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School of Nursing Library Tutorial California State University Dominguez Hills. Table of Contents. Introduction Off Campus Access to Library Databases & Introduction to Basics Finding Journal Articles through the Nursing & Health Sciences Resource Page Glossary
School of NursingLibrary TutorialCalifornia State UniversityDominguez Hills
Table of Contents • Introduction • Off Campus Access to Library Databases & Introduction to Basics • Finding Journal Articles through the Nursing & Health Sciences Resource Page • Glossary (Throughout the tutorial, a single click on an underlinedblue word or phrase will take you either to the Glossary or a website).
Introduction This tutorial provides information on the online resources and services offered by the California State University Dominguez Hills University Library to BSN & MSN students enrolled in the School of Nursing. Return to Table of Contents
In this Tutorial you will learn to: • use resources & services provided by the California State University Dominguez Hills Library. • locate academic journal articles using a major nursing database, CINAHL. • understand and use library terms you will encounter while using library resources.
Getting The Most Out Of This Tutorial • We recommend that you read through all the slides in this tutorial at least once before going to any of the links. • Let’s get started…
CSUDH Library Home Page • To find the CSUDH Library home page from the CSUDH home page, click on “library” in the black menu bar. • Note especially the following links on the new Library home page (on next slide): • Journal Articles & Electronic Resources – access to all CSUDH journal article databases and electronic resources (in many subject areas in addition to nursing & health sciences) • Services for Distance Students
CSUDH Nursing & Health Sciences Page • The Nursing & Health Sciences page(on next slide), is a sub-page of the Library Home page, developed by the CSUDH Distance Learning Librarian. It contains all major links referred to in this tutorial. • Here’s a direct link to the Nursing & Health Sciences page: http://library.csudh.edu/services/distance/nursing/default.shtml • General information about CSUDHLibrary resources and services for alldistance learnersis at http://library.csudh.edu/services/distance/
Off Campus Access to Journal Article Databases: • off campus use of databases and electronic resources is restricted to current CSUDH students, staff and faculty. • use yourCSUDH user name and passwordto log in to Library databases and electronic resources from off campus locations. • whenever you click on a Library database or electronic resource that is restricted, you’ll see a CSUDH authentication screen (as illustrated in slide 13). Return to Table of Contents
Off Campus Access to Journal Article Databases(cont’d.) • You will now be able to log in with the same user name and password that you use to log in to MyCSUDH and Blackboard. (before June 2009, students used 14-digit student ID numbers to log in to library patron records and electronic databases. The library no longer requires you to enter your student ID or barcode number to access its records and resources). • Your campus user name and password willallow you to: • access CSUDH online article databases and e-books • use Interlibrary Loan to request articles for which full text is not available • If you are not able to access our databases with yourcampus user name and password, please call the IT Help Desk at 310-243-2500or email cdales@csudh.edu.
This is what the Library Authentication (login) Screen looks like: Back to Presentation (Slide 11)
CSUDH Journal Articles & Electronic Resources Page –advanced searchers can start looking for articles here…
Services for Distance Learning Students PageClick on red-circled link toNursing & Health Sciences Page-beginning searchers should startlooking for articles here)
Finding articles on the Nursing & Health Sciences Resource Page • The Nursing & Health Sciences Resource Page (http://library.csudh.edu/services/distance/nursing/default.shtml)gives students and faculty in Nursing, Health Sciences & Occupational Therapy programs of the College of Health & Human Services easy access to the most frequently used databases. • Nursing & Health Sciences Resource Page resources are available to CSUDH students and faculty both on and off the campus. • Bookmark the Nursing & Health Sciences Resource page for easy access to CSUDH databases and tools most frequently used in nursing. • Definitely the best place for new students and beginning searchers to start out!
CSUDH Nursing & Health Sciences Resource Page (below)Note especially links to “Major Nursing Databases” (red arrow) and “Reserve Nursing Journal Articles” (green arrow).(Reminder to new students: this is the best page to bookmark!)
This is what the MajorNursing Databases page looks like:Note direct link to CINAHL (red arrow, below).
