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Services Oriented Architecture Affinity Group

Services Oriented Architecture Affinity Group. SOA Affinity Group Overview. Why are we here? Growing need for a common informatics platform Identify common business needs among CTSAs Develop technical requirements Create a usable and effective common informatics platform Break down silos

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Services Oriented Architecture Affinity Group

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Services Oriented ArchitectureAffinity Group

  2. SOA Affinity Group Overview • Why are we here? • Growing need for a common informatics platform • Identify common business needs among CTSAs • Develop technical requirements • Create a usable and effective common informatics platform • Break down silos • Enhance collaboration • Accelerate the pace of research and discovery

  3. SOA Affinity Group Overview • How are we going to get there? • Creation of inter-disciplinary teams • Combine the knowledge of business and technical needs which relate to use of a common infrastructure • Identify application requirements • Directly address the business requirements and research needs • No infrastructure for infrastructure’s sake! • Inter-institutional development effort • No one institution has all the answers, but parts of a bigger puzzle • Distributed infrastructure must be inherent in any common collaborative platform

  4. SOA Affinity Group Activities • Workshops held at IKFC 2010 and 2011 meetings • Presentations from member institutions and discussion • Member’s mailing list for idea exchange • Occasional teleconferences • Informational wiki pages

  5. SOA Affinity GroupMembership and Leadership • CTSA participants welcome and invited to join! • SOA Interest, Knowledge, and Curiosity • Leadership Opportunity • Looking for individuals to step forward and drive the group

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