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LATIN ADJECTIVES. GENERAL PRINCIPLES. As in French, Latin adjectives can go before or after a noun. They more often go after the noun. Also as in French, the forms of adjectives change depending on whether the noun is singular or plural and on its gender.
GENERAL PRINCIPLES • As in French, Latin adjectives can go before or after a noun. They more often go after the noun. • Also as in French, the forms of adjectives change depending on whether the noun is singular or plural and on its gender. • Latin is a little more complicated because • There are three genders – masculine, feminine and neuter • Adjectives also change according to the grammatical role of the noun it goes with – e.g. the endings are different when the noun is the subject of a verb from when it is the object
ADJECTIVES IN -US, -A, -UM • These adjectives have masculine endings like servus, feminine ones like ancilla and neuter ones like tablīnum • So, the singularsubject endings are: Masc –us, Fem -a, Neut -um and the singular object endings are: Masc -um, Fem -am, Neut -um: • Look at these examples with puer, leō, umbrivir , liber (masculine). puella,rēgīna (feminine) and computātrum (neuter) • Puer malus puellam bonam pulsat. The bad boy hits the good girl[the boy is subject as he does the hitting, the girl is object as he gets hit! ] • Rēgīna bona leōnem ignāvum spectat. The good queen looks at a lazy lion. [the queen is subject as she does the looking, the lion is object as he gets looked at; leōnem has –em for the object ending but ignāvumkeeps –umas it is an–us, -a, -umadjective] • Computātrum insānum mē terret. The crazy computer frightens me [the computer is subject as it does the terrifying!] • Puella irāta computātrum stultum pulsat. An angry girl hits a stupid computer. [the girl does the hitting, the computer gets hit – notice the neuter keeps the same form whether it is subject or object] • Umbrivir insānus librum magnum tenet. A crazy gweilo is holding a big book. [the gweilo does the holding, the book gets held]
ADJECTIVES IN -US, -A, -UM (PLURAL) • The pluralsubject endings are: Masc –ī, Fem -ae, Neut -a and the plural object endings are: Masc -ōs, Fem -ās, Neut -a: • Look at these sentences with the same nouns in the plural: • Puerī malī puellās bonās pulsant. The bad boys hit the good girls[the boys are subject as they do the hitting, the girls are object as they get hit! ] • Rēgīnae bonae leōnēs ignāvōs spectant. The good queens look at lazy lions. [the queens are subject as they do the looking, the lions are object as they get looked at; leōnēs has –ēs for the object ending but ignāvōskeeps –ōsas it is an–us, -a, -umadjective] • Computātra insāna mē terrent. The crazy computers frighten me [the computer is subject as it does the terrifying!] • Puellae irātae computātra stulta pulsant. Angry girls hit stupid computers. [the girls do the hitting, the computers get hit – notice the neuter keeps the same form whether it is subject or object] • Umbrivirī insānī librōs magnōs tenent. Crazy gweilos are holding big books. [the gweilos do the holding, the books get held]
THE –ER VARIATION • A few adjectives (like a few nouns in the 2nd. Declension) have a Masculine Nominative singular ending -er instead of –us: • miser (miserable, wretched) līber (free) • sacer (sacred) pulcher (beautiful) • All the other forms of such adjectives (i.e. the other masculine cases and all of the Feminine and Neuter ones) add the normal endings after the r, with the preceding e sometimes retained and sometimes dropped: • (keeping e): miser, misera, miserum • līber, lībera, līberum • (dropping e): sacer, sacra, sacrum • pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum
Now answer each question and check your answer with the following slide • What form of bonus goes with a feminine plural object? • ?
What form of bonus goes with a feminine plural object? • bonās
What form of bonus goes with a masculine singular subject? • ?
What form of bonus goes with a masculine singular subject? • bonus
What form of bonus goes with a feminine singular subject? • ?
What form of bonus goes with a feminine singular subject? • bona
What form of bonus goes with a neuter singular subject? • bonum
What form of bonus goes with a masculine singular object? • ?
What form of bonus goes with a masculine singular object? • bonum
What form of bonus goes with a feminine singular object? • ?
What form of bonus goes with a feminine singular object? • bonam
What form of bonus goes with a neuter singular object? • bonum
What form of bonus goes with a masculine plural subject? • ?
