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BPC Workshop

BPC Workshop. Glenn Bresnahan glenn@bu.edu. Project Background. NSF Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) Increase participation of underrepresented groups in Computer Science Increase number Native American students pursuing CS and CS-related studies and careers

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BPC Workshop

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BPC Workshop Glenn Bresnahan glenn@bu.edu

  2. Project Background • NSF Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) • Increase participation of underrepresented groups in Computer Science • Increase number Native American students pursuing CS and CS-related studies and careers • Create a new curriculum that integrates art, culture and technology to create a compelling educational experience BPC: Art and Computation – Summer 2007

  3. Project Background • Demonstration project – 2.5 years • Partners • Boston University, Scientific Computing & Visualization • University of New Mexico, Native American Studies • University of New Mexico, Computer Science & HPC • University of New Mexico, NAPCOE • Jemez Pueblo, Walatowa Charter High School • Jemez Pueblo, Jemez Department of Education • Integrate culturally relevant materials with CS concepts • Develop a new two semester course • Year 1 – UNM freshmen & sophomores • Year 2 – Jemez high school students BPC: Art and Computation – Summer 2007

  4. Project Concepts • Cyber-classroom connecting BU, UNM and Jemez Pueblo over Access Grid • 3D Stereoscopic Display Wall • Capstone project to create a VR environment • Artistic direction by Native American artists • Application of powerful CS concepts BPC: Art and Computation – Summer 2007

  5. Program Elements • Use existing AG facilities at BU, UNM and Jemez • Installation of DAFFIE/DVD Wall systems at UNM & Jemez • Summer workshops at UNM and Jemez • Scholarships for UNM students in year 1 • Teaching assistanceships for Jemez course for year 1 UNM graduates • Scholarships/support for Jemez course • REU programs at BU & UNM • Guest artists stipends in both years • Evaluation • Dissemination via Web and workshop BPC: Art and Computation – Summer 2007

  6. Project Timeline • Summer’06 • Install DVD Wall at UNM • Develop curriculum • UNM Student recruitment via UNM summer programs (NAPCOE) • Fall’06 – Spring’07 • Course taught at UNM • Summer’07 • Install DVD Wall at Jemez • Jemez Workshop • Fall’07 – Spring’08 • Course taught at Walatoa Charter High School • Advanced projects course at UNM • Summer’08 • Evaluation • Web site development • Teachers/dissemination workshop BPC: Art and Computation – Summer 2007

  7. Agenda – Day 1 BPC: Art and Computation – Summer 2007

  8. Agenda – Day 1 BPC: Art and Computation – Summer 2007

  9. Agenda – Day 3 BPC: Art and Computation – Summer 2007

  10. DAFFUE Virtual Environment • Multi-person, multi-site shared virtual space • Navigation • Avatar representation • Telephony BPC: Art and Computation – Summer 2007

  11. Deep Vision Display (DVD) Wall • 3D Display Wall • Stereoscopic • 3D glasses • Navigation • Game controller • Left joystick: • Moves U/D • Moves R/L • Right joystick: • Moves F/B • Turns P(L)/S(R) • Start button: reset BPC: Art and Computation – Summer 2007

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