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Unit IA

Unit IA. Self-awareness and self-exploration. Essential questions. What is my personality and how does it influence who I am? What are my interests? What do I value?. Unit1A Do Now. Open a blank word document Name, Date Title it “U1DN” Answer the following question as best you can

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Unit IA

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  1. Unit IA Self-awareness and self-exploration

  2. Essential questions • What is my personality and how does it influence who I am? • What are my interests? • What do I value?

  3. Unit1A Do Now • Open a blank word document • Name, Date • Title it “U1DN” • Answer the following question as best you can • What is personality? • Save in Fresh Ess folder, under a new folder called “Do Now” Save As: U1DN

  4. Log on to Naviance • -go to Whippany Park home page • -click on Guidance • -click on Naviance (on right side of page under "Links") • -Page reads "Welcome to Family Connection" - need to log in:  select "I need to register" • -Click on New User, then enter registration code provided by Guidance, then click "register" • -Student enters, then confirms his/her email • -Student creates a password - must be at least 6 characters with no blank spaces • -Students are directed to read and accept two items:  1) Terms of Service  and 2) Privacy Statement  (I attached copies of both but have not read them yet) • once they accept the above policies, they are directed to "Complete Registration" • Some of the steps take a full minute or two to load - students need to be patient.

  5. Your welcome page

  6. Click about me

  7. Take the personality test

  8. Activity Round table in Aux Gym tomorrow

  9. Assignment • Come to class first • I will take attendance • We will then go to the Aux Gym • I will hand out an assignment to you • Get the answers to the assignment from the various student leaders

  10. The importance of your personality Naviance will give you letters that describe you For example “INFJ” Once you get those letters Launch Google Put those letters into google Click on “Portrait of an ….” (whatever your letters are the link and you will get to a page that looks similar to this

  11. You will get a page that looks like • Open a Word document • Name, Date • Center the words “My Personality” • Read about your personality and summarize your strengths and weaknesses • You can bullet list an overview of everything on the handout • This summary will be used for your project for this unit

  12. Scroll to bottom of the page • Click on Careers and summarize • Click on Relationships and summarize • Click on Personal Growth and summarize • Re-Save • Do NOT print at this point

  13. COPY your personality type “INFJ’ and your strengths and weaknesses—in a word document • EXAMPLE: • Your strengths may include: • Impressing people with your thoughtfulness and integrity. • Developing and following a well laid out plan. • Using your creativity to suggest alternative approaches. • Being an attentive listener. • Being able to anticipate what will impress people. • Your weaknesses may include: • Being impractical or unrealistic about your expectations. • Not communicating concisely enough. • Seeming too independent or inflexible about certain issues. • Making decisions before you collect all the necessary information. • Speaking in a style that doesn't accurately reflect your enthusiasm. • SAVE THIS DOCUMENT UNDER FRESHMAN SEMINAR, PROJECTS • SAVEAS: MY PERSONALITY PROFILE

  14. superhero • Video: • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bPLxQg-Ypo • We have been researching personality, lifestyles and values • In the video chemistry gave him superheroes • JAZAM! • You are now a superhero • You have 2 days in which to complete your superhero project • Save Under: Freshmen Essentials, Project • Save As: Superhero

  15. Superhero representation • Now that you have a summary of your personality • You will create your superhero! • Follow the instructions on the handout • Save As: Superhero under Projects in Freshmen Essentials • Upon completion turn in your summary and your superhero

  16. U1DN • What is one of your strengths based upon your personality profile

  17. Monday • Complete the superhero project • Read the Independent Practice section of the cover sheet • Complete your picture and story • Due today

  18. TuesdayUnit1A DN • What is a value?

  19. Values • Define a value • A principle, standard, something important to you, not the same for everyone • values reflect a person’s sense of right and wrong

  20. Values and lifestyle • Define the word “Lifestyle” • A way of life or style of living that reflects the attitudes and values of a person or group (a chosen way of living) • How does values & Lifestyles relate? • How does what you value influence your lifestyle? • Complete the following questionnaire • www.career.virginia.edu/students/cdm/values.php

  21. Thursday -U1DN • Today’s date • List 3 values that you have

  22. A list of your values • Upon completion of the questionnaire you will get a list of values • Copy those values into a Word document to be used for your pictorial

  23. Take out the copy of your values that you printed Tuesday

  24. pictorial • Create a pictorial that represents your values • You must have a minimum of 9 values represented through pictures—NO WORDS  • This will be used as a coversheet for your project on values • You can use PowerPoint and create your pictorial • If you can find a free collage maker online you can also use that • You can use pictures you have on your phones if you can email them to yourselves at your gmail account we created • After you create this save it as: • My Value Pictorial—Under Projects • Here is an example from PowerPoint

  25. Pam Souto’s Values

  26. Pd 5b • U1DN • What is Academic writing?

  27. Academic Writing & Journal writing • Academic Writing • What is Academic Writing? • Writing done by scholars for other scholars—and that includes you

  28. Practice • Math: • Solving math word problems • There are two steps to solving math word problems: • Translate the wording into a numeric equation that combines smaller “expressions” • Solve the equation! • Suggestions: • Read the problem entirely • Get a feel for the whole problem • List information and the variables you identify • Attach units of measure to the variables (gallons, miles, inches, etc) • Define what answer you need as well as the units of measure • Work in an organized manner • Working clearly will help you think clearly • Draw and label all graphs and pictures clearly • Note or explain each step of your process: • This will help you track variables and remember their meanings • Look for the “key” words (above) • Certain words indicate certain mathematical operations:

  29. Math • Writing in Math – • Various types of writing • Practice: 2 + 2 = 4 • Write this as a word problem

  30. Pd 5b • U1DN • What is Academic writing?

  31. Science • The Scientific Method • Ask a question • Do background research • Construct a Hypothesis • Test your Hypothesis by doing an experiment • Analyze your data and draw a conclusion • Communicate your results • In literature, you might apply this to reading and solving a mystery!

