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Monitoring Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations with Copernicus Earth Observation Services

Explore the potentials of Copernicus data for assessing Germany's climate change strategy indicators. Improve Copernicus services for consistent monitoring. Project funded by Federal Environment Agency Germany. Addressing indicator gaps with remote sensing products.

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Monitoring Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations with Copernicus Earth Observation Services

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  1. Using Copernicus earthobservationservicestomonitorclimate change impacts and adaptations • Daniel Becker1 (daniel.becker@eurac.edu), Marc Zebisch1, Ruth Sonnenschein1, Stefan von Andrian-Werburg2, Konstanze Schönthaler2 • 1EURAC Research (Bolzano), 2Bosch & Partner GmbH (Munich) Monitoring climate change impacts and adaptations (DAS-Indicator System) Copernicus earth observation services Services related to climate change ?! Scope Conclusions EGU 2016: ClimateServices – Underpinning Science (PICO Session)

  2. Using Copernicus earthobservationservicestomonitorclimate change impacts and adaptations • Daniel Becker1 (daniel.becker@eurac.edu), Marc Zebisch1, Ruth Sonnenschein1, Stefan von Andrian-Werburg2, Konstanze Schönthaler2 • 1EURAC Research (Bolzano), 2Bosch & Partner GmbH (Munich) Monitoring climate change impacts and adaptations (DAS-Indicator System) Copernicus earth observation services Services related to climate change ?! x • Scope: • Funding: Federal Environment Agency Germany (Umweltbundesamt - UBA) • Time period of project: May 2015 – February 2016 • Objectives:We aimed to assess and evaluate the potentials of earth observation data and products, especially provided by European’s Copernicus programme, for measuring indicators of the German strategy for climate change adaptation (Deutsche Anpassungsstrategie an den Klimawandel – DAS). Thereby, wepursued two major objectives: • To improve existing and to develop new indicators for the DAS, based on remote sensing products from Copernicus • To identify and recommend potentials for improvement for the Copernicus services in order to enable a consistent climate change monitoring Scope Conclusions EGU 2016: ClimateServices – Underpinning Science (PICO Session)

  3. Using Copernicus earthobservationservicestomonitorclimate change impacts and adaptations • Daniel Becker1 (daniel.becker@eurac.edu), Marc Zebisch1, Ruth Sonnenschein1, Stefan von Andrian-Werburg2, Konstanze Schönthaler2 • 1EURAC Research (Bolzano), 2Bosch & Partner GmbH (Munich) x Monitoring climate change impacts and adaptation (DAS-Indicator System) Copernicus earth observation services Services related to climate change ?! Copernicus Brochure, European Union, 2015 next EGU 2016: ClimateServices – Underpinning Science (PICO Session)

  4. Using Copernicus earthobservationservicestomonitorclimate change impacts and adaptations • Daniel Becker1 (daniel.becker@eurac.edu), Marc Zebisch1, Ruth Sonnenschein1, Stefan von Andrian-Werburg2, Konstanze Schönthaler2 • 1EURAC Research (Bolzano), 2Bosch & Partner GmbH (Munich) x Monitoring climate change impacts and adaptation (DAS-Indicator System) Copernicus earth observation services Services related to climate change ?! https://twitter.com/copernicuseu/status/643330966182825984 previous next EGU 2016: ClimateServices – Underpinning Science (PICO Session)

  5. Using Copernicus earthobservationservicestomonitorclimate change impacts and adaptations • Daniel Becker1 (daniel.becker@eurac.edu), Marc Zebisch1, Ruth Sonnenschein1, Stefan von Andrian-Werburg2, Konstanze Schönthaler2 • 1EURAC Research (Bolzano), 2Bosch & Partner GmbH (Munich) x Monitoring climate change impacts and adaptation (DAS-Indicator System) Copernicus earth observation services Services related to climate change ?! previous next EGU 2016: ClimateServices – Underpinning Science (PICO Session)

  6. Using Copernicus earthobservationservicestomonitorclimate change impacts and adaptations • Daniel Becker1 (daniel.becker@eurac.edu), Marc Zebisch1, Ruth Sonnenschein1, Stefan von Andrian-Werburg2, Konstanze Schönthaler2 • 1EURAC Research (Bolzano), 2Bosch & Partner GmbH (Munich) x Downstram- / Value adding-Services Monitoring climate change impacts and adaptation (DAS-Indicator System) Copernicus earth observation services Services related to climate change ?! Presentation Hugo Zunker, European Commission, National Forum Copernicus, Berlin, 2015 http://cryoland.eu/ http://www.freshmon.eu/ previous EGU 2016: ClimateServices – Underpinning Science (PICO Session)

