • what you hope to accomplish in your Technology and High School Success project • What is the thing you’re the most proud of from the past year.

  36. Mix it Up • Introduce your partner to the rest of your table • What has surprised you the most about the people at your table?

  37. Sharing • In 2 minutes or less, describe your project. • In 2 minutes or less, describe the greatest challenge faced by your project and how you addressed it. • In 2 minutes or less, describe a success in your project and why it excites you.

  38. Reporting On the large sheet of paper, please record: • Two striking things about the projects represented at your table • Two interesting solutions to problems • Two noteworthy successes

  39. Thank You

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