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ASAS WHAT DOES IT MEAN OPERATIONALLY?On the way to ASAS...Airborne Traffic Situation Awareness, the first step • Airborne Separation Assistance System concept is based on delegation of manoeuvre to the crew. • On the way to ‘full’ separation delegation, several steps shall be considered. • Airborne Traffic Situation Awarenesshave to be consideredasthe first step. • Nowadays, separation delegation already exists: visual separation procedures is the most common one.
ASAS WHAT DOES IT MEAN OPERATIONALLY?On the way to ASAS...Airborne Traffic Situation Awareness, the first step • Traffic situation understanding is a first necessity for crew before accepting any responsibility concerning surrounding traffic. • Providing information on surrounding traffic may help crew to have a better understanding of situation.
ASAS WHAT DOES IT MEAN OPERATIONALLY?On the way to ASAS...Airborne Traffic Situation Awareness, the first step • Through Traffic Collision Avoidance System display crew actually have some information on surrounding traffic. • Even if TCAS is not designed for that purpose, crew derives this information to build a mental picture of surrounding traffic. Airborne Traffic Situation Awarenessis an operational need.
ASAS WHAT DOES IT MEAN OPERATIONALLY?On the way to ASAS...Airborne Traffic Situation Awareness, the first step OSED Operational Service and Environment Definition OSA Operational Safety Assessment IA OHA (Operational Hazard Assesment) Interoperability Assessment ASOR (Allocation of Performance ASOR (Allocation of Safety Objectives & Requirements) Objectives & Requirements) SPR Interop Safety & Performance Requirements Interoperability Requirements OPA Operational Performance Assessment ê ê
ASAS WHAT DOES IT MEAN OPERATIONALLY?On the way to ASAS...Airborne Traffic Situation Awareness, the first step NUP2 OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS DEFINITION ATSAW Operational Service Environment Document ATSAW Operational Hazard Analysis ATSAW Operational Performance Assessment 2003/04 SPECIFICATIONS O3P MOCK-UP MOCK-UP EVALS 2005 Lab Equipment Integration Bench & Flight SimulatorTests Equipment Development Airbus Suppliers Equipment Development Test A/C Integration Flight Trials on test A/C FP6 Projects Flight Trials on Airlines Test A/C Equipment Update Certification Service Bulletin FP6 Projects
ASAS WHAT DOES IT MEAN OPERATIONALLY?On the way to ASAS...Airborne Traffic Situation Awareness, the first step • Several situations - called also applications - have been identified, depending on environment, phase of flight, airspace class, air traffic services, meteorological conditions, which may be gathered into three main categories: • Visual Separation Procedures aided by ATSAW • Enhanced Visual Acquisition for See and Avoid, • Enhanced Successive Visual Approaches, • Enhanced Visual Acquisition for Successive Take-Off, • Runway Occupancy Awareness, • Surface Traffic Awareness • Anticipation of Operations &Trajectories • Flight Operations Improvement • Blind Broadcast Operations • Enhanced-Traffic Information Broadcast by Aircraft
ASAS WHAT DOES IT MEAN OPERATIONALLY?On the way to ASAS...Airborne Traffic Situation Awareness, the first step AZA557 +30 AFR6512 +11 AFR257 +31 Enhanced Visual Acquisition for See and Avoid • The ‘See and Avoid’ application helps the Crew: • to detect and visually acquire threatening traffic • to prepare avoidance actions, if required, in due time.
