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Mawdesley St Peter’s. Numeracy Support: Written Calculations. When do we use written calculations?. Written calculation methods are an important skill that children need to learn, and are practised frequently in school.
Mawdesley St Peter’s Numeracy Support: Written Calculations
When do we use written calculations? • Written calculation methods are an important skill that children need to learn, and are practised frequently in school. • However, there is also a great emphasis on developing the ability to calculate mentally and for children to choose a method which suits them. • The important thing when supporting written calculations is that children understand what they are doing.
Written or Mental Method? • Depends on the situation e.g. Are we solving word problems or doing a mental maths test? Would we need to be able to calculate mentally e.g. working out change when buying something in a shop? • What do we notice about the numbers- are they close to one another? Are there any number bonds to help us? • 13 + 17= • 25 x 12= • 356 - 148= • 245 x 16= • 189 – 99=
Written Methods for Multiplication • In our school, we use a written method for multiplication which we call the ‘grid method’. • Let’s try 56 x 7. • 56 can be partitioned into 50 and 6. • 7 can’t be partitioned as it contains only units.
56 x 7= • Next, we would add 350 and 42 to get the answer. • This could be done mentally i.e. 350 + 40 + 2= 392 • Or it could be added using a written method i.e. 350 + 42 392
This method works with bigger numbers too... • 146 x 28=
Then add the numbers together to get your answer. 2000 + 800 + 120= 2920 800+ 320 + 48= + 1168 4088 So 146 x 28= 4088
With decimals.. • 34.6 x 6= • 180 + 24 + 3.6= 207.6
With money... • £6.65 x 7= • £42 + £4.20 + 35p= £46.55
Common Errors • Incorrect partitioning E.g. 56 into 5 and 6 rather than 50 and 6. • Errors in multiplication E.g. times tables mistakes and ‘forgetting 0s’
Why do we use this method? • Children understand the steps that they are taking to get to the answer. • Drawing a grid means that children will not miss out a step as all the boxes have to be filled. • Easier for adults to see where they have made errors.
Written Methods for Division • To divide by a single digit number, we use a traditional short division method. 72 ÷3=
Division by chunking • Also known as repeated subtraction. • We this method for larger numbers e.g. Dividing by a 2 digit number. • Let’s look at a division problem...
384 / 24= • 384 children in a school are put into groups of 24. How many groups would there be altogether? • We work out how many groups of 24 there are in 384.
384÷24= How many 24s go into 384? 24 384 - 240 (10 x 24) 144 - 120 ( 5x 24) 24 - 24 (1x 24) 0 Finally, add up how many lots of 24 you have taken away ( 10 + 5 + 1 = 16) and you have an answer. There would be 16 groups of children.
Lets try 317 ÷ 12 12 317 -120 (10 x 12) 197 -120 (10 x 12) 77 - 60 (5 x 12) 17 - 12 ( 1 x 12) 5 Add the number of times you have taken away 12 ( 10 + 10 + 5 + 1= 26). 5 is the remainder so than answer to 317 ÷ 12= 26 r 5.
Why do we use this method? • This method can take a while to get the hang of, but once children have grasped it they usually find it easy to use. • They understand the steps that they are taking to reach an answer. • Easier than long division and provides an alternative method. • Adults can see what has caused the children to make errors.
Common Errors • Subtraction errors • Forgetting or making mistakes when adding the numbers in brackets.
Addition and Subtraction • Younger children will begin addition by partitioning numbers and adding them • e.g. 43 + 37= 40 + 30 is 70 3 + 7 is 10 70 + 10 is 80.
Addition • Many children continue to use this method for certain calculations as the numbers do not require a written calculation . • However, we do use written methods for addition in school.
Addition 134 + 291= 134 + 291 5 25 425 1
Subtraction • We also use a traditional written subtraction method. • However, children can choose their method depending on the numbers given. • Would 2007- 1994 require a written method? • Most children would use a ‘ counting on’ method for this subtraction.
Subtraction • Let’s try 375- 169 as many children would choose a written method of subtraction for this question. • The only real difference is that we try not to tell children to ‘borrow a 1’. • If we borrow a 1- when is it paid back?? • Instead we tell children to ‘take’ a 10 or 100.
Conclusion • If you have any questions I will stay behind to answer them for you. • Handouts can be kept to refer to if your child is having difficulty with calculations e.g. When doing their homework. • If you would like further support feel free to ask!