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The Crusades. “The scent of impaled men. The scent of dismembered women. The scent of burnt infants. The scent of the elderly shot to death. The scent of death. The scent of war.” – Alucard ( Helsing : Ult.VI ). Just Some Background Information.
The Crusades “The scent of impaled men. The scent of dismembered women. The scent of burnt infants. The scent of the elderly shot to death. The scent of death. The scent of war.” – Alucard (Helsing: Ult.VI)
Just Some Background Information • With the fall of the Macedonian Dynasty in 1057 CE, the Byzantine Empire saw a new threat in the Seljuk Turks. • Trade, political relationships, and religious tolerance lasted until 1072 CE when the Turks took Palestine from the Fatimids (A group of Shia Muslims – The Turks were Sunni Muslims. These two groups are in constant conflict with each other). • The emperors reached out to the Christian states in the west for help. Their help came in the form of the Crusades, which were a series of Holy Wars backed by the Catholic Church.
Just Some More Background Information • The Crusades conflicts would last from the High Middle Ages (1001 CE – 1300 CE) into the Late Middle Ages (1301 CE – 1500 CE).
The First Crusade (1095 – 1099) Fearing and hating Arabs before it was cool.
Just Some Maps Territorial Map Path Taken By Crusaders
To Jerusalem! • 1095 CE - Pope Urban II calls for the first Crusade at the Council of Clermont in order to regain the Holy Lands taken in the Muslim conquests of the Levant, as well as giving the Byzantine Empire help with the Turks. • 1096 CE – The Crusader armies left France and Italy to head for Constantinople • 1097 – 98 CE – Crusaders fight the Turks at the Siege of Antioch
Its Just Peace Keeping… We Swear • 1099 CE – Crusaders battle the Turks and Jews (weird that they didn’t flee) in order to enter Jerusalem. The Crusaders enter Jerusalem and decimate their enemies. • As a result of the First Crusade, four main Crusader states were created: the County of Edessa, the Principality of Antioch, the County of Tripoli, and the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
The Second Crusade (1147 – 1149) Run Program: PeaceKeepingV2.exe_ Windows Has Encountered An Error Rebooting Program… Reboot Has Failed Windows Reporting Error
The Brown People Are Back • 1127 CE – Turks began to reunite under the leadership of Imad ad-Din Zengi, who was appointed governor of Mosul. • 1128 CE - Imad ad-Din Zengi began took the territory of Aleppo from the Christians • 1144 CE - Imad ad-Din Zengi retook Edessa from the Christians • 1145 CE - Pope Eugenius III called for another crusade on March 1st
We Lost! • 1147 CE – Led by Louis VII of France and Conrad III of Germany, the French and South German armies march to Jerusalem splitting to approach it from the East and the West. • On the Eastern side of this Crusade the Crusaders got Annihilated. They didn’t win a single battle. • The only victory seen in this Crusade was the capture of Lisbon, from the Moors on the Western side.
The Third Crusade (1197 – 1192) Run Program: PeaceKeepingV3.exe_ Loading… 99% Loaded Load Unsuccessful Windows Must Reboot Please wait…
We Won’t Give Up! • United by Saladin the Muslims became absurdly powerful. • 1187 CE - Following his victory at the Battle of Hattin Saladin easily overwhelmed the disbanded Crusaders • Saladin retook Jerusalem on September 29th • The city officially surrendered on October 2nd
“OhhhhNoooooooo” - Bruce • After hearing news of the Siege of Jerusalem Pope Urban III died of a heart attack on October 19th… “JEEEZUS!” • On October 29th Pope Gregory VIII issued a papal bull [Letter(s) written by a pope] Auditatremendi, proposing the Third Crusade.
Are We Already Losing? • 1187 CE - To reverse this disaster Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa of Germany, King Philip II of France, and King Richard I of England all organized forces for the crusade. • Frederick died en route to the Holy Land… I’m sure we see where this is going. • Philip returned to France, but left most of his forces behind.
What Happened? You Were So Close. • 1191 CE - Richard captured the island of Cyprus from the Byzantines, then Acre. • They defeated the Muslims near Arsuf, recaptured the port city of Jaffa, were in sight of Jerusalem, AND THEN supply problems prevented them from taking the city. • The Crusade ended without the taking of Jerusalem.
The Fourth Crusade (1202 – 1204) Run Program: PeaceKeepingV4.exe_ Loading… Program Successfully Loaded … Windows Has Encountered A Problem Ending Program
So Much Self InterestMust Be America… • This Crusade never reaches the Holy Land. It was more politically fueled. • 1200 CE - Doge Enrico Dandolo, saw an opportunity to expand Venice's possessions in the near East while, German King, Philip of Swabia saw the crusade as a chance to restore his exiled nephew, Alexios IV Angelos to the throne on Byzantium. • Pope Innocent III initiates recruitment for the Crusade in France, England, and Germany, although the bulk of the efforts were in France… and not one Frenchman Surrendered that day…
#TheStruggle • The Crusaders lacked the funds to pay for the fleet and the provisions they needed. • So in exchange for funds and provisions the Crusaders agreed to share what could be looted with the Venetians and restore Alexius as payment.
We’ve Come To Liberate Your Land! • 1204 CE – On November 24th, The Crusaders seize the Christian city of Zara to serve as collateral for their debt to the Venetians. • Innocent excommunicated the Crusaders out of disgust once he heard of their actions.