ASAS WHAT DOES IT MEAN OPERATIONALLY?On the way to ASAS...Airborne Traffic Situation Awareness, the first step Enhanced Visual Acquisition for See and Avoid • The ‘See and Avoid’ application helps the Crew: • to detect and visually acquire threatening traffic • to prepare avoidance actions, if required, in due time. AZA557 +15 AFR6512 A320 M 323 +11 AFR257 +31 Push and Turn
ASAS WHAT DOES IT MEAN OPERATIONALLY?On the way to ASAS...Airborne Traffic Situation Awareness, the first step Enhanced Visual Acquisition for See and Avoid • The ‘See and Avoid’ application helps the Crew: • to detect and visually acquire threatening traffic • to prepare avoidance actions, if required, in due time. AZA557 A321 M 320 +15 AFR6512 +11 AFR257 +31 Turn
ASAS WHAT DOES IT MEAN OPERATIONALLY?On the way to ASAS...Airborne Traffic Situation Awareness, the first step Enhanced Visual Acquisition for See and Avoid • The ‘See and Avoid’ application helps the Crew: • to detect and visually acquire threatening traffic • to prepare avoidance actions, if required, in due time. AZA557 +15 AFR6512 +11 AFR257 A320 M 312 +12 Turn
ASAS WHAT DOES IT MEAN OPERATIONALLY?On the way to ASAS...Airborne Traffic Situation Awareness, the first step Enhanced Visual Acquisition for See and Avoid • The ‘See and Avoid’ application helps the Crew: • to detect and visually acquire threatening traffic • to prepare avoidance actions, if required, in due time. AZA557 +15 AFR6512 A320 M 323 +11 AFR257 +31 Push
ASAS WHAT DOES IT MEAN OPERATIONALLY?On the way to ASAS...Airborne Traffic Situation Awareness, the first step Enhanced Visual Acquisition for See and Avoid • The ‘See and Avoid’ application helps the Crew: • to detect and visually acquire threatening traffic • to prepare avoidance actions, if required, in due time. AZA557 +15 AFR6512 A320 M 323 +11 AFR257 +31
ASAS WHAT DOES IT MEAN OPERATIONALLY?On the way to ASAS...Airborne Traffic Situation Awareness, the first step Enhanced Successive Visual Approaches The objective is to conduct cleared successive approaches with visual separation on a regular basis, safely and accurately. AZA557 +30 AFR6512 A320 M 323 +11
ASAS WHAT DOES IT MEAN OPERATIONALLY?On the way to ASAS...Airborne Traffic Situation Awareness, the first step 7,5 7,5 5 5 AAL1255 B767 H 305 -10 Enhanced Visual Acquisition for Successive Take-Off This application aims at increasing frequency and safety of visual separation clearance for take-off .The goal is to: • Improve opportunity of visual separation by offering cues to locate preceding departing aircraft, • Enhance safety of such operations by providing information and identification on preceding departing aircraft. AFR6512 A320 M 323 +09
ASAS WHAT DOES IT MEAN OPERATIONALLY?On the way to ASAS...Airborne Traffic Situation Awareness, the first step RUNWAY OCCUPANCY AWARENESS • The application aims at preventing runway incursions, by providing information to the Crew of potential hazardous situations due to runway occupancy. • In order to support runway operations tasks, CDTI shall display runways and the concerned traffic. • It helps crew to visually acquire threatening traffic prior to possible avoidance maneuvers.
ASAS WHAT DOES IT MEAN OPERATIONALLY?On the way to ASAS...Airborne Traffic Situation Awareness, the first step • SURFACE TRAFFIC AWARENESS • This application provides the flight Crew with an enhanced traffic situational awareness on the airport surface for both taxi and runway operations. • The objectives are to improve safety (e.g. at taxiway crossings, or before entering a runway) and to reduce taxi time in particular during low visibility conditions or during night.
ASAS WHAT DOES IT MEAN OPERATIONALLY?On the way to ASAS...Airborne Traffic Situation Awareness, the first step 120 120 BAW515 B777 H 0.80 - 10 80 80 AAL1255 B767 H 305 -10 +10 + 09 Anticipation of Operations & Trajectories by Flight Operations Improvement • This application aims at improving aircraft operations and efficiency through: • An improved trajectory anticipation and an enhanced flight efficiency, thanks to a better knowledge of possible evolutions of the traffic situation, • Consequently, a better management of crew workload.
ASAS WHAT DOES IT MEAN OPERATIONALLY?On the way to ASAS...Airborne Traffic Situation Awareness, the first step Enhanced Traffic Information Broadcast by Aircraft This application aims at helping the Crews to monitor traffic relevant to the Blind Broadcast procedure by providing a large range picture of surrounding ADS-B equipped traffic.
