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Ionic vs Covalent Substance Lab

Ionic vs Covalent Substance Lab. November 18 , 2014. Scenario: You are going to get 4 different substances and you need to be able to uncover which ones contain covalent bonds and which ones contain ionic bonds. Problem Question:

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Ionic vs Covalent Substance Lab

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  1. Ionic vs Covalent Substance Lab November 18, 2014

  2. Scenario: You are going to get 4 different substances and you need to be able to uncover which ones contain covalent bonds and which ones contain ionic bonds. Problem Question: Which of the substances contains covalent bonds and which ones contain ionic bonds. Hypothesis: Write a PREDICTION that explains what substance will show which bond type each contains. You will need to have a separate hypothesis for each substance. • Substance 1 – Vegetable Oil • Substance 2 – Salt • Substance 3 – Sugar • Substance 4 – Baking Soda

  3. Materials • Substance 1 – Vegetable Oil • Substance 2 – Salt • Substance 3 – Sugar • Substance 4 – Baking Soda • 400 mL beaker • 4 test tubes • Hot plate • Spoon • Stop Watch • 100 mL graduated cylinder • Room Temperature tap water • Goggles

  4. Procedure Melting Point • Begin by gathering 4 test tubes, a 400 mL beaker and a hot plate. • Place the substances in each of the designated test tubes. (ex. Substance 1 in test tube #1) • Turn the Hot Plate on to high. • Place all 4 test tubes into the beaker and place the beaker on the hot plate. • Watch and record when each of the substances melts.

  5. Procedure Dissolving in Water • Begin by gathering a spoon, a 100 mL graduated cylinder and a 400 mL beaker. • In the beaker, have the teacher pour in substance #1. • Fill the graduated cylinder up to 100 mL with tap water and then pour it into the beaker. • Begin stirring the solution in the beaker for 30 seconds and then let it sit for 30 seconds. Record if it dissolves or not. • Repeat steps 1 – 4 with the remaining substances.

  6. Ionic and Covalent Properties Table

  7. Data Table

  8. Get Materials and Begin Working

  9. Answers

  10. Claims Evidence and Reasoning • Write a paragraph explaining your results. Be sure to include the following in your paragraph: • What your claim was for each substance. • Which type of bond held the atoms of each substance together. • Evidence to support or refute your claim. • Use your observations. (Both numbers and senses) • Reasoning • Explanation of what you saw happen. (Explain data and use science to explain what you know about compounds, elements, and bonding)

  11. Answers Covalent • Vegetable Oil • Sugar Ionic • Salt • Baking Soda

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