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COVA Annual Conference Tuesday, March 23, 2010 Atlanta,GA

Granting Success: Collaboration As a Key. COVA Annual Conference Tuesday, March 23, 2010 Atlanta,GA Ardith Peters, Ph.D., Associate Professor, SWHS Walaa Compton, MBA, Director, IAWL Kennesaw State University. “It’s all about people.”. --A. Peters. Collaborations in Grants. Funders

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COVA Annual Conference Tuesday, March 23, 2010 Atlanta,GA

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  1. Granting Success: Collaboration As a Key COVA Annual Conference Tuesday, March 23, 2010 Atlanta,GA Ardith Peters, Ph.D., Associate Professor, SWHS Walaa Compton, MBA, Director, IAWL Kennesaw State University

  2. “It’s all about people.” --A. Peters

  3. Collaborations in Grants Funders Project Partners Community

  4. FundersProject Entrepreneurs In business In nonprofit Write a Proposal Find a Funding Match Compete for Funding Two or more bottom lines to achieve . • Write a Business Plan • Get a Loan • Start the Business One bottom line to achieve.

  5. Funders . Looking for “Innovative Great Ideas” . Showcase your idea in a well written proposal . Don’t take on more than you can handle . Contact program officer . Seek out an expert opinion for review

  6. Project Partners “If I’m not your collaborator, I’m your competitor.” -Walaa Compton • Advisory Board • Golden rules of collaboration • Levels of collaboration • Selection of collaborators • Effective communication • Manageable conflict- we will make it work! .

  7. Community Geographic Interests Who are the stakeholders? How do you share power? How do you solve conflicting interests? How do you ensure cultural competency?

  8. “It’s all about people.” --A. Peters

  9. Resources Books: The “How To” Grants Manual - Successful Grantseeking Techniques for Obtaining Public and Private Grants. 6th edition - David G. Bauer, 2009. Direct succinct approach with CD for records and formats. AP personal favorite Grant Writing for Dummies. Beverly A. Browning. “It speaks to the reader if you have specific questions that need to be answered”. JWB Field Guide to Nonprofit Program Design, Marketing and Evaluation. Carter McNamara. Also has an online website which summarizes info related to grant writing. JWB The Foundation Center’s Guide to Proposal Writing. Jane C. Geever. JWB Secrets of Successful Grantsmanship: A Geurill Guide to Raising Money. Susan L. Golden. JWB Websites Ashoka www.ashoka.org WEC Stanford Social Innovation Review http://www.ssireview.org WEC Foundation Center’s Short Course on Proposal Writing. http://foundationcenter.org/getstarted/tutorials/shortcourse/index.html Beginning Grant Writing: An Educator’s Guide. http://www.uml.edu/College/Education/Faculty/lebaron/GRANTBEGINindex.html Nonprofit Guides--Grant Writing Writing Tools for Nonprofit Organizations http://

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