Airborne Traffic Situational Awareness Evaluations: Early Results AZA557 +15 AFR6512 +11 AFR257 A320 M 312 +12 • Pilots interviewed: <<We are going in the good direction>>. • Safety increased thanks to improved onboard surveillance. • See & Avoid improved thanks to the contextual information. • Visual acquisition improved on final approach. • Flight efficiency and performance optimized thanks to a better anticipation of flight operations. • Passengers comfort increase thanks to smooth flight performance
ATSAW Operational Hazard Analysis 1. Operational Hazard List Enhanced See and Avoid : OH_S&A1 Loss of Enhanced See and Avoid. OH_S&A2 Untimely avoidance manoeuvre due to CDTI. OH_S&A3 Inadvertent Enhanced See and Avoid initiation. OH_S&A4 Possible continuation of Enhanced See and Avoid. Enhanced Successive Visual Approach on same runway : OHESVA1 ESVA application initiation failed. OHESVA2 Loss of ESVA application. OHESVA3 Infringement of separation by the trailer due to CDTI. OHESVA4 Continue to fly according to the clearance.
Enhanced Successive Visual Approach on same runway ATSAW Operational Hazard Analysis 1.1. Enhanced See and Avoid
ATSAW Operational Hazard Analysis 1.1.1. Exemple of of Operational Failure Scenario in Enhanced See and Avoid application OH_S&A2.Untimely avoidance manoeuvre due to CDTI. Display frozen or delayed. A conflicting a/c is present. The display of CDTI is frozen or delayed. The flight crew can not detect the conflicting a/c and will be misled to assess the traffic situation aided by CDTI. The ATC may also identify a conflicting situation and/or give traffic information. The flight crew will continue his flight plan. The flight crew may apply Rules of Air with delay after detection of the conflicting a/c by visual cross-acquisition, external traffic detection or TCAS alert. 1. The flight crew will continue his flight plan. 2. The ATC Controller may give Traffic information. 3. Possible infringe of separation. TCAS is operative and provides traffic advisories as necessary. Severity : 3 Significant reduction in safety margins. Significant increase in crew workload. Severity 4 with recommendations: Slight reduction in safety margins or aircraft functional capabilities.
ATSAW Operational Hazard Analysis RTCA/EUROCAE matrix
ATSAW Operational Hazard Analysis 1.2. Enhanced Successive Visual Approach on same runway
ATSAW Operational Hazard Analysis 1.2.1. Example of Operational Failure Scenario in ESVA application OHESVA3 Infringement of separation by the trailer due to CDTI. Misleading ADS-B data reception. The CDTI does not display the correct horizontal relative position of the target aircraft (misleading data reception, display). The flight crew is misled and may believe that the target is too far. The flight crew cross check between visual cues and misleading CDTI information, but it’s difficult to evaluate the relative distance. The flight crew may infringe separation minimum, to reduce target relative range. Visual minimum separation is ensured with target. 1. The flight crew will continue to fly according to the clearance. 1. The flight crew maintains visual contact with target. 2. No effect. 3. Possible loss of separation. TCAS is operative and provides traffic advisories as necessary. Severity : 3 Significant reduction in safety margins. Significant increase in crew workload. Severity 4 with recommendations: Slight reduction in safety margins or aircraft functional capabilities.
Example of OPA - Enhanced Visual Acquisition for See and Avoid FG(EVA - SA) • The EVA-SA application assists flight crews to perform see and avoid tasks. It is particularly designed for Class D to G airspace. • It aims support them to visually acquire threatening traffic prior to possible avoidance manoeuvres. • Application aims • . The main purpose of this application is to increase the likelihood to earlier visually acquire threatening traffic in order to avoid potential conflict situation • . and nevertheless a conflict occur, to increase the probability to solve the conflict • . and decrease the time of conflict resolution
Example of OPA - Enhanced Visual Acquisition for See and Avoid FG(EVA - SA) • In order to perform the OPA, it is provided a detailed description of each application. • This detailed description is performed via a modeling in which each application is described in terms of phases, sequences and actions. • The application is divided in four phases which are : • . Identification phase. • . Evaluation phase. • . Decision phase. • . Manoeuvre phase. • At each phase is associated the corresponding metric.
