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Leveraging Partnerships for Satellite Earth Observations . Scott Rayder Chief of Staff National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | NOAA Space Enterprise Council | U.S. Chamber of Commerce November 14, 2006. 24 h. 700. 72 h. 600. 500. 400. 300. 200. 100. 0.
Leveraging Partnerships for Satellite Earth Observations Scott Rayder Chief of Staff National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | NOAA Space Enterprise Council | U.S. Chamber of Commerce November 14, 2006
24 h 700 72 h 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Average Annual Atlantic Hurricane Track Errors Satellite Data Contributions To Track Forecast Improvements (In order of importance) 1) GOES Feature Track Winds 2) POES Sounder Data 3) Polar Satellite Ocean Wind Data 700 600 500 400 Track Forecast Error (n mi) 300 200 100 0 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Year Every mile improvement in hurricane track forecast saves evacuation time, improves health and safety, and saves dollars Leveraging Partnerships for Satellite Earth Observations
Today’s Menu NOAA’s Mission and Vision NOAA’s Budget and the Hill NOAA Satellite & Information Service • Current GOES & POES • GOES-R • NPOESS Update on Global Earth Observations Office of Space Commercialization Leveraging Partnerships for Satellite Earth Observations
Improving Efficiency While Fulfilling NOAA’s Vision An informed society that uses a comprehensive understanding of the role of the oceans, coasts and atmosphere in the global ecosystem to make the best social and economic decisions Leveraging Partnerships for Satellite Earth Observations
NOAA’s Mission & Goals To understand and predict changes in the Earth’s environment and manage coastal and marine resources to meet the Nation’s economic, social and environmental needs Mission Goals: • Ecosystem approach to management • Climate variability and change • Weather and water • Commerce and transportation • Critical support for NOAA’s mission Leveraging Partnerships for Satellite Earth Observations
NOAA Funding Trends ($ in Billions) * * *In FY’03, the House did not report or pass an SJC appropriations bill. The House-Introduced bill total is used here. Leveraging Partnerships for Satellite Earth Observations
Delivering Earth Observations for the Nation The NOAA Satellite and Information Service provides timely access to global environmental data from satellites and other sources to promote, protect, & enhance the Nation's economy, security, environment, & quality of life. Satellite mission continuity and enhanced capabilities result in advanced products and services such as: • Severe storm warnings • short- and long-term weather forecasts • climate analyses • satellite-aided search and rescue services Leveraging Partnerships for Satellite Earth Observations
Current NOAA Satellites Existing satellite constellations (GOES & POES) are performing well Successful Launch of GOES-N on May 24, 2006 • GOES-O and P launch readiness dates timed to maximize constellation life while maintaining continuity of imaging Closely monitoring progress of N-Prime Metop A successfully launched by EUMETSAT on October 19, 2006 with AVHRR on board GOES-N (13) May 24, 2006 Leveraging Partnerships for Satellite Earth Observations
GOES-11 135° West GOES-12 75° West GOES-13 114° West (On-orbit Spare) POES and GOES Specifics 2 P.M. Orbit 10 A.M. Orbit Two operational geostationary satellites On-orbit spare Continuity of operations since 1974 (borrowed satellite from Europe, 1991-1994, to maintain two satellite continuity) Retired GOES-10 being moved to 60° West to improve South American environmental satellite coverage. Two operational polar satellites; one in morning and one in afternoon orbit, yielding 6-hour global sampling Continuity of operations since early 1960s NOAA/EUMETSAT partnership for mid morning orbit with recent launch of Metop A Leveraging Partnerships for Satellite Earth Observations
The Future of NOAA Satellites GOES-R and NPOESS will provide continuity to existing satellite constellation NPOESS (Tri-Agency Program) • Certification through the Nunn-McCurdy process completed • Interim program on track • Restructure ongoing GOES-R • Program Definition and Risk Reduction activities on-going • Instruments progressing • Lessons learned being incorporated Leveraging Partnerships for Satellite Earth Observations
Health Disasters Weather Energy Water Climate Agriculture Ecology Biodiversity NOAA Satellites & The Benefits Of Global Earth Observations GOES Products Hurricane Discovery/Track Severe Weather over Texas POES Products California Fires Hurricane Katrina Leveraging Partnerships for Satellite Earth Observations
Global Earth Observation System of Systems Coordinates All Types of Observations Links Together Through Data Management Systems • Facilitates Exchange of Data and Information Improves decision-makers’ abilities to address pressing policy issues U.S. contributing substantially to implementation of GEOSS through efforts on the 2006 and 2007-9 Work Plans Leveraging Partnerships for Satellite Earth Observations
usgeo.gov Disasters Drought Air Quality Data Management Land Observation Sea Level Coordinating Earth Observationsin the U.S. U.S. Strategic Plan provides the framework for the U.S. contribution to GEO Developing and implementing 6 Near Term Opportunities identified in Strategic Plan Leveraging Partnerships for Satellite Earth Observations
The Right Earth Observations Are Crucial To U.S. Business Leveraging Partnerships for Satellite Earth Observations
Space Commerce Is Key To U.S. Interests Leveraging Partnerships for Satellite Earth Observations
OSC IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS NOAA’s Office of Space Commercialization (OSC) Established in 1988 as principal DOC unit for space-related policy issues and advocacy Mission: Promote Robust, Responsive U.S. Space Industry 2005: Assigned to support National Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Executive Committee Staffing Complete: • Ed Morris, Director (Space Trans/Exploration) • Jason Kim, Senior Policy Analyst (PNT) • Eve Douglas, Senior Program Analyst (CRS) • Mike Beavin, Senior Program Analyst (NewSpace) • Joyce Voyles, Office Manager OSC Office Location (NOAA HQ) OSC Staff PNT Staff Leveraging Partnerships for Satellite Earth Observations
Promoting A Robust, Responsive U.S. Space Industry U.S. Chamber of Commerce Events • Next-Generation GPS (Jan 06) • Civil Government GIS Workshop (Oct 06) National Space-Based PNT Executive Committee • Established facility for National Coordination Office • Hosted 4 principals meetings (Deputy Secretary Level) • Published study on GPS productivity benefits Congressional Testimony • HASC hearing on Space and U.S. National Power (Jun 06) Industry Outreach • Commercial Remote-Sensing Symposium • WSBR Luncheon: economic impact of space • National Defense University: Merchants and Guardians Significant 2006 Accomplishments Leveraging Partnerships for Satellite Earth Observations
OSC Future Activities U.S. Chamber of Commerce Events • Space Finance (Feb/March) • TBD (May/June) • CRS/GIS (Aug/Sept) • TBD (Nov/Dec) Release OSC Strategic Plan National Space-Based PNT Executive Committee • Principals Meetings (Deputy Secretary Level) GPS-Galileo Working Group on Trade Issues • PNT Advisory Board Continue to Support Interagency Working Groups • e.g.: FLI, NGA SET, GIWG, PNT ESG, SIBC, PNT Architecture. U.S. Chamber Partnership is Key to Meeting OSC Goals Leveraging Partnerships for Satellite Earth Observations
Provide the right information, in the right format, at the right time, to the right people, to make the right decisions.