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Stefan Jensen

The EEA/EIONET Information System current applications and further developments relevant for EECCA countries. Stefan Jensen. The purpose and some general principles :.

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Stefan Jensen

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  1. The EEA/EIONET Information Systemcurrent applications and further developmentsrelevant for EECCA countries Stefan Jensen

  2. The purpose and some general principles: • To support all EEA and EIONET activities related to the flows of data and information from countries and other organisations to EEA, through to the assessments and knowledge provided back to the countries. • including, to communicate environmental information effectively to Europe´s citizens using the full range of communication channels.

  3. Policy makers, Env. experts, Media, Informed public The vision of s shared European Environmental Information System (EEIS) International Organisations, Conventions e.g. UNEP, UNECE, OECD, Basel Conv. European Union EEA, Eurostat Users Shared EEIS information Shared EIONET information User access shared tools e.g. Reportnet tools Information Infrastructure other countries EECCA countries EEA Member countries

  4. The EEA/EIONET information system

  5. The EEAinformation handling Dissemination Data Information Knowledge Data handling Data collection Products and services Production National systems Availability IT / Integration

  6. Future trends:Extended communication channels • From “Report producer” to a producer of a wide range of products and services • New type of products (Short briefings targeted to key clients– with the underpinning information and data being accessible through the web site) • More focus on the general public • Products for younger audience (multimedia) • Local (“What’s in your backyard?”) information

  7. Issues to be adressed around environmental information provision • Framing content through environmental indicators / obligations • Identfying systems and tools • Common standards and interfaces

  8. Framing content: INDICATORSThe purpose of a core set of indicators • to provide a stable and manageable basis for indicator reporting by EEA (EEA Signals) • to prioritise improvements in data quality from countries to European level • to streamline contributions to other indicator initiatives (eg structural indicators) • in doing so, to strengthen environmental dimension alongside economic and social dimensions

  9. The history of theCore set of indicators

  10. Air quality (6) Ozone depletion (1) Climate change (4) Biodiversity (4) Terrestrial (2) Water (7) Waste 2) > What is an appropriate indicator set for EECAA countries ? Agriculture (2) Energy (5) Fishery (3) Transport (3) Total: 37 Number of indicators per topic

  11. Framing content: OBLIGATIONSThe purpose of the Reporting obligation database (ROD) • To assist in the analysis of member countries reporting obligation burden • To support member countries in planning and fulfilling reporting obligations • To assist in streamlining the flow of data to EEA as a part of REPORTNET

  12. What can ROD be used for? • Due dates for reporting obligations • Countries participating in a reporting obligation • The “report to” organisation • The legislative framework • deliveries made to the Reportnet central data repository > What is necessary content for EECCA reporting (e.g. conventions)?

  13. ROD deadlines

  14. 2. Information system/services to share: • Environmental monitoring and data reporting incl. harmonisation aspects > Reportnet e.g. http://eionet.eu.int/rn • Free access to general environmental information provided by countries > SERIS http://seris.eea.eu.int • Web services for the public > EPER (Emmission polluting facilities)http://eper.cec.eu.int OZONEWEB (National ozone levels)http://ozon.eionet.eu.int

  15. Reportnet - What are the goals? Improve European environmental reporting by: • Streamlining • Quality improvement • Ensuring Transparency and availability of information reported by countries

  16. EEA information principles Transparent and open source system Agreed QA/QC standards Harmonised collection policy relevant Provide once use for many purposes

  17. Reportnet – a system to share with others • 4 out of of 14 EIONET priority data flows are exclusive • Open Reportnet system architecture • 130 reporting obligations in ROD • EEA reports (e.g. Kiev report) use information from other resources > A place for EECCA country data to be used in pan-European reports

  18. The Reportnet “football”

  19. Reportnet services… • A set of integrated services for EEA and others (Calendar of dataflows, EEA in ROD) • Public web services > to be used by others (http://rod.eionet.eu.int ) • Open systems (EPER uses ROD, CDR, etc) • Data exchange with other distributed systems [XML RPC, RSS, RDF, etc] (Ex. reporting deadlines in calendar on ETC websites)

  20. SERISState of the environment reports information system • An offer for countries to register the (meta)data of their relevant state of the environment reports > A way to reference main European reports (including EECCA countries) at one place (they do not have to physically be there)

  21. 3. Common standards and interfaces (I) • Metadata standards (available) • CDS Model, DublinCore, ISO11179 • Environmental data standards (less available) • Spatial data standards (INSPIRE initiative)

  22. e.g. Data standards (normative specifications)

  23. 3. Common standards and interfaces (II) • Technology standards • E.g. XML, web services

  24. Same issues for this EECCA cooperation What do we want to share? • Metadata, reports,(monitoring)data, indicators? Which common services do we want to have? • A shared place for data and information? • Several shared places based on the content? • A distributed architecture of information providers? Where do we like to apply common standards?

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