Example of OPA - Enhanced Visual Acquisition for See and Avoid FG(EVA - SA) • The application is characterise by two metrics : • The probability of failure of the application (Pp). • The global time to realise the application (T).
ASAS WHAT DOES IT MEAN OPERATIONALLY?On the way to ASAS...Airborne Traffic Situation Awareness, the first step CONCLUSIONS • Traffic situation understanding is a first necessity for crew before accepting any responsibility concerning surrounding traffic. • Airborne Separation Assistance System concept is based on delegation of manoeuvre to the crew. • On the way to ‘full’ separation delegation, several steps shall be considered and... ...AIRBORNE TRAFFIC SITUATION AWARENESS have to be considered as THE FIRST STEP !
This document and all information contained herein is the sole property of AIRBUS S.A.S. No intellectual property rights are granted by the delivery of this document or the disclosure of its content. This document shall not be reproduced or disclosed to a third party without the express written consent of AIRBUS S.A.S. This document and its content shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied. The statements made herein do not constitute an offer. They are based on the mentioned assumptions and are expressed in good faith. Where the supporting grounds for these statements are not shown, AIRBUS S.A.S. will be pleased to explain the basis thereof. AN EADS JOINT COMPANY WITH BAE SYSTEMS
ASAS WHAT DOES IT MEAN OPERATIONALLY?On the way to ASAS...Airborne Traffic Situation Awareness, the first step • What is existing in 2003 • Surveillance: • FANS 1/A ADS-C • Mode S Transponder with • Elementary & Enhanced Surveillance • 1090 ADS-B out Extended Squitters (DO260) • Surveillance functions needed, but not launched • Surveillance: • ADS-B out • update for DO260A MOPS compliance (XPDR) • ADS-B out mandate (1090 Ext Squitters) • GS & ASAS Package 1 applications: • ATSAW /CDTI, • Runway Incursion/occupancy detection & alerting • Spacing on Airbus:
ASAS WHAT DOES IT MEAN OPERATIONALLY?On the way to ASAS...Airborne Traffic Situation Awareness, the first step • What is missing for launch? • ADS-B out : Need and mandate to be decided by states : Market demand (Airlines) - • DO260A : worldwide agreement as first standard (ICAO process) • ASAS : Institutional & regulatory framework - Benefits assessment - Market for Industry: no business case Applis selection by ATS providers and Airlines for Benefits, P1 Applications harmonization, Steps for implementations SPR interop, standardisation Integration in current ATM procedures (gnd tools update) Transition phase management • Runway incursion: Where is the detection and alerting? Is Airport Nav Display needed ? • TIS-B : Role & real need of TIS-B to be clarified
ASAS WHAT DOES IT MEAN OPERATIONALLY?On the way to ASAS...Airborne Traffic Situation Awareness, the first step EVOLUTION Status Quo 2003-2005 Short Term Mid Term 2010 Long Term: 2015-2020 ENABLERS Mainly PSR and SSR Radar. Mode S Tracking. Initial downlink/CAP services. Cockpit aids for: - TCAS, - Terrain Awareness, - Weather Radar, PWS, Initial Multilateration on airports. Gnd Safetynet: MSAW, STCA, - Optimise current procedures - ADS-B out for Ground use (non radar) - Cockpit Situational Awareness - Spacing for current procedures optimisation (VMC & IMC) - Improved Aman (Gnd) - Ground Multilateration - On-board runway incursion alerts - STCA improvement - Increase ATM efficiency - ASAS procedures to reduce separations - Delegation of airborne separation tasks: cruise, approach, airport - Self separation (low density) Enhanced Mode S + 1090 Extended Squitters: ADS-B & CDTI ASAS applications: Traffic Computer, FMS, EIS, New ASAS procedures + CPDLC for full automation Multilateration for both airport and airborne use …………….Implementation of TIS-B