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Cloud- Radiative Driving of the Madden-Julian Oscillation as Seen by the A-Train. Tony Del Genio Yonghua Chen , CloudSat /CALIPSO Meeting, 11/3/14. The MJO: Many independent studies that agree High-quality obs The models are t errible They haven’t gotten b etter in a decade.
Cloud-Radiative Driving of the Madden-Julian Oscillationas Seen by the A-Train Tony Del Genio Yonghua Chen , CloudSat/CALIPSO Meeting, 11/3/14
The MJO: • Many independent • studies that agree • High-quality obs • The models are • terrible • They haven’t gotten • better in a decade (Flato et al. 2014, IPCC AR5 WG1, Chapter 9)
What makes the MJO? (from Adam Sobel’s 2013 EUCLIPSE lecture) Let h = moist static energy = cpT + gz + Lq (vertically integrated) S = sources and sinks of h (advection, surface fluxes, radiation) So dh/dt = S; this is called a “moisture mode” (depends on sensitivity of convection to moisture) (depends on correlation of radiative heating or surface evaporation with precip)
ECMWF-AUX inputs into FLXHR-LIDAR heating appear to be reasonable for MJO anomalies
OLR a good proxy for net heating anomaly; largest in Indian Ocean and ~5 days in advance of MJO peak
s peak time Maximum radiative heating anomaly occurs before MJO peak, but positive anomalies continue long after precipitationreturns to normal
SW anomaly mostly opposes LW, but both stabilize onset region
FLXHR-LIDAR minus FLXHR heating differences vs. MJO phase – thin cirrus matter to onset phase
ISCCP-TMI (no MJO) • Magnitude of observed OLR, rain anomalies comparable to that in good MJO models for 2009 YOTC Event E hindcast • Strong OLR’-P’ correlation supports idea of cloud-radiative driving of MJO (good MJO)
Summary • GEOPROF-LIDAR convection depth vs. AMSR-E CWV appears to be a good metric for GCM cumulus parameterizations; consistent with moisture mode ideas about MJO eastward propagation • OLR a good proxy for total column radiative heating anomaly, but SW absorption affects the profile and reinforces upper level heating near MJO onset • Cirrus heating also appears to play a role before MJO onset (Kelvin waves?) • Cloud-radiative feedback likely to be the driver of the MJO; well correlated with precipitation anomalies, though cloud anomalies persist as rain decreases • It is now possible for GCMs to make MJOs, and even perhaps for the right reason