What form of bonus goes with a masculine plural subject? • bonī
What form of bonus goes with a feminine plural subject? • bonae
What form of bonus goes with a neuter plural subject? • bona
What form of bonus goes with a masculine plural object? • bonōs
What form of bonus goes with a feminine plural object? • bonās
Now choose an adjective from the list to go in each of the blanks in the sentences • magnus (big), stultās (foolish), probae (honest), parva (small), īnsānōs (crazy), Graecī (Greek), album (white), mea (my) • Puella ________ cēnam coquit. • Leō _________ in hortō ambulat. (leō is masculine) • Caecilius mercātōrēs _________ salūtat. (mercātōrēs, m.) • Librum _______ in mēnsam pōnō. (liber, m.) • Puerī ________ theātrum spectant. • Pōcula ________ sunt in cubiculō. (pōculum, n.) • Rēgīnās ________ nōn amāmus (rēgīnā = queen) • Fēminae _________ Quīntum dēlectant.
Now choose an adjective from the list to go in each of the blanks in the sentences magnus (big), stultās (foolish), probae (honest), parva (small), īnsānōs (crazy), Graecī (Greek), album (white), mea (my) Puella __parva/mea__ cēnam coquit. Leō _________ in hortō ambulat. (leō is masculine) Caecilius mercātōrēs _________ salūtat. (mercātōrēs, m.) Librum _______ in mēnsam pōnō. (liber, m.) Puerī ________ theātrum spectant. Pōcula ________ sunt in cubiculō. (pōculum, n.) Rēgīnās ________ nōn amāmus (rēgīnā = queen) Fēminae _________ Quīntum dēlectant.
Now choose an adjective from the list to go in each of the blanks in the sentences magnus (big), stultās (foolish), probae (honest), parva (small), īnsānōs (crazy), Graecī (Greek), album (white), mea (my) Puella __parva/mea__ cēnam coquit. Leō ___magnus_ in hortō ambulat. (leō is masculine) Caecilius mercātōrēs _________ salūtat. (mercātōrēs, m.) Librum _______ in mēnsam pōnō. (liber, m.) Puerī ________ theātrum spectant. Pōcula ________ sunt in cubiculō. (pōculum, n.) Rēgīnās ________ nōn amāmus (rēgīnā = queen) Fēminae _________ Quīntum dēlectant.
Now choose an adjective from the list to go in each of the blanks in the sentences magnus (big), stultās (foolish), probae (honest), parva (small), īnsānōs (crazy), Graecī (Greek), album (white), mea (my) Puella __parva/mea__ cēnam coquit. Leō __magnus__ in hortō ambulat. (leō is masculine) Caecilius mercātōrēs _ īnsānōs_ salūtat. (mercātōrēs, m.) Librum _______ in mēnsam pōnō. (liber, m.) Puerī ________ theātrum spectant. Pōcula ________ sunt in cubiculō. (pōculum, n.) Rēgīnās ________ nōn amāmus (rēgīnā = queen) Fēminae _________ Quīntum dēlectant.
Now choose an adjective from the list to go in each of the blanks in the sentences • magnus (big), stultās (foolish), probae (honest), parva (small), īnsānōs (crazy), Graecī (Greek), album (white), mea (my) • Puella __ parva/mea _ cēnam coquit. • Leō _ magnus _ in hortō ambulat. (leō is masculine) • Caecilius mercātōrēs īnsānōs salūtat. (mercātōrēs, m.) • Librum _album_ in mēnsam pōnō.. (liber, m.) • Puerī ______ theātrum spectant. • Pōcula _________ sunt in cubiculō (pōculum, n.) • Rēgīnās ________ nōn amāmus (rēgīnā = queen) • Fēminae _________ Quīntum dēlectant.
Now choose an adjective from the list to go in each of the blanks in the sentences magnus (big), stultās (foolish), probae (honest), parva (small), īnsānōs (crazy), Graecī (Greek), album (white), mea (my) Puella __ parva/mea _ cēnam coquit. Leō _ magnus _ in hortō ambulat. (leō is masculine) Caecilius mercātōrēs īnsānōs salūtat. (mercātōrēs, m.) Librum _album_ in mēnsam pōnō.. (liber, m.) Puerī _Graecī _ theātrum spectant. Pōcula _________ sunt in cubiculō (pōculum, n.) Rēgīnās _________ nōn amāmus (rēgīnā = queen) Fēminae __________ Quīntum dēlectant.
Now choose an adjective from the list to go in each of the blanks in the sentences magnus (big), stultās (foolish), probae (honest), parva (small), īnsānōs (crazy), Graecī (Greek), album (white), mea (my) Puella __ parva/mea _ cēnam coquit. Leō _ magnus _ in hortō ambulat. (leō is masculine) Caecilius mercātōrēs īnsānōs salūtat. (mercātōrēs, m.) Librum _album_ in mēnsam pōnō.. (liber, m.) Puerī _Graecī _ theātrum spectant. Pōcula _parva/mea_ sunt in cubiculō (pōculum, n.) Rēgīnās ________ nōn amāmus (rēgīnā = queen) Fēminae ________ Quīntum dēlectant.