General Facts about Journal Article Databases • Each database contains a slightly different groupof journal titles (some journals may actually be found in more than one database!). • ***Although they may provide you with information about articles you would like to see, databases do not always provide the full text of a desired article!*** • Most databases require that you have a recent version (7.0 or newer) of Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to view .pdf documents you will find in your search results. • Articles not available in full text in one database may be available in another database or index. Click the “Find it @ CSUDH…” icon after the article abstract (summary) to find out. Here’s what the “Find it…” icon looks like:
Library InterLibrary Loan Service • “Interlibrary Loan” (“ILL”) is a library service that allows you to request journal articles not available at CSUDH through the CSUDH Interlibrary Loan service. • We will request journal articles you request via ILL from other libraries and email them to you as soon as we receive them (this may take a week or even longer, so do plan ahead!). • However, pleaserequest ILL service for books from CSUDH and other libraries through your local public library(for further details, please contact the Distance Learning Librarian).
If you have problems or questions, please contact the Distance Learning Librarianfor help: cdales@csudh.edu 310-243-2088 Return to Table of Contents
************** You have now learned the basics of some important CSUDH Library services available to distance learning nursing students! Let’s move on to learn more about using CSUDH Library online resources to get materials you need.
Finding Journal Articles via the Nursing & Health Sciences Page • Your papers and assignments will often require you to cite 3 to 5 recent,peer reviewed, articles on your topic. • Recent usually means published within the last 5 years. • Articles published in peer reviewedjournals have undergone a formal approval process; an editor and one or more subject specialists review the article before it is accepted for publication, to ensure that the article is accurate, well researched and presented, and that it contributes to the body of knowledge in the field. • To find the most recent peer reviewed articles by nursing researchers and practitioners, use databases such as CINAHL and ProQuest Nursing Journals. • Begin on the Nursing & Health Sciences Page athttp://library.csudh.edu/services/distance/nursing/default.shtml.Return to Table of Contents
What isCINAHL? • It’s anacronymfor Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature: • Database with broad and deep coverage of nursing and allied health literature. • Best place to begin any search for nursing literature because it is regarded in the profession as the major nursing database… • May seem somewhat complex to use, but worth the trouble of learning! - Coverage is from 1937 to current year; although links to many full text articles are available, manyCINAHL citations include only abstracts or references.
Where isCINAHL?On the Nursing Databases Page, “CLICK HERE” under CINAHL Plus with Full Text (EBSCO).
When you see the Library Authentication (login) Screen, follow instructions on screen and click “Submit”: Fill in both boxes. Type carefully! Click Submit.
You will see the blank CINAHLsearch page: Type search terms into search boxes Optional: Limit to desired dates & to peer reviewed
Do an actual search in CINAHL: • Example: You need articles from peer reviewed journals on the control of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA)through handwashing.
CINAHL search entered: Remember: Databases are not case sensitive Combine search terms with AND Group synonyms on same line with or Note that you may limit by date Check to search for peer reviewed articles only
CINAHL Search Results(after clicking Search button): This search located 164 results, all of which have both search terms somewhere in their records: Citationand Abstract Note these subject headings (use in subsequent searches): First article looks good. Click on PDF Full Text at endof this record (not visible on this slide)
Here’s what the beginning of the 6 page PDF article looks like: Click these icons to print or save (don’t use your browser’s “File” menu commands.)
Obtaining a Full Text Article that appears to be unavailable from the database… • “Find it @ CSUDH” is a built in resource to help you locate full text articles that are not contained in the database you are searching. • The icon will often lead to links to the article in other databases or to other means of obtaining an individual article. • Sometimes the article you need is available in print or on microfilm at the CSUDH Library. Clicking the “Check Availability” icon will help you determine whether the Library owns what you need. Contact cdales@csudh.edu if you need an article scanned and emailed to you. • Sometimes the article you need will be found on the Reserve Nursing Journal Articles page. • Sometimes the article you need is not owned by the CSUDH Library. You may request it through interlibrary loan or contact cdales@csudh.edu. Contact cdales@csudh.edu with questions about print or microfilm articles or articles the CSUDH Library does not seem to own.
“Find it @ CSUDH” icons are located at the end of most records. Here’s result #26 from our CINAHL mrsa search.Note the “Find it @ CSUDH…”icon.
Below is what we see after clicking .CSUDH actually has this article in the database Science Direct (Elsevier). Click to get it! Click to get the full text of the article. .
What if the article full text is not there? Here’s result # 24 from our CINAHL “mrsa” search:
Here’s what we see this time after clicking the icon: This is an article CSUDH does not own. Clicktorequest an Interlibrary Loan OR email the citation to cdales@csudh.edu.
Other relevant databases (in addition to CINAHL) are listed on the Nursing Databases Page as you scroll down. Searching these databases could possibly lead you to other articles on your topic.
