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Developing Neath Port Talbot Children’s Services Partnership*

Developing Neath Port Talbot Children’s Services Partnership*. Partnership Aims & Objectives. To develop an effective children’s services partnership to support the children and families of Neath & Port Talbot by:.

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Developing Neath Port Talbot Children’s Services Partnership*

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  1. Developing Neath Port Talbot Children’s Services Partnership* Partnership Aims & Objectives To develop an effective children’s services partnership to support the children and families ofNeath & Port Talbot by: • Developing joint service commissioning which is planned on a shared basis based on a robust needs-led service plan; • Encouraging innovative service design and delivery that is needs-led rather than provider-led and dominated; • Developing collective ownership of the needs-led analysis, commissioning plan and process, financial allocation and reconciliation procedures, and performance management and evaluation of the service. 3. Build a Joint Strategy for these 3 services aimed at Prevention, Early Warning and Intervention which is designed as a looped system to the mainstream and not a destination for children and families in need. Partnership Demonstration Work Progress Pupil Referral Units Service (Education-led). Looked After Children Service (Social Services-led). Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (Health-led). • Do we understand each service pathway? • Do we understand how each service overlaps? • Do we use information and exchange notes to support the above? 2. • Map-out service provision and identify gaps in current service; • Build shared needs-analysis and match to stocktake above; • Develop shared strategy, commissioning plan and procedures to close the gap and achieve better service information. 5. Underpinning Joint Work Programmes Develop an informed evidence-base service strategy. Develop a finance impact and transitions strategy. Develop a joint commissioning & accountability framework. Develop a joint performance management framework. Develop a joint political management strategy. Needs to be signed off by each Statutory Authority *Summary Prepared by Dr. Patricia Oakley, Practices made Perfect Ltd. who facilitated the discussions held on 11.2.2005

  2. Developing Neath Port Talbot Children’s Services Partnership* Proposed Accountability Framework @ 11.2.2005 ISSUES CHILDREN’S SERVICES PARTNERSHIP GROUP Education, Social Services, Health Statutory Bodies • Need to repoint Terms of Reference & work programme? • Need role clarity & confirmation of decision-making powers? • Need accountability and delegated powers of authority confirmed? • Need new Partnership remit and wider membership on New Reference Group? • Need resourcing plan to backup agreed Partnership programmes? CHILDREN’S PARTNERSHIP(0-10)Decision-Making Body YOUNG PEOPLE’S PARTNERSHIP(11-25)Decision-Making Body Partnership Aims & Objectives owned & agreed NEW REFERENCE GROUP Rebriefed, refocused & status clarified • Partnership Demonstration Work Progress setup & running Infrastructure to support detailed work programmes in Education, Social Services & Health, and across the three agencies, and other agencies. • UnderpinningJoint Work Programmes setup & running *Summary Prepared by Dr. Patricia Oakley, Practices made Perfect Ltd. who facilitated the discussions held on 11.2.2005

  3. Developing Partnerships Building the Framework (Based on Clive Martin’s, Director of CLINKS) Level 1: Baseline map of who is available and establish Service Level Agreements Sub-contracting arrangements Level 2: Own strategy and own work programmes but agree to exchange information and establish a concordat to share information and possibly thinking. Level 3: Own strategy, some joint training but separate delivery and accountability arrangements. Level 4: Joint strategy, joint training and joint delivery within a joint accountability framework. (Level 5: Legal and practice integration.) *Summary Prepared by Dr. Patricia Oakley, Practices made Perfect Ltd. who facilitated the discussions held on 11.2.2005

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