  32. Social studies • Essential questions • Quality of Writing • Using facts

  33. English/language arts • Creative • Expository • Persuasive • Descriptive • Literary Analysis • Research • Formal/Informal • Grammar • Vocabulary

  34. Creative writing • Your name is: • In third person (I = first, you = second, he/she = third person) • List 10 traits or characteristics about yourself • List one trait/characteristic that no one knows about you

  35. Steps to writing an essay

  36. INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH : •  Begin with a clear thesis (REFER TO THESIS DEVELOPMENT IDEAS). • Opening sentence – interesting/attention grabbing (a quote, a rhetorical question, an interesting fact about your subject) • A comment (connection) on the introduction that leads into your thesis. • Your thesis – clearly stated (no maybes, no ifs, no should, would or could) •  A sentence identifying three (more or less) major points that are important to understanding the impact/need/usefulness of your thesis • A concluding sentence that ties in your thesis, your major points, and the reason/purpose for your essay (do not say: The purpose for this essay is….). This will serve as a transition to your first major point.

  37. BODY : BEGINNING OF YOUR OUTLINE • FIRST major point to be presented. • Explanation of the point – what is it, why is it important. • Comment on your point (use your own words to connect it to your thesis • An example or analogy - This is similar to…. • Support – a source that validates your comment (cite sources). • Comment on your source •  Support for your point. A connection to your thesis • Comment on your point (use your own words to connect it to your thesis) • An example, analogy, fact, statistic, testimony, a quote, etc. - This is similar to… • Support – a source that validates your comment (cite sources). • Comment on your source or the information in your source **** You can add more facts, examples as needed Or warranted by your subject material • Transition to next point

  38. SECOND major point to be presented • Explanation of the point – what is it, why is it important • Comment on your point (use your own words to connect it to your thesis) • An example or analogy - This is similar to…. • Support – a source that validates your comment (cite sources). • Comment on your source • Support for your point. A connection to your thesis • Comment on your point (use your own words to connect it to your thesis) • An example, analogy, fact, statistic, testimony, a quote, etc. - This is similar to…. • Support – a source that validates your comment (cite sources) • Comment on your source or the information in your source • **** You can add more facts, examples as needed or warranted by your subject material • Transition to next point

  39. THIRD major point to be presented • Explanation of the point – what is it, why is it important. • Comment on your point (use your own words to connect it to your thesis) • An example or analogy - This is similar to…. • a. Support – a source that validates your comment (cite sources)) • b. Comment on your source • Support for your point. A connection to your thesis • Comment on your point (use your own words to connect it to your thesis) • An example, analogy, fact, statistic, testimony, a quote, etc. - This is similar to…. • a. Support – a source that validates your comment (cite sources). • b. Comment on your source or the information in your source • **** You can add more facts, examples as needed or warranted by your subject material • Transition to CONCLUSION

  40. CONCLUSION • A sentence that draws all of your ideas together and connects with your thesis. Do not begin with, “In conclusion…” •  A. Comment on the importance of your major points. •  B. Comment on how or why these points are important (do not repeat your introduction) • C. Summarize the overall analysis of your essay. Use words such as: recognizing that… , appreciating the connection… , understanding how …. , • D. A final comment – restates your thesis in a confident, authoritative tone that shows readers you have accomplished the goal you stated in your thesis.

  41. In Review

  42. Values exploration essay • Begin the Values Exploration Essay • Remember to use your handout • Upon completion, attach to “Values Exploration” • Attach this sheet • Attach your outline • Attach the results from the Virginia.edu site • Attach your pictorial • Attach ESSAY • Place in “to be graded” folder • Project grade • Due 15-20 minutes into class TOMORROW

  43. u1dn • What is service? • What is learning?

  44. You have 15 minutes to complete, spell check and proofread you essay and hand in • Upon completion, attach to “Values Exploration” • Attach this sheet • Attach your outline • Attach the results from the Virginia.edu site • Attach your pictorial • Attach ESSAY • Place in “to be graded” folder • Project grade

  45. Introduction to service learning • Our ultimate goal in this class is to complete a service learning project • Touches on both service and learning • http://goodcharacter.com/SERVICE/service.html • http://goodcharacter.com/SERVICE/webresources.html

  46. handout • After reviewing the websites and videos • Handout • Type up your ideas for this handout • Attach your answers to the handout • Place in the “to be graded” folder

  47. u1dn • What was your favorite service learning project?

  48. Study Skills • Study Skills presentation • Time Management Handout

  49. Journal Writing • What is Journal Writing? • A series of written passages that document the personal events, thoughts, feelings, memories and perceptions in one’s journey throughout life leading to wholeness • Examples:

  50. Journals • Reflection • Diary • Reading Log • Reader Response

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