What to do when you run into trouble: • I can’t log in! • make sure you're typing your last name on the login screen exactly as it's spelled in your MyCSUDH record. • make sure you're typing your password number correctly (you can't see the numbers as you type them -- you see only a row of dots). • if your computer is set up to remember your log in information from session to session, try overriding the "remembered" number and retyping all letters and numbers. • For more help, visit the Login Procedure page (http://library.csudh.edu/info/guides/LoginProcedure.shtml ).
What to do when you run into trouble:(cont’d.) I can’t find any articles on my topic! • Check your spelling and typing. • Check the Thesaurus or Subject Guide of the database to find more or different search terms • Use different keywords or synonyms. • Check any search options or limits you might have used (such as “Published Date”, Publication Date, Full Text, etc.) and remove one or more of these. • Try a different database. • Check the links on the LH side of the Nursing and Health Sciences pagefor help. • Ask a Librarian! (cdales@csudh.edu).
Congratulations! Now you are able to access the CSUDH Library’s article databases!
Need More Help? Having difficulty accessing or using databases?Call or email the Distance Learning Librarian: 310-243-2088cdales@csudh.edu During Fall and Spring semesters, the CSUDH library is open: Monday – Thursday, 8:00 am – 8:00 pm Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Saturday, 11:00 am – 3:00 pm Sunday: closed*hours vary between semesters; call 310-243-3714 to check current hours.
Glossary Return to Table of Contents
Glossary - A • Academic journal articles:-articles found in periodicals that are considered scholarly. Academic journal articles differ from popular or news magazines in that they cite their sources in footnotes or bibliographies. Articles from academic journals are preferred for student research (see also: Peer reviewed). • Abstract:-a brief, non-evaluative summary of the main points in an article or book, often found as part of the record of an item found in a database search.Return to presentation
Glossary - B • Book catalog: -libraries used to use card catalogs, searchable by title, subject or author, to locate items they owned. In the late 20th century, libraries began to use computer records to organize and search for items owned. Most libraries now use electronic databases, usually called “online catalogs”, to search for their holdings. The CSUDH online catalog for books and other library holdings is called Torofind. It is available on the Internet through the CSUDH Library home page at http://library.csudh.edu/. Searching in an online catalog allows great flexibility in that it is possible to search by keyword and call number and to specify location, format and language. Return to presentation
Glossary - B (continued) • Bookmark (used both as a noun and a verb) A list of favorite web pages (URLs) saved in your browser so you have quick and easy access to them later. Some browsers (such as Netscape and Firefox) call these saved URLs “Bookmarks”, while Internet Explorer calls them “Favorites”. Return to presentation.
Glossary - C • Call number:-most academic libraries use the Library of Congress Classification System to specify a book’s location within the library collection. The LC (Library of Congress) system groups books of similar subject matter together and assigns each subject a combination of letters and numbers. Every book is labeled with its appropriate LC call number to indicate where it should be placed on the shelf. The LC number is usually typed on a white label and glued or taped on the book’s spine or front cover. An example of an LC call number is RT82 .K43 2002. • Circulating item:Any item a library owns that can be checked out and removed from the library for personal use for a designated time period is a circulating item.
Glossary - C (continued) • Citation:-basic information about an item such as a book, article, or website. Once given a citation, you can use the information to locate the item. The basic elements of a citation are: Author, Title and Publication information. When writing a research paper, authors should cite their sources so their readers are able to find the identical items used for in research done for the paper. Return to presentation.
Glossary - C (continued) • CSUDH Journals List (“Journals We Have”) The CSUDH Library maintains the Journals List web page so students can search for a journal by title and link to a database where the full text may be found. The Journals List will also indicate when a journal is available in print or microfilm format, as well as alerting users that a particular journal is unavailable in the Library. Return to presentation
Glossary - D • Database:-an electronic medium in which information can be stored and retrieved by searching. • Journal article database: contains citations, abstracts, full text articles, images and other files, available by subscription from publishers and searchable by a variety of criteria. Online journal databases are the electronic counterpart of print journal collections. Publishers load journal contents into a database to make the contents available for online access. Libraries subscribe to electronic databases to provide their users with online access to the contents of the databases. • Databases usually contain archives (back issues) and current articles from a wide variety of journals. Return to presentation.
Glossary - D (continued) • Download:-process whereby data files from external sources (flash drives, websites, email attachments, etc.) are transferred into your computer. You may read and delete these incoming files or save them (to your desktop, hard drive, flash drive, etc.) as required. Return to presentation