  7. Using Copernicus earthobservationservicestomonitorclimate change impacts and adaptations • Daniel Becker1 (daniel.becker@eurac.edu), Marc Zebisch1, Ruth Sonnenschein1, Stefan von Andrian-Werburg2, Konstanze Schönthaler2 • 1EURAC Research (Bolzano), 2Bosch & Partner GmbH (Munich) x • Indicatorsystem of the German Strategy for climate change adaptation • 102 Indicators for 15 sectors: • 55 Impact-Indicators • 42 Response-Indicators • 5 overarching Indicators • Monitoring report every four years • Aggregation on national level • However: • Indicator gaps due to missing or inconsistent data • Proxy indicators • No spatially explicit information Monitoring climate change impacts and adaptations (DAS-Indicator System) Copernicus earth observation services Services related to climate change ?! Schönthaler et al. 2015 Scope Conclusions Schönthaler et al. 2015 Schönthaler et al. 2015 EGU 2016: ClimateServices – Underpinning Science (PICO Session)

  8. Using Copernicus earthobservationservicestomonitorclimate change impacts and adaptations • Daniel Becker1 (daniel.becker@eurac.edu), Marc Zebisch1, Ruth Sonnenschein1, Stefan von Andrian-Werburg2, Konstanze Schönthaler2 • 1EURAC Research (Bolzano), 2Bosch & Partner GmbH (Munich) Monitoring climate change impacts and adaptations (DAS-Indicator System) Copernicus earth observation services Services related to climate change ?! x • Systematicoverlap of Copernicus products and indicators: • 64 productsare relevant for measuringclimate change impact and responseindicators • 78 indicatorscanpossiblycalculatedwith Copernicus products A: Copernicus products are operational and the effort (technical, personal, etc.) for measuring the indicator is manageable  Improvement of existing indicators / development of new indicators Category A • We aimed to assess and evaluate the potentials of earth observation data and products, especially provided by European’s Copernicus programme, for measuring indicators of the German strategy for climate change adaptation(Deutsche Anpassungsstrategie an den Klimawandel – DAS). Thereby, wepursued two major objectives: • To improve existing and to develop new indicators for the DAS, based on remote sensing products from Copernicus • To identify and recommend potentials for improvement for the Copernicus services in order to enable a consistent climate change monitoring Scope B: Data for measuring the indicator can be generated from Copernicus services, however, this would involve costly or time-intensive methods  Recommendations for the Copernicus services Category B Conclusions Category C C: Copernicus products do not fit with the indicator's underlying hypothesis. An improvement of the indicator is doubtful Will not be further considered in the project next EGU 2016: ClimateServices – Underpinning Science (PICO Session)

  9. Using Copernicus earthobservationservicestomonitorclimate change impacts and adaptations • Daniel Becker1 (daniel.becker@eurac.edu), Marc Zebisch1, Ruth Sonnenschein1, Stefan von Andrian-Werburg2, Konstanze Schönthaler2 • 1EURAC Research (Bolzano), 2Bosch & Partner GmbH (Munich) Monitoring climate change impacts and adaptations (DAS-Indicator System) Copernicus earth observation services Services related to climate change ?! x Category A: Response-Indicator (Buildings and Construction): area of green urban space • We aimed to assess and evaluate the potentials of earth observation data and products, especially provided by European’s Copernicus programme, for measuring indicators of the German strategy for climate change adaptation(Deutsche Anpassungsstrategie an den Klimawandel – DAS). Thereby, wepursued two major objectives: • To improve existing and to develop new indicators for the DAS, based on remote sensing products from Copernicus • To identify and recommend potentials for improvement for the Copernicus services in order to enable a consistent climate change monitoring Scope Schönthaler et al. 2015 Conclusions  Development of indicator factsheet previous next EGU 2016: ClimateServices – Underpinning Science (PICO Session)

