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Debra Jacobson GWU Law School MWCOG Air Quality Town Hall Meeting Oct. 19, 2006

Promoting Clean Air with Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. Debra Jacobson GWU Law School MWCOG Air Quality Town Hall Meeting Oct. 19, 2006. OVERVIEW. The energy-clean air nexus What can we do in the energy arena? Near-term opportunities State Clean Air Interstate Rules

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Debra Jacobson GWU Law School MWCOG Air Quality Town Hall Meeting Oct. 19, 2006

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  1. Promoting Clean Air with Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Debra JacobsonGWU Law School MWCOG Air Quality Town Hall Meeting Oct. 19, 2006

  2. OVERVIEW • The energy-clean air nexus • What can we do in the energy arena? • Near-term opportunities • State Clean Air Interstate Rules • EERE measures in ozone SIP • Longer-term opportunities • EERE measures in PM 2.5 SIP • EERE and climate policy

  3. ENERGY & AIR QUALITY 100% 98% 97% 80% 91% 85% 60% 5 2% 40% 20% 0% VOC CO2 SO2 NOx CO Percent of U.S. Emissions from Fossil Fuel Use Source: 1996 EPA Emissions Trends Report and EIA Emissions of Green House Gases in the U.S.

  4. WHAT CAN WE DO? • Increase energy efficiency and substitute cleaner sources of energy in: • Electric generation; • Buildings; • Transportation; and • Industrial uses.

  5. NEAR-TERM OPPORTUNITIES • “Window of opportunity” in next six months: • Development of State Clean Air Interstate Rules to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy (EERE); • Development of State Implementation Plans (SIPs) to address the 8-hour ozone standard.

  6. NEAR-TERM OPPORTUNITIES • State Clean Air Interstate Rules: • Allocation of nitrogen oxide (NOx) allowances to spur EERE projects is key; • Different status in 3 jurisdictions: • VA • Combined new source/EERE set-aside of 5% of NOx allowances • Final rule expected by December 2006 • DC & MD - Internal deliberations ongoing

  7. NEAR-TERM OPPORTUNITIES • EERE measures in 8-hour ozone SIP – measures under consideration: • Increased wind energy purchases; • Retrofit of traffic signals with LED lights; • DC and MD Renewable Portfolio Standards; • Energy performance contracting; and • Building energy codes & green building standards.

  8. LONGER-TERM OPPORTUNITIES • Inclusion of EERE measures in SIP to meet the fine particulate standard (PM 2.5) • Allocation of allowances to EERE in any greenhouse gas emissions trading program.

  9. CONTACT INFORMATION • Debra Jacobson • The George Washington University Law School djacobson@law.gwu.edu • DJ Consulting LLC djconsultingllc@earthlink.net

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