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Developing Neath Port Talbot Children’s Services Partnership*. Partnership Aims & Objectives. To develop an effective children’s services partnership to support the children and families of Neath & Port Talbot by:.
Developing Neath Port Talbot Children’s Services Partnership* Partnership Aims & Objectives To develop an effective children’s services partnership to support the children and families ofNeath & Port Talbot by: • Developing joint service commissioning which is planned on a shared basis based on a robust needs-led service plan; • Encouraging innovative service design and delivery that is needs-led rather than provider-led and dominated; • Developing collective ownership of the needs-led analysis, commissioning plan and process, financial allocation and reconciliation procedures, and performance management and evaluation of the service. 3. Build a Joint Strategy for these 3 services aimed at Prevention, Early Warning and Intervention which is designed as a looped system to the mainstream and not a destination for children and families in need. Partnership Demonstration Work Progress Pupil Referral Units Service (Education-led). Looked After Children Service (Social Services-led). Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (Health-led). • Do we understand each service pathway? • Do we understand how each service overlaps? • Do we use information and exchange notes to support the above? 2. • Map-out service provision and identify gaps in current service; • Build shared needs-analysis and match to stocktake above; • Develop shared strategy, commissioning plan and procedures to close the gap and achieve better service information. 5. Underpinning Joint Work Programmes Develop an informed evidence-base service strategy. Develop a finance impact and transitions strategy. Develop a joint commissioning & accountability framework. Develop a joint performance management framework. Develop a joint political management strategy. Needs to be signed off by each Statutory Authority *Summary Prepared by Dr. Patricia Oakley, Practices made Perfect Ltd. who facilitated the discussions held on 11.2.2005
Developing Neath Port Talbot Children’s Services Partnership* Proposed Accountability Framework @ 11.2.2005 ISSUES CHILDREN’S SERVICES PARTNERSHIP GROUP Education, Social Services, Health Statutory Bodies • Need to repoint Terms of Reference & work programme? • Need role clarity & confirmation of decision-making powers? • Need accountability and delegated powers of authority confirmed? • Need new Partnership remit and wider membership on New Reference Group? • Need resourcing plan to backup agreed Partnership programmes? CHILDREN’S PARTNERSHIP(0-10)Decision-Making Body YOUNG PEOPLE’S PARTNERSHIP(11-25)Decision-Making Body Partnership Aims & Objectives owned & agreed NEW REFERENCE GROUP Rebriefed, refocused & status clarified • Partnership Demonstration Work Progress setup & running Infrastructure to support detailed work programmes in Education, Social Services & Health, and across the three agencies, and other agencies. • UnderpinningJoint Work Programmes setup & running *Summary Prepared by Dr. Patricia Oakley, Practices made Perfect Ltd. who facilitated the discussions held on 11.2.2005
Developing Partnerships Building the Framework (Based on Clive Martin’s, Director of CLINKS) Level 1: Baseline map of who is available and establish Service Level Agreements Sub-contracting arrangements Level 2: Own strategy and own work programmes but agree to exchange information and establish a concordat to share information and possibly thinking. Level 3: Own strategy, some joint training but separate delivery and accountability arrangements. Level 4: Joint strategy, joint training and joint delivery within a joint accountability framework. (Level 5: Legal and practice integration.) *Summary Prepared by Dr. Patricia Oakley, Practices made Perfect Ltd. who facilitated the discussions held on 11.2.2005