  10. Using Copernicus earthobservationservicestomonitorclimate change impacts and adaptations • Daniel Becker1 (daniel.becker@eurac.edu), Marc Zebisch1, Ruth Sonnenschein1, Stefan von Andrian-Werburg2, Konstanze Schönthaler2 • 1EURAC Research (Bolzano), 2Bosch & Partner GmbH (Munich) Monitoring climate change impacts and adaptations (DAS-Indicator System) Copernicus earth observation services Services related to climate change ?! x Category B: Impact-Indicator (Tourism): snow cover for winter sports Scope Schönthaler et al. 2015 Conclusions  Recommendation: Snow cover products in Land Monitoring Service previous next EGU 2016: ClimateServices – Underpinning Science (PICO Session)

  11. Using Copernicus earthobservationservicestomonitorclimate change impacts and adaptations • Daniel Becker1 (daniel.becker@eurac.edu), Marc Zebisch1, Ruth Sonnenschein1, Stefan von Andrian-Werburg2, Konstanze Schönthaler2 • 1EURAC Research (Bolzano), 2Bosch & Partner GmbH (Munich) Monitoring climate change impacts and adaptations (DAS-Indicator System) Copernicus earth observation services Services related to climate change ?! x Category B: Impact-Indicator (Health): Cyanobacteria in inland waters Scope http://eoapp.eomap.com/ Schönthaler et al. 2015 Conclusions  Recommendation: Cyanobacteria product in Land Monitoring Service / Use of value adding services http://www.cyanolakes.com/ previous next EGU 2016: ClimateServices – Underpinning Science (PICO Session)

  12. Using Copernicus earth observation services to monitor climate change impacts and adaptations • Daniel Becker1 (daniel.becker@eurac.edu), Marc Zebisch1, Ruth Sonnenschein1, Stefan von Andrian-Werburg2, Konstanze Schönthaler2 • 1EURAC Research (Bolzano), 2Bosch & Partner GmbH (Munich) Monitoring climate change impacts and adaptations (DAS-Indicator System) Copernicus earth observation services Services related to climate change ?! x Category B: Impact-Indicator (Oceans): Sea level Scope Schönthaler et al. 2015 Conclusions  No recommendations previous EGU 2016: ClimateServices – Underpinning Science (PICO Session)

  13. Using Copernicus earth observation services to monitor climate change impacts and adaptations • Daniel Becker1 (daniel.becker@eurac.edu), Marc Zebisch1, Ruth Sonnenschein1, Stefan von Andrian-Werburg2, Konstanze Schönthaler2 • 1EURAC Research (Bolzano), 2Bosch & Partner GmbH (Munich) • Urban Atlas (Abdeckung, Auflösung, Aktualisierungs-frequenz, etc. geeignet?) • GIS-Verarbeitung • Flächenberechnung in km2 oder Anteil der Grünflächen in % x • Conclusions / Recommendations: • Copernicus provides large potential for climate impact assessment and monitoring • Sentinel satellites  High spatial & temporal resolutions. Allows calculating highly dynamic parameters, trends and anomalies. Allows long-term monitoring • Services provide free access to a multitude of products • Many products are not yet operational/validated, catalogues often overfraught • Long and consistent data series are yet missing (climate change service!?) • Most products are too generic for specific monitoring questions • Downstream- / Value adding services often more appropriate (not freely available) • Relation to other EO-based climate change initiatives (CM-SAF, ESA CCI, etc.) unclear • In-situ component weak • Recommendations for public authorities: make use the potential of combining remote sensing, in-situ measurements & models for climate impact monitoring • Recommendations for Copernicus: provide a good user documentation and evaluation guidelines; calculate high-resolution products based on sentinel data; use the climate change service to provide long-term and consistent data records Monitoring climate change impacts and adaptations (DAS-Indicator System) Copernicus earth observation services Services related to climate change ?! Scope Conclusions next EGU 2016: ClimateServices – Underpinning Science (PICO Session)

  14. Using Copernicus earth observation services to monitor climate change impacts and adaptations • Daniel Becker1 (daniel.becker@eurac.edu), Marc Zebisch1, Ruth Sonnenschein1, Stefan von Andrian-Werburg2, Konstanze Schönthaler2 • 1EURAC Research (Bolzano), 2Bosch & Partner GmbH (Munich) •  Weitere Qualifizierung • Urban Atlas (Abdeckung, Auflösung, Aktualisierungs-frequenz, etc. geeignet?) • GIS-Verarbeitung • Flächenberechnung in km2 oder Anteil der Grünflächen in % x • Conclusions / Recommendations: Monitoring climate change impacts and adaptations (DAS-Indicator System) Copernicus earth observation services Services related to climate change ?! Scope Conclusions previous EGU 2016: ClimateServices – Underpinning Science (PICO Session)

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