Now choose an adjective from the list to go in each of the blanks in the sentences magnus (big), stultās (foolish), probae (honest), parva (small), īnsānōs (crazy), Graecī (Greek), album (white), mea (my) Puella __ parva/mea _ cēnam coquit. Leō _ magnus _ in hortō ambulat. (leō is masculine) Caecilius mercātōrēs īnsānōs salūtat. (mercātōrēs, m.) Librum _album_ in mēnsam pōnō.. (liber, m.) Puerī _Graecī _ theātrum spectant. Pōcula _parva/mea_ sunt in cubiculō (pōculum, n.) Rēgīnās _ stultās _ nōn amāmus (rēgīnā = queen) Fēminae __________ Quīntum dēlectant.
Now choose an adjective from the list to go in each of the blanks in the sentences magnus (big), stultās (foolish), probae (honest), parva (small), īnsānōs (crazy), Graecī (Greek), album (white), mea (my) Puella __ parva/mea _ cēnam coquit. Leō _ magnus _ in hortō ambulat. (leō is masculine) Caecilius mercātōrēs īnsānōs salūtat. (mercātōrēs, m.) Librum _album_ in mēnsam pōnō.. (liber, m.) Puerī _Graecī _ theātrum spectant. Pōcula _parva/mea_ sunt in cubiculō (pōculum, n.) Rēgīnās _ stultās _ nōn amāmus (rēgīnā = queen) Fēminae __probae_ Quīntum dēlectant.
ADJECTIVES IN -US, -A, -UMGENITIVE, DATIVE, ABLATIVE • The singularGenitive (possessive) endings are: Masc –ī, Fem -ae, Neut -ī, the singular Dative (indirect object) endings are: Masc -ō, Fem -ae, Neuter –ō, and the singular Ablative endings: Masc -ō, Fem -ā, Neuter –ō • Look at these examples with puer, leō, umbrivir , liber (masculine). puella,rēgīna (feminine), computātrum (neuter) and amīcus (masculine) • Puer puellae bonae pecūniam dat. The boy gives the good girlmoney • Rēgīna leōnī ignāvō cibum dat. The queen gives food to a lazy lion. [the ending onignāvō is not the same as on leōnībecause the adjective and the noun belong to different declensions, but the gender and case are the same (masculine Dative singular). • Liber puerī insānī est in mēnsā. The crazy boy’s book is on the table • Ubi est computātrum puellae irātae?Where is the angry girl’s computer? • Servus rēgīnae ignāvae librum rēgis probī tenet. The slave of the lazy queen is holding the honest king’s book. • Cum amīcō cārō ambulō. I am walking with a dear friend.
ADJECTIVES IN -US, -A, -UMGENITIVE, DATIVE, ABLATIVE (PLURAL) The plural Genitive endings: Masc –ōrum, Fem -ārum, Neut - ōrum and the plural Dative and Ablative ending is -īs for all genders Look at these examples with puer, leō, umbrivir , liber (masculine). puella,rēgīna (feminine) and computātrum (neuter) Puer puellīs bonīs pecūniam dat. The boy gives the good girlsmoney Rēgīna leōnibus ignāvīs cibum dat. The queen gives food to the lazy lions. [the ending onignāvīs is not the same as on leōnibus because the adjective and the noun belong to different declensions, but the gender and case are the same (masculine Dative singular). Liberī puerōrum insānōrum sunt in mēnsā. The crazy boy’s books are on the table Ubi sunt computātra puellārum irātārum?Where are the angry girls’ computers? Servī rēgīnārum ignāvārum librōs rēgum probōrum tenent. The slaves of the lazy queens are holding the honest kings’ books. Amīcī mīlitum probōrum sunt in vīllā. The friends of the honest soldiers are in the villa. Marcus cum puellīs pulchrīs lūdit. Marcus is playing with the beautiful girls
Now choose an adjective from the list to go in each of the blanks in the sentences magnīs (big), stultae (foolish), probōrum (honest), parvō (small), insānī (crazy), Graecō (Greek), albīs (white), meōrum (my) Puellae ________ pecūniam nōn dō. Leōnibus _________ nōn crēdimus. Caecilius verba mercātōrum _________ audit. (mercātōr,, m.) Fēlibus _______ aquam dare necesse est. Fābula dominī ________ mē minimē dēlectat Servō ________ ancilla nōn placet. Canī ________ cibum dedī (canis, m.) Vīdistīne librōs amīcorum_________ ?