Back To Winning • 1202 CE - In their first Siege of Constantinople the Crusaders were met with minimal resistance. • Alexius was already pretty secure after a palace coup d'état, robbing them of their success, so they had to repeat the siege. • 1204 CE – The Crusaders return to Alexius, they ransacked the city, destroyed churches and slaughtered many of the citizens.
Post War Loss? • After the victory the spoils Empire were divided into Latin fiefs and Venetian colonies. • At Adrianople, the Bulgars (Turkish Nomads) and the Greeks decimated the army of the remaining Crusaders. • The Fourth Crusade left two Roman Empires in the East, one Latin Empire and a Byzantine rump (remainder of a once large government) ruled from Nicea. • Venice, due to the fact they got free land without seeing combat, was the sole beneficiary in the long run
The Fifth Crusade (1217 - 1221) Run Program: PeaceKeepingV5.exe_ Loading… Windows Has Encountered An Error Windows Requests Program Execution To Be Stopped
You don’t want it Enough!Show me you want it! • 1215 CE – Pope Innocent III calls Fourth Council of the Lateran, since he still wants Jerusalem back. • 1217 CE – Pope Innocent III declares a new Crusade. • The majority of the Crusaders came from Germany, Flanders, and Frisia, along with a large army from Hungary, which was led by King Andrew II while the other forces led by Duke Leopold VI.
Maps, what’s wrong? Maps? MAAAAAPS! Metal Gear, in case you didn’t know. But yeah, no maps.
Not Again Man… • In October the Crusaders arrive in Acre. They’re useless, nothing gets done. • 1218 CE – Andrew returns to Hungary in January (Rage Quit?) • As more crusaders arrive, Leopold and the King of Jerusalem, John of Brienne, go to Egypt and pretty much destroy Damietta. • 1219 CE – Damietta is officially captured in November.
Why u no win?Quit while ahead! • The Crusaders tried to invade further into Egypt, but were intercepted by Al-Kamil and his army of Sultans. • The Crusaders surrendered and gave up Damietta as part of an Eight-year long truce.
The Sixth Crusade (1228 – 1229) Run Program: PeaceKeepingV6.exe_ Loading… Program Has Successfully Loaded ObtainJerusalem.exe_ Request Has Been Granted
I don’t know?Do you want it?! • 1228 CE - Emperor Frederick II promised his people a Crusade for Jerusalem. Pope Gregory IX excommunicates him for promising another war. • In June, Frederick set sail from Brindisi anyway. He gets to Saint-Jean d'Acre in September.
See Pope? He Wanted It Though. • Frederick made a peace treaty with Al-Kamil, who is now the ruler of Egypt. This treaty allowed Christians to rule over most of Jerusalem and some territory spanning from Acre to Jerusalem. • The Muslims were given control of their sacred areas in Jerusalem. In return, Frederick pledged to protect Al-Kamil against all his enemies, even if they were Christian.
These Are Not The Maps You’re Looking For…Seriously, They’re not. [None Needed]
There were no battles Console Commands are Commands for a reason.
The Seventh Crusade (1248 – 1254) Run Program: PeaceKeepingV7.exe_ … Windows Requests You Stop
…no words… • 1244 CE - A Khwarezmian force summoned by the son of al-Kamil, al-SalihAyyub, stormed Jerusalem and took it… again. • The Franks allied with Ayyub's uncle, Ismail, The Emir of Homs: Kurd Al-Mansur Ibrahim and their combined forces were drawn into battle at La Forbie in Gaza. • The Crusader army and its allies were completely defeated within FORTY-EIGHT hours by the Khwarezmian tribesmen. [TWO F-ING DAYS?! TWO?!]
Louis To The Rescue? • 1244 CE - King Louis IX of France organized a Crusade in retaliation… • 1249 CE - Louis' forces set sail from France… (Slowbro?) • Louis’ army marched into the interior in November • 1250 CE – Louis’ army got in the vicinity of El Manusra
OF Course not!He’s French. [We Run!] • The army was defeated in said vicinity and King Louis was captured on the retreat towards Damietta. • Louis was ransomed for 800,000 bezants and a ten-year truce was agreed. • Louis then went to Syria and worked to solidify the kingdom of Jerusalem.
The Eighth Crusade (1270… that’s it…) Run Program: PeaceKeepingV8.exe_ Request Has Been Denied Windows Is Tired Of Your Sh*t Windows Suggests You Purchase A Macintosh In Order To Better Suit You And Your Mental Handicap
Why… WHY?! • 1270 CE - Louis IX attacks the Arabs, again, in Tunis [Located in North Africa], despite his advisors warning against the decision. • He picked the hottest season of the year for campaigning and his army was devastated by disease. • What?... Louis IX is Evolving.
And Then He Died! • He then died… ending the last major attempt to take the Holy Land. • The Mamluks, led by Baibars, eventually drove the French out of the Holy Land. • Baibars, armies slaughtered or enslaved every Christian in the city of Antioch.
The Ninth Crusade (1271 – 1272) Run Program: PeaceKeepingV9.exe_ WWWWWW WWWWWW WWWWWW
You’re Sort Of Late… • Edward I of England supported Louis’ Crusade, but was delayed and did not arrive in North Africa until after Louis’ death. • Edward had no notable acomplishments. • [And on top of being late he was fairly useless in the progression of the Crusades…]
There Was A Map But It Was Useless…