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International Symbol Recognition Contest 2011 “current status”

International Symbol Recognition Contest 2011 “current status”. Mathieu Delalandre 1 , Romain Raveaux 2 and Ernest Valveny 3 1 LI, RFAI group, Tours city, France 2 L3i, IDDC team, La Rochelle, France 3 CVC, DAG group, Barcelona, Spain GREC 2011 Workshop Seoul, Korea

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International Symbol Recognition Contest 2011 “current status”

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Presentation Transcript

  1. International Symbol Recognition Contest 2011“current status” Mathieu Delalandre1, Romain Raveaux2 and Ernest Valveny3 1LI, RFAI group, Tours city, France 2L3i, IDDC team, La Rochelle, France 3CVC, DAG group, Barcelona, Spain GREC 2011 Workshop Seoul, Korea Friday 16th of September 2011

  2. International Symbol Recognition Contest 2011“current status” Past symbol recognition contests: ICPR’00, GREC’2003, GREC’2005 and GREC’2007 GREC’2011 vs. others symbol recognition contests segmented symbols symbols in context bags of symbols logos drawings

  3. International Symbol Recognition Contest 2011“current status” E. Valveny & al. A general framework for the evaluation of symbol recognition methods. IJDAR, 2007. Segmented symbols Setting Building engine Segmented symbols Image degradation “Kanungo” Groundtruth recognition Symbol models “in context” symbols Groundtruth Generation of queries “Gaussian” Setting Building engine Drawings Drawings Random image selection Image degradation “Kanungo” localization M. Delalandre & al. Generation of Synthetic Documents for Performance Evaluation of Symbol Recognition & Spotting Systems, IJDAR, 2010.

  4. International Symbol Recognition Contest 2011“current status” drawings segmented symbols symbols in context

  5. International Symbol Recognition Contest 2011“current status” Training sets Final datasets recognition localization

  6. International Symbol Recognition Contest 2011“current status” Agenda • March Website online http://iapr-tc10.univ-lr.fr/index.php/symbol-contest-2011 6th of April Publication of training datasets • 2sd of May Call of participation on the TC10 News Letter 1st to 29th May Pre-registration and expression of interest • 25th of July Publication of final datasets 25th July, 01st of August Contest slot 5th of August First deadline extension 12th of August Second deadline extension • Ongoing, post-workshop Characterization of results, submission at LNCS level of the contest report 3 registrations 1 valid submission

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