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By Ben Brown Liam Hanks

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By Ben Brown Liam Hanks

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    1. By Ben Brown & Liam Hanks

    2. Landslides

    3. What is a landslide? Definition- The downward sliding of a relatively dry mass of earth and rock. (Dictionary.com) The term landslide includes a wide range of ground movement, such as rock falls, deep failure of slopes, and shallow debris flows.

    4. Effects on the Environment Destroys the slope/hill Eliminates all vegetation Buries houses and sometimes entire villages Weakens the slope and makes it more susceptible to further landslides

    5. A Landslide Landslide in South America 400-500m high Only half of hill visible.

    6. Landslide Diagram

    7. Landslide Damages $1 billion in damages per year 50 to 75 deaths per landslide

    8. What causes a landslide? Erosion causing extremely steep slopes Powerful earthquakes Excess weight on unstable soil Volcanic eruptions Ash Great force

    9. Slope/Chance of Landslide

    10. Landslides can occur on any steep slope and commonly occur in The U.S.A. Appalachian Mountains Rocky Mountains Pacific Coastal Regions South America Where do they occur the most?

    11. Recent landslides Brazil, January 2003, 8 people killed March 4, 2003 14 people killed, 400 buried in Bolivia March 19th, 2003 7 people killed, 13 injured, and 20+ missing in Western Columbia April 1st, 2003 400 homes buried,700people missing Bolivia landslide April 2, 2003 34 people killed in Indonesian flood/landslide

    13. 1980 Mount St. Helen’s, Washington state 1.7mi of rock Less than 60 fatalities World’s Worst 1911 Usoy, Tajikistan 1.5mi of rock 1880ft. Damn Very few deaths

    14. Landslides in Central America

    15. Landslides in India

    16. Landslides in Canada

    17. Extra-Terrestrial Landslides? Think landslides occur only on earth?

    19. What is a Mudslide? Definition-A mudflow, especially a slow-moving one. The same as a landslide, only involving lots of water

    20. What Causes a Mudslide? Over saturation of soil due to melting snow and/or heavy rain Erosion of land by rivers or other water Open hill sides due to fire Anything that causes a lack of vegetation and therefore stability on a slope Violent storms and blasting of weak slopes will cause heavy amounts of precipitation to weaken a slope

    21. Mudslide Damages $1 billion USD in damages per year 50 to 75 deaths annually (in US)

    23. Bibliography http://www.disasterrelief.org/Disasters/971008landslide/#cause http://www.insurance.ca.gov/EXECUTIVE/CatSeries/Mudslide/Mudslides.htm#IS%20IT%20A%20MUDFLOW http://nwgeoscience.com/kelso/photos/index.html http://geography.about.com/library/misc/blcenturyworst.htm http://www.csre.iitb.ac.in/rn/resume/landslide/india.htm http://landslides.usgs.gov/html_files/nlic/page1.html http://sts.gsc.nrcan.gc.ca/clf/landslides.asp http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=landslides http://www.brudirect.com/DailyInfo/News/Archive/Apr03/020403/wn04.htm http://www.terradaily.com/2003/030319185450.njyfyetz.html http://mitchnts1.cr.usgs.gov/images/landslide.gif http://mitchnts1.cr.usgs.gov/images/school_1.jpg http://mitchnts1.cr.usgs.gov/images/zompopera_5.jpg http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=mudslides

    24. www.insurance.ca.gov/executive/catseries/mudslide/mudslides.htm http://landslides.usgs.gov/html_files/landslides/landslideimages.htm Www.gordian.com/users/nathan/trek/pk-landslide.jpg Www.educeth.chlsfromboli/perm/cl/landslide-en.html Http://landslides.usgs.gov/html_files/nlie/page5.html Http://sts.gsc.nrean.gc.ca/clf/landslides.asp Http:/cnews.canoe.ca/cnews/world/2003/world/2003/04/02/56407-ap.html Www.nzherald.co.nz/storydisplay.cfm2storyID=3350482&thesection=news&thesubscription=world/ Http://geology.wcedu.pima.edu/~rstilgnbave/landpics.html Http://earthquake.usgs.gov/image_glossary/images/landslide.jpg Www.simonfinch.com/images/landslide.jpg Http://ceenve.ca/poly.edu/fiegel/images/landslide.jpg Www.gisdevelopment.net/aars/acrs/1996/ts3/images/ts3003.gif Www.rsr.org/landslides.html Www.em.gov.bc.ca.winning/geosurv/surficial/landslid/is3.htm

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