Now choose an adjective from the list to go in each of the blanks in the sentences magnīs (big), stultae (foolish), probōrum (honest), parvō (small), insānī (crazy), Graecō (Greek), albīs (white), meōrum (my) Puellae __stultae____ pecūniam nōn dō. Leōnibus ______________________ nōn crēdimus. Caecilius verba mercātōrum ______________________ audit. (mercātōr, m.) Fēlibus _________________ aquam dare necesse est. Fābula dominī _________ mē minimē dēlectat Servō _________________ ancilla nōn placet. Canī ___________________ cibum dedī (canis, m.) Vīdistīne librōs amīcorum_______________________ ?
Now choose an adjective from the list to go in each of the blanks in the sentences magnīs (big), stultae (foolish), probōrum (honest), parvō (small), insānī (crazy), Graecō (Greek), albīs (white), meōrum (my) Puellae __stultae____ pecūniam nōn dō. Leōnibus __ magnīs/ albīs _______ nōn crēdimus. Caecilius verba mercātōrum ______________________ audit. (mercātōr, m.) Fēlibus _________________ aquam dare necesse est. Fābula dominī _________ mē minimē dēlectat Servō _________________ ancilla nōn placet. Canī ___________________ cibum dedī (canis, m.) Vīdistīne librōs amīcorum_______________________ ?
Now choose an adjective from the list to go in each of the blanks in the sentences magnīs (big), stultae (foolish), probōrum (honest), parvō (small), insānī (crazy), Graecō (Greek), albīs (white), meōrum (my) Puellae __stultae____ pecūniam nōn dō. Leōnibus __ magnīs/ albīs _______ nōn crēdimus. Caecilius verba mercātōrum ___ probōrum/ meōrum _ audit. (mercātōr, m.) Fēlibus _________________ aquam dare necesse est. Fābula dominī _________ mē minimē dēlectat Servō _________________ ancilla nōn placet. Canī ___________________ cibum dedī (canis, m.) Vīdistīne librōs amīcorum_______________________ ?
Now choose an adjective from the list to go in each of the blanks in the sentences magnīs (big), stultae (foolish), probōrum (honest), parvō (small), insānī (crazy), Graecō (Greek), albīs (white), meōrum (my) Puellae __stultae____ pecūniam nōn dō. Leōnibus __ magnīs/ albīs _______ nōn crēdimus. Caecilius verba mercātōrum ___ probōrum/ meōrum _ audit. (mercātōr, m.) Fēlibus __ magnīs/ albīs __ aquam dare necesse est. Fābula dominī _________ mē minimē dēlectat Servō _________________ ancilla nōn placet. Canī ___________________ cibum dedī (canis, m.) Vīdistīne librōs amīcorum_______________________ ?
Now choose an adjective from the list to go in each of the blanks in the sentences magnīs (big), stultae (foolish), probōrum (honest), parvō (small), insānī (crazy), Graecō (Greek), albīs (white), meōrum (my) Puellae __stultae____ pecūniam nōn dō. Leōnibus __ magnīs/ albīs _______ nōn crēdimus. Caecilius verba mercātōrum ___ probōrum/ meōrum _ audit. (mercātōr, m.) Fēlibus __ magnīs/ albīs __ aquam dare necesse est. Fābula dominī __ insānī _ mē minimē dēlectat Servō _________________ ancilla nōn placet. Canī ___________________ cibum dedī (canis, m.) Vīdistīne librōs amīcorum_______________________ ?
Now choose an adjective from the list to go in each of the blanks in the sentences magnīs (big), stultae (foolish), probōrum (honest), parvō (small), insānī (crazy), Graecō (Greek), albīs (white), meōrum (my) Puellae __stultae____ pecūniam nōn dō. Leōnibus __ magnīs/ albīs _______ nōn crēdimus. Caecilius verba mercātōrum ___ probōrum/ meōrum _ audit. (mercātōr, m.) Fēlibus __ magnīs/ albīs __ aquam dare necesse est. Fābula dominī __ insānī _ mē minimē dēlectat Servō __ parvō/ Graecō _ ancilla nōn placet. Canī ___________________ cibum dedī (canis, m.) Vīdistīne librōs amīcorum_______________________ ?
Now choose an adjective from the list to go in each of the blanks in the sentences magnīs (big), stultae (foolish), probōrum (honest), parvō (small), insānī (crazy), Graecō (Greek), albīs (white), meōrum (white) Puellae __stultae____ pecūniam nōn dō. Leōnibus __ magnīs/ albīs _______ nōn crēdimus. Caecilius verba mercātōrum ___ probōrum/ meōrum _ audit. (mercātōr, m.) Fēlibus __ magnīs/ albīs __ aquam dare necesse est. Fābula dominī __ insānī _ mē minimē dēlectat Servō __ parvō/ Graecō _ ancilla nōn placet. Canī ___ parvō/ Graecō __ cibum dedī (canis, m.) Vīdistīne librōs amīcorum_______________________ ?